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Connoisseur Genetics (CSG) Beta Test: *ECSD x SSSDH*


ICMag Donor
Beautiful plants! Great smoke report.

Are you going to do a smoke report on ecsdh #2?


Discovery Requires Experimentation
Another Smoke Report by MB

Date: 11/17/13
Time: 11:30am
Grower: budelight
Strain: ECSDH #2


Physical Examination

Visual appeal - 7 (visual appeal of the buds from 1-10 unappealing - excellent)

Visible trichomes - 7 (visible trichome content from 1-10 none - totally covered)

Colors present in the buds - 4 (on a scale from 1- 10 light - dark)

Bud density - 7 (Bud density on a scale from 1-10 airy - dense)

Aroma description - First: Lime 6 Then: Apple 10 (on a scale from 1-10 upon freshly broken bud where 1 indicates subtle presence and 10 indicates pronounced presence)

Aroma appeal - 9 (Aroma from 1-10 repulsive - delightful)

Aroma intensity - 7 (Aroma intensity from 1-10 subtle - overwhelming)

Were there seeds present in the sample? Yes, one or two

Did the flowers show inter-sex expression? No

Overall appeal - 75 (from 1-100 where 1 is frightening and 100 is majestic)

Smoke Test

Utensils - 18" bong with one perc

Taste pungency - 3 ( pungency of taste from 1-10 light - heavy)

Taste impression - 6 (impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant- scrumptious)

Moisture level - 6 (1-10 wet-dry where 5 is ideal)

Harshness - 5 (1-10 smooth-harsh)

Smoke expansion - 5 (smoke expansion in the lungs from 1-10 stable-explosive)

Follow up Questions

Dosage - 1 bowl

Effect onset - 5-10 minutes

Potency - 7 (from 1-10 none-devastating)

Effect length 2-2.5 hours

Usability - 7 : Morning/wake up, 4 : Day/work, 10 : Evening/relax, 7 : Night/sleep (from 1-10 where 1 indicates the worst time of the day to consume this strain and 10 represents the ideal time of day)

Effect: (what effect did the strain have write P if it had a POSITIVE effect and N if if had a NEGATIVE effect, next to each selected area please rate the intensity of effect from 1-10 where 1 would be a subtle presence and 10 would be a pronounced presence)
P7 - :Ability to rest or sit still
P5 - :Anxiety relief
P5 - :Appetite
P4 - :Audio perception
P3 - :Humor perception
-- - :Imagination/creativity
-- - :Memory
-- - :Mood
P4 - :Ocular relief
-- - :pain relief
N3 - :paranoia relief
N1 - :physical awareness
-- - :Sex drive
-- - :Sleep
-- - :Speech
-- - :Taste perception
P4 - :Thought process
-- - :Visual perception
85 - :Overall rating from 1-100

Final comment: Really nice sour apple aroma. More pronounced after grinding. Hint of apple in the taste. Got some big rips, thick smoke. Nice relaxing high, excellent for a lazy Sunday morning or mellow night in. Solid effects. Enjoyed this strain the most out of all four samples from this grower. Didn't get as much couch lock as with ECSDH #1.

:thank you:


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ICMag Donor
budelight first of i would like to apologize for not posting in this thread the last month
i was watching the whole time
got real busy with the cup and was not posting much at all

you put on a great show
lots of detailed pics
also great individual pics
and nice one on the smoke reports they help alot

one of the best threads for sure

im giving 2 packs for free to any tester who finished his thread

plus i will be giving 5 packs for the best thread out of all the testers il anounce in a week, your deff in the running so il be in touch very soon(check pm)

again thanks for a great show
your in the first pick club for the future testing



Discovery Requires Experimentation
Hi ojd, this is very very generous of you. :-D

I hope you realize though that this whole show was made possible entirely because of you in the first place!!

Your SSSDH cross has produced the tasteyest herb I have grown to date, its effects have quickly introduced me to the wonderful world of hazes - and now I'm hooked.

It would be a special treat to grow out more of your strains in the future so I thank you in advance.

Cheers & happy new years,


Active member
just popped those and hope i can do em justice like you have....you are the also the standard at presenting a thread...from the beginning to the end...an A++ grade for sure...i bet you were really good at homework as a kid...i hate homework and really do B or C work... i won't ask anymore to test something cause i am just too busy to take the time to do it proper...just a beauty thread.....when the Glue 42 project is done i will be getting you some to present if you aren't too busy at the time...thats Gorilla Glue#4 and #2.....dj


Discovery Requires Experimentation
Puffing on the ECSDH #2 tonight.

Very very sour fruit smells.
Absolutely devastating High from it also!!

Thanks OJD and Connoisseur Genetics
Looks great.. Here's my ECSDH vegged for 3 weeks and 4 weeks into flower under 300w led


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