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Connecticut is 17th State to legalize MMJ


Active member
it's all about the money.
Thats what con. is all about.The ulta rich , and the indians make the rules in that state.
I can see the ride to Mohegan Sun now,green houses for miles on indian land growing tax free.With all the pharmecist being Indian.
IMO These are the only peeps who can put up that kind of cash

Now I am not racicist,but conspiricy plots is another story .
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Kiss My Ring
a move towards reclassification nationally imo. soon (knock wood in my lifetime) we'll wake the masses to the lies and traitorous treatment of people who just want to choose what they ingest.
too many rely on media to tell them what's up, and the media is our enemy because they are a friend of or cohort of the pigs who engineered this fiasco (drug war).
we appear to be getting at least some recognition and acceptance regionally or locally, and surely nationally when states pass this sort of legislation and that can only help our cause. these unfortunates will someday awaken to the smell of freely enjoyed/employed righteous dank...let's wake em up!
i'm considering any movement of consolidation on the issue of rights considering cannabis to be constructive and positive.
united states...you know, that sounds fucking incredible!


Registered User
Thats what con. is all about.The ulta rich , and the indians make the rules in that state.
I can see the ride to Mohegan Sun now,green houses for miles on indian land growing tax free.With all the pharmecist being Indian.
IMO These are the only peeps who can put up that kind of cash

Now I am not racicist,but conspiricy plots is another story .


U just pointed to one of the few good things about this bill... Its near foxwoods... ;-). Poker guy, so mohegan is out... Or did they reopen that room... Anyway, driving out to foxwoods during the fall... Beautiful.

I'm a bit suprised they feel the qual conditions will net them many patients... Not like the other patient bases that include chronic and debilitating pain... This bill has it narrowed down quite a bit. Question whether it would be large enough to support such a start-up cost... Esp the reserves. That or the weed will be really, really expensive.

Anyway... Pretty sure docs and pharmacists have a fed license for writing and prescribing and dispensing drugs... So until a fed rescheduling... Regadless of what the state does... Those pharmacists could very likely lose their license. So who's first up to test that?

Anyone know if that's correct or not?


Congrats to CT from the Commonwealth to the North. Yes, it's draconian. Yes, the bill's "logic" buggers reason and common-sense. Seems similar to the Massachusetts efforts (to date, unsuccessful.) But, hey! It's something and another chink in the Wall that would have been unheard of except in stoned conversation at 3:00 in the am. Also, keep in mind that once the public health department starts drawing up regs, things could change for the better.


Registered Non-Conformist
Congrats CT..!

I heard a rumour that when 26 states vote for MMJ it becomes the law of the land.. Probably just a nice dream.
" The commissioner finds that the applicant has appropriate expertise in agriculture and is qualified to cultivate marijuana..."

Is that kinda like being moral enough to join the Army after littering??

This law can be best defined by one word- MONOPOLY. From the way I read it patients or their caregivers would be able to grow a one month supply. Whatever the fuck that means. Still it doesn't matter, people in CT couldn't grow their way out of a paper bag. Last time I was there a couple years ago, I brought 2 oz's of the worst weed I grew. It sold for 75-80 an eighth. My brother saved some of the "best" weed he could find cuz he knew I was coming. It was horrible nasty moldy beasters. Classic hay smell reminded me of pre 9-11 shit Canadian ragweed.

Anyhow, I'm making a phone call tomorrow. Some rich guys back their heard of my "agricultural expertise" and would like to talk with me. Gonna have to pay me well to live back in that shithole. From the looks of this law...money shouldnt be an issue.

What a fucked up law.



New member
Congrats CT..!

I heard a rumour that when 26 states vote for MMJ it becomes the law of the land.. Probably just a nice dream.
not quite the way it works.. it takes 38 states to pass a federal constitutional amendment...but even if 38 states do MMJ it still will not be a federal law, we would have still have to vote for a amendment to the constitution and have it pass at least 38 states..


New member
Rocky. The shithole of ct is full. we don't need anymore douchebags. nice work picking yourself up some tourist weed though .
Hey Max, take it easy man. I was born in the shithole. Dumb luck and just knowing the right people have given me an opportunity. Still unsure if anything is gonna happen. I fly back next week, Max , so one more douche bag may just be what you'll get. I lived in Connecticut for nearly 20 years Max, it's not a place known for high quality marijuana. The street prices there are extremely high. Two facts that cannot be denied my friend.

Its a possibility Max that only 3 commercial producers will exist in the entire state.

Would you like all 3 of those producers to pump out chem/hydro nasties and spray their plants with dangerous toxins?

Or would you like at least one of those producers to take the time, energy, and effort to produce the finest quality organic medicine?

Max, I didn't smoke any of the "tourist" weed that my brother (who has lived there his whole life) procured. I was smoking the worst strain I have ever grown, but it was completely organic my friend. It sold like hotcakes for way too much money.

One last question for ya Max- who the hell goes to CT on vacation?? Never knew the place was a tourist hotspot.

Just in case I am a tourist in CT at some point in my life, Max, where would I go to score a bag of weed? The projects? Paco, got the weed man. Reminds me of high school. Thanks Max.

i agree i have a cousin who has been on fed mmj since the 80's for glaucoma his pre-rolls suck so like many he has to go underground (illinois) to get top shelf or med grade been tryin to get him to move to colo its a shame they put so many stipulations on an herb God put here for us to sustain a healthy good life