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eco bulbs


Active member
I just bought some eco bulbs today to try and save money on my electricity bill but the bulbs come in these huge plastic casings that aren't bio degradable at all. also, the bulbs contain mercury and they were shipped from china so how much energy was wasted just shipping them? and how 'eco' friendly are these bulbs? my opinion is not very much at all. its just a way for people to feel like there doing something but in reality if were going to save the environment we need to to do more than just change our light bulbs out and considering there is so much non bio degradable waste that comes along with these bulbs i wonder what the point is anyway. if you want to save money thats one thing, but these things aren't 'eco' friendly at all. just like the rest of the green movement. people are just looking for slightly better ways to maintain there 'perfect' way of life rather than making actual sacrifices that would do something. and corporations try and sell us all this 'green', eco friendly stuff even though its not eco friendly at all. just like diet coke isn't going to help your diet, eco bulbs aren't going to save the environment. neither will new shower heads, hybirds, and all this other crap they've come out with.
anyway ill quit ranting now.
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~Resident Puck Bunny~
I think the "eco" part of it is that you get the same amount of light using less wattage, thus less energy. Seems like a good idea to me, I use em. The packaging doesn't make the actual bulbs less of a good idea. Maybe in this case "eco" means economical?


could it be.....economic bulbs. As you said, you bought them to save money.


Active member
KharmaGirl said:
I think the "eco" part of it is that you get the same amount of light using less wattage, thus less energy. Seems like a good idea to me, I use em. The packaging doesn't make the actual bulbs less of a good idea. Maybe in this case "eco" means economical?
Yeah, I know what the bulbs do but if they are trying to be more eco-friendly and conscious don't you think they should package the bulbs in a more eco friendly manner? After all, waste caused by plastic is one of the biggest environmental problems we have today. as is the amount of energy we all use. I just don't get it. We're trying to help the environment one way by cutting down on the amount of energy we use, but we'll fuck the environment over in another way by putting the bulbs in these huge clunky plastic casings that aren't bio degradable at all.

also, today i was drinking a deer park (i am normally against bottled water to) at work and they've even joined the 'green' movement because they've shaved 30% of the plastics off the new bottles but still how in the hell are bottling companies going to call themselves 'green' when millions and millions of these bottles are trashed every year and they waste tons and tons of water. they aren't green at all. they just want consumers to think they are more green so people will keep buying their product. but its all a sham.

and eco- doesn't stand for economy. the packaging says 'earth friendly eco-saving light bulbs' spelled in green and with a huge picture of planet earth next to it. along with 'better for the environment' written a long the bottom.
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~Resident Puck Bunny~
"Eco-savings" = Economical savings. As for the plastic, it's recyclable where I am, just like water bottles. The ones I buy don't come in plastic tho. You can't deny the bulbs themselves aren't a good idea. That manufaturer just messed up a bit on the packaging.
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Active member
KharmaGirl said:
"Eco-savings" = Economical savings .

Do you mean CFL's when people mention "eco-bulbs" ?

I don't care about any environmental baloney talk, but CFL's aren't economical for me at least. They cost way more than regular bulbs and they seem to break pretty easy. With all of the CFL's that I've bought and broke (used in the grow cabinet), I could've gotten an extra HPS for the same amount of money.

:joint: :wave:


Active member
KharmaGirl said:
"Eco-savings" = Economical savings. As for the plastic, it's recyclable where I am, just like water bottles. The ones I buy don't come in plastic tho. You can't deny the bulbs themselves aren't a good idea. That manufaturer just messed up a bit on the packaging.
No, the packaging doesn't say 'eco savings' its says eco friendly as in environment with a huge picture of planet earth next to it. not a picture of someone saving money. And you might recycle but only about 5% of all plastics are actually recycled, and after recycled a lot of the secondary products the plastic is used for isn't recycliable so it ends up in land fills and the ocean anyway. plus huge amounts of energy are used to recycle products.
hell the whole recycling movement is a sham just like this 'green' movement is. these corporations don't give a shit about the environment. like i said, they just want consumers to think they do so they'll keep making profits.

the light bulbs are a good idea, i just don't like how the advertise them as or package them. they aren't environmentally friendly. yeah i save money but i just don't feel like i am saving the enviroment by using slightly less energy. plus theres so much waste associated with these light bulbs (plastic packaging, they contain mercury) it just evens out the good the bulbs do.
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Active member
Here is a picture of the packaging... you tell me if you think their talking about the economy... or the environment... cept the ones i bought came 3 to a package so it was much bigger. as you can tell it says 'better for the enviroment..' and 'earth saving light bulb...' i think its pretty clear what there trying to sell this as.

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~Resident Puck Bunny~
RudolfTheRed said:
the packaging says 'earth friendly eco-saving light bulbs' and with a huge picture of planet earth next to it.

Just was replying to what you wrote.....

It would seem the packaging and advertising are a seprate issue than whether or not the bulbs are a good idea. Just because something has bad advertising or packaging doesn't mean the product itself is bad.
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Active member
Um, yeah if you want to save money i agree the bulb is a great idea especially for someone like me who lives on a shoe string budget as it is. however, i wouldn't call the bulb 'earth saving' or even 'eco-friendly' thats all I am saying. there is waste associated with the bulb (like mercury) as with the packaging that just out weighs any good i see the bulb doing.


Smokes, lets go
I agree rudolph I was looking at the supposed "earth saving" toliet paper I use and the only thing earth saving about it is it's %35 percent recycled material....

If it was 99% recycled material I think it may be earth-helping toilet paper, but to call something earth saving would be a very large claim, in order "to save the earth" we need to cut down on emissions from cars... not eliminate paper usage, everyone knows you could make twice as much toliet paper from an acre of hemp than you could from two acres of trees, but that is old news and no one seems to care...


I gots some of those in my veg cab... they put out a lot light less heat and use up less electric ,,, pretty eco if you ask me


Registered Cannabis User
dude, come on. you're saving 56 bucks on your electricity bills if you use them all around... what's the problem? changing your mind about saving money on electricity because the packaging your bulb may not be ecofriendly seems a little redicuous to me. your a cool guy from the posts I've seen you put up, but this is a little out there brother... its made to help you save money and use less electricity. I'm pretty sure that is what's supposed to be ecofriendly about it. recycle the packaging if you're so worried about it.
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I see what you mean

I see what you mean

His point isn't about the bulbs not saving money when used. His point is that the bulbs claim to be eco-friendly (and when used, in that sense, they are friendlier than normal bulbs) but the way they are made (still contain mercury) and packaged (not bio-degradable or made from recycled plastic) do not fit entirely fit in with the message or marketing ploy that the maker of these bulbs want you to believe. I agree that if they were truly being 100% eco-conscious, they wouldn't be producing even more waste and trash with their packaging or bulbs. The fact that they save money isn't the point, it's sort of an irony/hypocritical thing. They trumpet these bulbs as environment savers and such but they are packaged in and made of things that are not friendly by any means. I get it and I agree, however, you won't really find anything different on the market and all the advertisers have latched on to buzz-words and hype since all this "green energy" stuff became more mainstream. They save money and don't waste as much energy so in the long run, they do some good. I use them throughout my house and I've noticed quite a difference in my bill (at least a good $20-30.) Also, the claims made regarding these bulbs are somewhat misleading in the sense that you won't automatically save exactly $56 by just using this one bulb. That is, I believe, it's maximum potential. It all really depends on how much you use the lights in your house and how much you leave them on when you don't need them.
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ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Spent CFL bulbs are also hazardous household waste so make sure you dispose of em properly or the green part of the deal goes right out the window.
Mercury or sumtin in em..

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