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Colorado networking


If you guys are willing to drive out to the opposite corner of Denver Metro, I can host a gathering later this month. 4/20 weekend seems appropriate, though I suspect some of you will be looking for bigger festivities than my garden can offer. :pirate:

That next weekend would work for me as well, if most of you have 4/20 plans already.

I'm planning to put my summer outdoor crop into the ground outdoors later this month, as they are quickly outgrowing my midget veg-chamber indoors, and I don't want to top them yet. Perhaps you all could come over and help me bless the girls on their adventure, and help me christen a new garden project as well. I'm building a proper garden: flowers and veggies and berries and fruits, and all that jazz. That's all nice. But the entire garden site will be focused around a central Garden of Ganja. That's better than nice - that's Irie, mon!

The center of the garden will be a level patio large enough for our small group to lounge on, while surrounded by six of the most magnificent cannabis plants a rank beginner can figure out how to grow by then.

Somehow, I envision the Garden of Ganja being far more magnificent in the fall than in April. But you guys can use your imaginations - and whatever "imagination enhancers" happen to join us. Maybe we can get together for a planting party in April, and then again for a harvesting and trimming party in October. We can all sit down and enjoy the views of the fall landscape, and the lovely floral odors (and other vapors) wafting about on the patio, some fresh-picked fruit and veggies, straight off the vine for lunch,Then, we can all grab a branch and start trimming, and continuing to enjoy the odors - and some more vapors too. :yeahthats

Today the future Monsters of the Ganja Garden look like this:


But I can surely get them into some bigger pots and make them at least a smidge more magnificent than that by the time we gather here.

Heck, they'll look more magnificent that that if only because this is the backdrop for the lovely aromas and pleasantness that will be the Garden of Ganja:


Who's in for an afternoon gathering on 4/20, 4/21, 4/27 or 4/28 to enjoy our fine company and that view?

Just give us a reply here in the thread with your availability on each respective afternoon: YNYY (yes, no, yes, yes, as to your availability on each respective day. I'm sure an obvious best date will arise.

Since all four afternoons are still free on my calendar: YYYY
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New member


How's it goin' Rado heads? MG checking in. I was around on the farm for several years until my other job took over my life for a bit.


But never stopped breeding. No plans to jump into the game, but will always hunt down fire and love sharing home brewed seeds and keeper plants. Started growing in 1991, started breeding in 2009 when I opened my first dispensary in Colo Springs. After leaving, I opened the Treehouse in Colo Springs. Left that behind too. Low key is more my style. Hope to meet and share in the groove soon


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Looks really coo Ted. Wide open spaces....you are lucky. Guess you are a bit to far out in the middle of nowhere for peeps to come. To bad.....looks like a good place to have a gathering....much better than the parking lot of the Rock Rest Bar. :tiphat::party:We did have a good time but kind of surprised that nobody had an issue with us smoking with so many peeps walking by.

4/20 is almost here....sooooo....are we doing something or not???


I heard from Hydro8 by PM, and he's willing to come out on 4/20 or 4/21.

But if someone puts something together in the city, I'll come!


I love getting out of the city. Ted's place look's like paradise. I would love to see some of those exotic sativas he has going.

I'll bring some goodies from the connoisseur cupboard.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Thinking I could come on Sunday for a couple of hours. Busy week if you know what I mean. I am tapped out on clones right now because of outdoor grows but will have plenty of samples.

Any and all please feel free to join in.


Great! That makes three of us who can gather at my place on Sunday, 4/21.

That means I have a boatload of work to do to get the garden ready! (In truth, that was part of my evil plan: inviting people to the garden forces me to get off my butt and get the garden done! I needed some motivation.)

Who else can join us?


I am tapped out on clones right now because of outdoor grows but will have plenty of samples.

No sweat. I've collected too many strains to grow them all (lawfully) anyway. I have several of your strains in veg that we could take cuttings from, if somebody wants Lucinda, Golden Pineapple, Original Diesel or Jackie O. I also have the Ace sativas that are headed outside, of course, but they are all unknown phenotypes, as yet. Heck, only the Zamaldelicas have even shown sex yet. (one boy, one girl)

The Dog

Something came up at the last minute and im gonna be out of town until the 24th of April. Too bad, getting out to Cowboys looks like a good time.


Thinking I could come on Sunday for a couple of hours. Busy week if you know what I mean.

Since you seem to have limited time, Putembk, Let's choose a time that works for your schedule. Could you make it if we gather at noon like usual? I'm thinking we could meet at a restaurant in Elizabeth, and then I can lead the gang out to my place after lunch.

We are almost up to our usual five growers. OlDirtyHuman is going to join us this time. He's bringing cuttings and seeds he has produced from Ace Seeds' Panama Sativa. One of his Panama phenos is going to grow in my garden over the summer. Panama is a strain with a particularly trippy, strong high. It's a generous producer too. Of course, we should expect a good high and a big harvest after the plants tie up our grow tents for twelve weeks of flowering!


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Morning all you Colorado storm troopers. My wife just informed me that Sunday is Easter. How did that happen.....we were supposed to have a gathering at Ted's place then.

Afraid I am gonna have to bow out as we have family obligations. Easter is always a big family thing for us. Sorry, I will catch the next one.


Morning all you Colorado storm troopers. My wife just informed me that Sunday is Easter. How did that happen.....we were supposed to have a gathering at Ted's place then.

Afraid I am gonna have to bow out as we have family obligations. Easter is always a big family thing for us. Sorry, I will catch the next one.

Bummer! I'm sad you can't join us, but I'm happy you'll enjoy one of those important family traditions. Like The Dog, You can join the harvest party as a consolation. Harvesting should be far more exciting than planting anyway! :groupwave:

Those who can join us, let's plan to meet at Catalina's Diner in Elizabeth at noon on Sunday. We can eat lunch and have a beer there, then drive out to my place afterward.

Catalina's address is 273 East Kiowa Ave, Elizabeth, Colorado. (Kiowa Avenue is simply Highway 86, going by a different name as it passes trough town.)

See you on Sunday!
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Sweet Tooth #3 that Putembk offered us is my favorite!
(I've started vaping it after a month cure.)

It's also a pretty plant; nice and uniform growth.

Thank you again Putembk!


My favorite so far is Original Diesel, but that's only because it's the only one I've harvested, cured and sampled. I have some Golden Pineapple curing now, and a whole cabinetful of Putembk's generosity just starting to stretch into a scrog screen: GP, Jackie-O and Lucinda.

Sweet Tooth is the only strain I was unable to clone easily. Thankfully I've grown much better at it since killing those poor Sweet Tooth cuttings.

Golden Pineapple smells delicious curing! Both GP and Original Diesel were generously covered in trichomes, despite my relatively weak light.

After practicing cloning, I found myself with too many plants, so I gave one GP and one OD to a buddy who is just finishing flowering them now. He uses much better lights than I do, and both plants are just monstrous and heavy with bud, literally bent over under the weight of the bud. And those buds are deliciously frosty! I can't wait to sample the goods. :)