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DIY Vertical Cooler System

haha I totally agree, girls can definitely do DIY! infact, they're probably smarter about it.

However, I am a man! lolol. -- DrCaligari came from a 1920's film 'The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari'


Active member
Is "t" for tag? ^^

KingRalph, could use some words of wisdom in regards to the res temp issue - or if it was an issue? (post #275)

ended up having issues with my marineland pump (475 gph) wasn't getting enough pressure to all 4 columns -- therefore I didn't even waste time testing out my mag drive 350 gph. I just grabbed a Mag drive model 7 (700gph) hopefully that'll do the trick.

Please update on that 700 gph pump when you can.:tiphat:

Mornin FlaDankster,

I'm learning every lesson the hard way. The 700 gph mag drive proved to be great, a little too great. The output was so strong, it sucked up all of my water from the separated reservoir and over flowed my cooler. The hose that attaches the cooler and the sep. res. couldn't transfer the water back to the sep. res. fast enough.

Without doing any math, I'd say the 700 gph sucked up 10 gal in less than a few mins and took at least 4 or 5 mins to transfer back into the sep. reservoir. -- the solution - if I keep the model 7 mag drive; i'll need a cycle timer. -- or try a model 5 (500gph) mag drive like KR originally mentioned. <---- I'm trying this today.

Catch y'all on the flip,



Active member
Thanks DrCali.........that was quick!

This thread has really gotten my wheels turnin a bit more about hydro.

You intend to try the timer with the 700?Reason i ask is i have a 750 that i would like to use if i finally break and try hydro with this setup so any additional info is a big help.

Can't believe this thread doesn't get more posts!!!!!Great shit.





Nice to see all the action in my old thread. Sorry, I haven't been around to post much. I'd like to thank everyone for posting all their designs and idea's. It shows how well we can come up with new and neat idea's. Thanks everyone for all the effort.

If you got back to the beginning. My storage unit was broken into and everything was stolen. This happen a long time ago and I never got back to this project. Since I've been seeing so my love and and activity in the thread. It has got me amped to try it again.

I don't know for the rest of you, but I'm hearing about gluing and not gluing the pipes. My 2-cents when starting this project. The base needs to be glued for sure. The Y grow sites should be left unglued. The reason behind this. Is when a plants start to grow and get taller. You can twist the grow site, so it doesn't run into the plant above it. I found this to work pretty well. You can glue them if you want, but I would make sure you have them so the clones won't run into each other. Gluing might help with maybe any leaks at the joints.

Very happy to see all the post. If you also go back farther back. You will see I got away from the cooler and went with a table and rez tank below. This was to make the unit more stable and members where having a problem finding these size coolers.

Thanks to everyone keeping the thread alive. I hope everyone had a safe and Merry Christmas.
Take care,
and a warm welcome back to you, BG!

I've read this thread front and back over the past couple years. As soon as I got into a residence that would give me the space and peace of mind, I quickly got to work. Its been fun all along -- I've learned a ton. I went with what KingRalph did because of those lovely pictures he posted of the "in action" shots, although I heavily debated building a table like you did, but instead I just mimicked what I saw in KR's pics. If it aint broke, don't fix it.

This seems like it will be the method I try to perfect grow after grow.. i'll be updating, with new strategies (including build design) as time goes on..

Thanks for the great information that has kept me super motivated.

Thanks DrCali.........that was quick!

This thread has really gotten my wheels turnin a bit more about hydro.

You intend to try the timer with the 700?Reason i ask is i have a 750 that i would like to use if i finally break and try hydro with this setup so any additional info is a big help.

Can't believe this thread doesn't get more posts!!!!!Great shit.



I would not like to use a cycle timer if I don't have to. I love the idea of continuous water flow (thanks KR). Although, I wouldn't dismiss your pump because of its power. Here are some suggestions/variables that might help..

I've used at least 5 different brands of pumps through out my experiences in hydro.. although the GPH can been similar per different brand pump, I have found the pressures to be varied depending on the attributes of the setup. i.e. height -- the distance the water must travel.

in this case, height is a major factor. The pressure has got to exceed 7-8 ft. (<-- in my situtation) if you have longer hoses - you could possibly wain off some of that pressure to make it flow at the right speed for you. So keep that in mind and test out your pumps - I believe there are charts per brand that tell you the height and out put it will give in accordance. (plus the factor that it will be split up 4 or 5 ways) -- testing is my best advice.

another solution is.. if your planning on doing the double reservoir, like mine and KR's situation.. you can add/build another passage way for the water to flow into the separate res. -- this would have been a tough solution for me, but was my first thought since I saw my little barbed passage way couldn't handle the flow quick enough.

I like the option I am going with.. get the right pump for the job -- it will pay for itself after the first run, I am sure. With that being said.. I just swapped out an old dead 350 gph mag drive pump (hehe) at the store for a 500 gph.. I'll be back with the test results.

much love,

I'm back with disheartening news.. the lesser pump (500gph) gave me the same problem as the 700 gph.. its taking to much water out of my separated reservoir and over flowing my cooler, therefore, the water is not transferring back fast enough from the cooler to the separated reservoir... what to do?

Since the mag drive pumps are brillant, they of course come with a inner threaded female nozzle where the pump has its intake.. Luckily, when I drilled the barb (allowing the connection between the cooler and sep. res.) into my garbage can rubbermaid separated reservoir, I also not only sealed it with aquarium silicon but I screwed on a PVC female thread x slip piece.. So.. EUREKA! I figured, connect the pump to a PVC piece with a tee slip inbetween (so the pump could pull from the sep. res. aswell) and this may end my problem..... NOPE. The pump still sucked out most of the water from the separated res. leaving me with no water in it. :::frustrated:::

So after brainstorming, and even building a crazy PVC contraption -- I came up with a simple solution that may work... heres a pic -- (sorry for the drawing skills of a 5 year old, I did this in 15 seconds -- I was excited)

Here we have an added line that will be used as a dump line back into the separated reservoir. I HOPE THIS WORKS.

KingRalph, if you are out there.. i'd love to know your experiences in this area -- as well as the other q's I had a few posts back. Thanks.



I remember seeing on Heath Robinson's vertical tube grow, he setup his pump with a tee with valve where one end of the tee went up to the top row tube to feed the plants while the other end of the tee returned immediately to the res. This seems like a great way to control the flow out of the res. The tee's valve controlled how much water returned to the res so water flow could be adjusted appropriately. Not sure if this will work with your double-res setup, just a thought.

Bob Smith

Dr. Caligari (totally thought it was "Caligirl" until you pointed that out above), what are you intake/exhaust hose sizes?

It really sounds like your issue is as simple as 1) making a larger return hose size or 2) adding one or two more of the same return size.

Either way, just like in any chiller,RDWC, or aero system, your return line is always larger than your feed line - this stops the exact problem that you're having.

Very simply, add a 1" return line instead of (or in addition to) the 1/2" return line you currently have (guessing) - in my system, I have two 3/4" returns for each 3/4" feed and they can barely keep up.

Good luck.
GoozMan, I appreciate your input. I haven't come across his vert grow thread, i'll take a gander..

Bob Smith, all hoses are 1/2'', I've added a couple return lines in addition to the transfer line-- i'll test the system as soon as the work day is done.

Thanks for your help, Gooz and Bob.
Does this look like shock to you? or is this normal? They just went into flower today, and had there first 12 hour cycle of hps (2000w) light. This is them just as the lights went off-- and looked like this while the lights were on.

I'm pretty sure they're getting hit directly with water.. Its not continuous flow (had issues), but on a cycle timer 1 min on and 2 min off.

I am flushing them with straight ph'd (~6.1) RO water.

Bob Smith

Best guess would be lumen shock.

Ease those plants into the 2000 watts - you can't go straight from a couple hundred watts of fluoros into blasting them with 2K - you need to ease into that.

Bob Smith

Slower is definitely better, but there's no hard and fast rule.

Try alternating your lights or moving them farther away from your plants until it looks like they can handle it.

Lumen shock was the main reason I went to dimmable digital ballasts.


Active member
Good to see your up and runnin there DrCali!

You intend to do any kind of grow log?,would love to follow.

I agree with too much light at the switch.They'll bounce back into things i'm sure.

I will be putting my hydro expeditions on a back burner(on low-med)for now.And i will also be choosing the 5 gl bucket setup to start out with.Not ready to change my room around to do a vert grow "yet".

BillyGoat.........get your ass in here man and help get this train back on track!!!
This is the only thread that has made me lean towards hydro.
Everything is IRIE!

As soon as I get some loose ends tied up. I will definitely start a grow log.

Had some temp issues... yuck. But I've sorta kinda got that under control.. you can read further here...


I want to find a super safe way to post pix.. imageshack scares me, and I feel strange uploading them here. :X

I am using TOR to hide myself, but she moves very slowwww.

Other than that, the system works pretty well! I'm gathering all my energy to start building the other 3 sides -- dreading that. Still much to perfect -- build & design--sturdiness (surprisingly holding up well), steady flow-- I hate using a cycle timer, its sooo annoying. I can hear it turn on and off-- and the cycles are very short on and off.

Much to doo!

Much love,
