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Eddy Lepp's Raid


Original Editor of ICMagazine
A word from our friend Hypserseth... who was on the scene at the time, here is his first hand report...


One week ago my home was raided by criminals from the
several American Law Enforcement Agencies.

Men with assualt rifles might have been shouting
"federal agent," men with handguns might have been
shouting "police," men cutting down plants might have
been shouting "D-E-A."
In what would later prove to be little more than an
orgy of insecurity and confusion; one man was
arrested, thirteen were detained for public
intoxication, dozens of non-resident volunteers were
sent walking away from the property without their
belongings along highway 20, and several children were
driven away from their home and family.

There is no decency to be found in the raiding party
fed on embarressment and miseducation. There is no
cause that could justify waking children with assault
weaponry. Volunteer patients were handcuffed and held
for "public intoxication," human rights were violated,
misinformation was served by authorities.

Medicine was stolen from the homes of patients,
property was lost and money has gone missing. Fields
of medicinal cannabis were destroyed by overzealous
eradication forces in an effort to cripple and
terrorize the Cannabis Sufferer's Civil Rights
Movement. Irresponsible mercenaries failed to secure
their payload during transport, scattering hundreds of
pounds of fresh green marijuana to be discovered along
miles of highway to be discovered by unsuspecting

No amount of restitution will calm the stress or ease
the trauma from bearing witness to such blatant crimes
against humanity.

The true beauty of Medical Cannabis is not to be found
in view of fields of medication or the powerful public
demonstrations, the soul of this movement is not
coated in gold and wrapped in cash.
What is and will always be wonderful is to see and
understand how deeply connected this community is.
What amazes me is how far others will go to help one
another, this is what will never die.
We have all seen crops fail in the hands of pirates
and thieves, as a people we have become surrounded by
death and suffering in love and family.

To us the end is not when an industry seeks to profit
from our demise. Our end will not be when men are
contracted to destroy our health care and invade our
homes. What we fear will not be the face of a gun
toting over paid terrorist. The children will not be
raised to cower in the shadow of an unprovoked enemy.

It is not from the perspective of a victim that I will
write my account of what transpired on the morning of
August the 18th 2004, but from the eyes of the
belligerent convalescent. Powerless authority shall
not shape my words.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
More details from Hyperseth about the raid...

More details from Hyperseth about the raid...

Crimes Against Humanity - by Hyperseth

On the morning of August the 18th 2004, at approximately half past seven, four dogs were stirred from there rest as Eddy made his way to the door. I heard him say that there were government agents with heavey weaponry approaching the house.

I went to my bedroom and grabbed an extra pair of pants and made my way into the kitchen to kneel on the ground between two cabinets.
An armored government employee with a lighted handgun made his way through the kitchen patio door and aimed his weapon towards my upper body. I was asked if there were others with me, and I replied that I could not confirm where people were and were not at the time. I was led outside, asked about grabbing my boots, was told to quit fucking around, and to lie on the gorund outside the kitchen door.

Another patient volunteer yelled a warning to the employee tending to my person that I am very ill and couldn't respond like a healthy citizen.
I made my way slowly to the ground while trying to hush the loudmouth and making a small joke about diarrhea to the confused and frightening employee who was waiting for me to find my way to the ground.

Immeadiatly after lying crooked on my back with my knees bent I began to whistle softly, quickly enough two of the dogs were withing arms reach of me, I held on to the collar of each dog with seperate hands in order to keep them from running around and causing trouble.

There was a larger group of people closer to the driveway, I was in an area away from the main group at this time. The raid carried on until all parts of the property had been "cleared" and all of the people had been gathered on the ground in front of the driveway.

At this time I was asked if I could move to the main group. I let go of the two dogs and carefully stood up, then slowy walked to the center of the group.
I came to lie on the pants I was carrying while a couple of loudmouths yammered on at the government employees controlling the crowd. I joked to Jason that "Maybe we'll be getting hot showers today" and ignored the noise from that point on.

One volunteer was seperated from the group, several were handcuffed. After some time I was asked to take the chair of that the oldest volunteer was sitting in, probably somewhat due to the pathetic nature of my appearence. I began to stand up, was offered help, took the arm of a government employee and was asked if I was carrying any weapons etc. I raised my arms and was quickly patted down and led to the chair. I sat down. I might have been asked if I required medical attention at this time, I was asked this question several times. My reply to this was "Not yet."

I put the pants I was carrying on over the other two pairs of pants I was wearing at the time.
I sat in this chair while a handful of government employees taught themselves how to operate a digital still camera. People were beginning to be identified.

I was in a row of approximately fourteen adults and two small children. Twelve before me were made to hold up a number and be photographed. This was stopped right before me.
They were told to walk away from the site and to come back for their belongings and vehicles when there was no more "marijuana" in sight.
I was asked for identification, I replied that I had a California ID in my wallet in a jacket inside my bedroom.
After some time I was then led inside to retrieve my identification. A government employee led me through the kitchen door and into the bathroom to where my luggage was placed. I pointed towards the jacket, the jacket was cleared. I asked about my boots and handed them to the employee, making small talk about the item. The boots were cleared and I was asked for my identification. I pointed out my wallet on the floor and was led to urinate, then led back outside.

After sitting in the chair in the sun I was photographed and labeled thirteen, tot he best of my knowledge.

After sitting in the sun I was led to the shade and given a bottle of cool water with a woman and her two small children.
She was told to go walking down the highway with what I remember to be an infant female and a male toddler.
At this time I may have been asked if I was in need of medical attention. I was told that I could be arrested and taken to a hospitol or driven to town and abandoned at a restruant. I refused the option of being taken to town and explained that I was being taken from my home and the food I must eat because of my special diet.
After some time I overheard government employees speaking of Erica's three children's Grandfather coming to pick up the children. I asked if it would be possible to leave with this group of children.
I was soon led to the steps where the group of handcuffed volunteers and told that it would not be possible to lead me to a restroom.
A yammering volunteer provoked a government employee, the employee began to explain to us that there were other medications aside from cannabis. The loudmouth explained that the issue was between patients and doctors and then he was quieted.
I was asked some basic questions, and then more waiting for a bathroom.

Eventually Eddy was led out of the house and sat in the center of the group. I explained to him that they were talking about taking me to a hospitol.
Soon the grandfather came to pick up the three children, I asked about getting food from my room, then I was led away with the children.




I'm in shock...the front page of ICMag.com was the first I have heard of the raid and my heart skipped a beat. I'm in total disbelief that this has happened again, I really thought that progress was being made...that things were different now and Medical MJ patients were beginning to be treated with care and respect..

This really saddens me...a huge blow to the patients and volunteers at Eddy's magical farm. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of them, and I sincerely hope that they can all find their medication in these troubled times.

So sad...:(

peace n' love (..I'm begging)


Bakin in da Sun
IM apalled, disgusted, and speachless.

Heres in hoppe that God's light will illuminate sunnier pastures for you.


Bubblegum Specialist
"Oh GOD" is there anybody out there?

"Oh GOD" is there anybody out there?

Injustices of this oppressive and corrupt gov't are not at all unlike all the rest of the civil rights abuses perpetrated by so many corrupt and evil gov't throughout history.

I thought this sort of barbaric behavior was over in California too but the hypocritical Republicans see their shabby reign coming to its end. Like at the end of the lost Viet Nam war when they chose to uselessly bomb civilians in Hanoi just for spite. :mad:

It makes us mad but there will be justice some day for those oppressed by others for their beliefs and lifestyles. The fear mongers fear gays and stoners but in reality all they have to fear is their fear itself. We are no threat to anyone trying to tend our gardens.

One step forward, 2 steps backward but although we never learn we will evolve. :alien:

Oh GOD...when can we be free? Where can we go to grow our beloved herb? Why must we be persecuted for eternity? What did we ever do? BOG


I have a dream...

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