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Conspiracy Theory...?


New member
M8's check this conspiracy theory out....

here goes.....

1. Bush is shaky in the elections in 2000...almost losing to Gore
in Florida....and suddenly winning even though he had less
popular votes.
2. This shaky pres then hooks up with his good friend Osama
and someof his other Saudi friends alongwith the Enron
execs and come up with a world domination scheme....
3. Just a few months afterthe election, wham...the WTC goes
down...under very suspicious circumstances...while Bush is
busy escorting suadi officials out of town....
4. The Patriot act is enacted....Homeland Security is announced
5. War is declared on Terror
6. The truth is found out about the abuse and real story behind
wtc....no iraq wmd...no al-queada involvement
7. On the heels of the abuse photos that make Bush look like
a tyrant...comes the Berg beheading so the current admin
will look justified.
8. Next up : Victory act to finish removing all our constitutional
rights and setting up the police state Bush wants as dictator.

The proof is out there...do some research...start here:


Then check out the missile photos of WTC, and stop and think
people....do we really want someone controlling our freedom
with their own ideas of what is right and wrong or what is free
or not??????


New member
Well, has no-one the 'whatever is applicable' to reply or rebut?

C'mon M8's...this sorting of the events is scary as hel* to me...

Whadda ya think, huh?
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The "Missle" footage was no proof of anything. My 13 year old nephew could create more credible evidence. The mistreatment of POW's is WRONG no matter who does it. I haven't formed a complete opinion on the other subjects you touched. So I'll have to get back to you on that. What's YOUR opinion on the beheading of the Antenna Salesman??


The Herbal Gerbil
Do you think you will ever be told the truth? What do you think would happen if you were? Would we hold on to our society or would we panic and start getting all irrational?

Humans couldn't keep their shit together if it was stapled, the last thing society needs is to find out what our governments are up to.

Was the moon landing a 30 year prelude to the mars landing? Was it staged? Conspiracy is everywhere.
sorce- You don't really think GWB is in control of the US's freedom do you? He's just the face not the brain. Vapour - Good point. I HAVE formed an opinion on the Moon Scam. Flags don't ruffle in the wind if there is none and dust would not plume and settle like it does when the "Moonwalkers" stroll around. With the ability to look so deep into space how come there are no pics of what the US left on the moon?


I have, long ago - quit living and believing theories. While it may not be very popular with a lot of the stoners around here; I prefer to live in reality and deal with it the best I can.

With the internet, there is sooo much more information available to us. The hard part is trying to sort out what is true, theory, sugar coated or just plain lies.

I do however, respect everyone's opinon on the current world situation. It is somtimes VERY difficult to not get angry or lash out at those that do not agree with me.. LOL

Three years ago, I was definately on one side of the road. With absolute complete conviction, I can now say that I am firmly planted on the center line occasionally checking the rearview mirror and focusing on what is ahead.
I agree with you Gunny. I'm in the same boat, albeit different lakes to get here.

With the internet, there is sooo much more information available to us. The hard part is trying to sort out what is true, theory, sugar coated or just plain lies.
Check any subject we talk about politically - take something really charged - and "google" that phrase.

Now don't read the contents per se, just get familiar with the actual article and its wording. Now run down the multiple pages of google and what do you see...Hundreds of sites trumpeting the same thing - and often the very same article just dressed in different webpage decor.

That doesn't substantiate much, to be honest. That's not verification of the story and/or sources.
The internet is a good thing for information gathering, but it's really like walking into the campus library. You can find what you're looking for if you know how to look, but if all you do is hang in the lobby and read the fliers posted, you're not getting the story.

Just because more "posters" are hanging around does not make it true, or even urgent. Agenda is the first suspect of any web source....

I couldn't agree more Gunny.

I am firmly planted on the center line
I agree...and Mr. Miyagi say, "walk in center *squoosh* like grape"
But what choice do we have?
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you.....



Euripides Eumenides said:

I agree...and Mr. Miyagi say, "walk in center *squoosh* like grape"
But what choice do we have?
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you.....


Thanks, I thought for sure I was gonna get flamed by the Clowns and Jokers... LOL


New member
Hopefully no flaming or clowns here m8....and this (post above)
is somethings I garnered by visiting the cnn, nbc, cnbc, cbs,abc,
and msnbc sites for verification....all the items above are verified
on these sites.....go look....don't keep your blinders on....

I too walk the 'middle of the road' when it comes to politics as
I am too old to make a diff anymore....I fought this Gov vs the
ppl deal in the '60s during vietnam.....hate to see it again is
all...and the implications are frightening to say the least....

I am a true neutral in my beliefs, and the post above does not in
any way constitute my personal belief system.

Right on m8's, and thanks for the replys
sorce-Well I have looked and read a bunch. However ...You still haven't rebutted/replied to my first post. Before you move to your next rambling... Do you believe the "Missle" footage or pics to be credible evidence of anything? What is YOUR opinion (if you haven't formed one that is cool but tell us how you felt when you heard/saw) the beheading of Berg? What is your take on the Moon Landing and exploration? I could start a flaming for the lack of your response to my post and your pushy tactics on your second post when you had no one responding. If it be just Me you aren't responding to then YOU have the blinders on. In fact I have asked you a FEW unanswered questions sorce. But I see your rant continues. That doesn't appear very Neutral or Open Minded now does it?


While Im not taking sides.....

Somtimes I prefer not to reply to certain questions simply because in my mind the person posing the question is looking for a debate and I'm simply not in the mood to debate :) It by no way means I have not read and thought about the post. It simply means that I am either too tired or stoned to get all my facts together to "defend" what I believe....

Please don't get pissed off because of lack of reply....

As far as "rambling..." Remember this IS a Stoner's board... LOL :)

Stay safe!
I think a missile hitting the WTC is a pretty silly theory, just as silly as the theory that it also was a missile that hit the Pentagon. Thousands of people saw these planes hit the buildings plus there are plenty of pics. What are you going to tell the families of the people on the planes that died. It never happened? Your son is in hiding with Bin Laden? When I first read the theory of the missile hitting the pentagon (started by a French author who wrote a book)I did research and came up with a bunch of newspaper interviews from the day after with people describing the plane going over their heads as they were stuck in traffic, including news reporters. Don't you think they would love to report it was a missile? Instead they described the plane, it's markings and how it was so close to the ground that it was clipping light poles. IF the government really wanted to do this it would have been a lot easier to plant a bomb wherever and then just fake a message from Bin Laden that he did it. You are making it way too difficult.

How come NOTHING is ever really just what it seems. Who really killed Kennedy. Is Elvis really dead? Why can't we fing Bigfoot?

I also find it kind of insulting because I know a guy who lost both his son and his son-in-law in the WTC.

If you really believe this stuff it would be your duty to do anything you could to expose it and bring the people to justice. However, If you are just doing it as a way to get Bush out of office....there are better ways.

med man
MM-There is weak footage of a bad cut and paste tylenol looking blob that travels from below the plane and hits the WTC Before the plane impacts. In case you didn't know. Not very credible and yet a group of people are using it as a base to Open Eyes. They need better footage. What is being said is that Missles were fired from or leading the planes in to La Zona Impactica not that the planes were missles.


Basement Garden Gnome
Has anyone seen...

Has anyone seen...

The Sci-Fi UFO footage?

It's a video of a couple in a heliocopter and they are sight seeing the City of New York. They are a distanse away from the WTC, this woman points at something and the Camera Person zooms in on Object just Hovering about maybe 3/4 of the way to the top of the WTC.

The object seems to SEE the Helio and just scoots to the right and out of camera angle. As the Camera pans right it stops with the object now hovering in front of the copter, a fair distance away. The Object then Blinks out of view ( Like Star friken Trek ) then it Pops back in view and rushes the copter so fast these ppl couldn't even react to it, as it comes with Inches of the Blades and Bubble of the copter, then Banks Right. Now at this point, it looks as if this thing put the after burners on as Smoke trails out of it, as it SHOOTS ALMOST Streight UP doing a few Twists for fun. The Smoke is what got me. Why would something like that produce Engine Smoke?
I have it on disk and played it over and over. Put in Final Cut and tried to find any edits, look clean to me.

Any Who a few months later I find a Anamaded GIF of this thing except it's not from the Helio, but Much further away. The Gif shows the object Scooting right and stopping. This was Seconds before you see the Airliner slam into the WTC.

I can't prove it's real. But it's one strange piece of video. I could email it if someone wants to see what I am talking about.


YourHighness said:
The "Missle" footage was no proof of anything. My 13 year old nephew could create more credible evidence. The mistreatment of POW's is WRONG no matter who does it. I haven't formed a complete opinion on the other subjects you touched. So I'll have to get back to you on that. What's YOUR opinion on the beheading of the Antenna Salesman??

Got to agree on the missile thing. Farce like that distracts us from the real conspiracy, an illegal war and unjust occupation to kickstart a crashing US economy by stimulating contractors with billions of dollars in "reconstruction". With the side benefit of having American troops permanently stationed in the middle east so we can "protect" the oil in the region for the next couple decades or until it runs out....whichever comes first..

As far as the antennae salesman goes, I was as horrified as anybody and feel gut wrenching pain for the family, but my sympathy for the man himself is limited. I mean COME ON! An American Jew, alone in an Arab nation that America is currently at war with? What could possibly go wrong?
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New member
I truthfully do not know anymore what to believe....that is why
I ask these questions.
I do know that our freedoms are being limited by the patriot act
and that if we dont's stand up for our rights, then we won't
have any left.....
The Patriot Act is a typical power grab by the government. They see the country is distressed and they say "we can help you, you will feel safer with more rules." The congress signed it without even reading it. Doesn't it have a time limit on it though?
The government is always "helping" us more and adding rules, regulations and of course taxes to enforce it all. It's up to the voters to decide how the country is run. Do we want to tell the government what to do or do we need the government to tell us how to live our lives.?

med man


New member
most people dont realize that the patriot act, set to expire on
Dec 31, 2005...will NOT actually expire...only about 10% of it
will expire...The parts that deal with our freedoms are permanent.
sorce - You are just reguritating things that are known and already the subjects of much debate. Can you at least tell me if you believed the Missle Footage to be credible evidence of Anything??That was part of the basis of this thread You started. I can clearly see that the US Government and it's policies at Home and Abroad are all fucked up but I don't know exactly what to fix about any of them either. So I'm waiting for further developments. In a way America is responsible for the Planes and Berg and it's fucked up systems. Alot of People don't want to believe that The World is a fucked up place. They can't fathom that People are capable of horrific acts even NOW. I have been saddened by events in the last few years but believe it or not none of it has surprised me. You see America is one of the Youngest World Powers. 220 and some change on the globe right? America learned to be or is continuing someone elses "Fucked up". The people with the money have been keeping the money and trying to control the World for a lot longer than 220 years.