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ChemDawg easy 400w SCROG



Here we go ladies and gents. Welcome to my journal. Once upon a time I was an Overgrow student, a big fan of the Maliboo inspired Mills Pride cabinet scrogs. I tried one with some NL#5 and was amazed at how easy and high yielding the DWC hydro was. I'd always done soil and was never happy with the results.

Overgrow got me through that grow with flying colors as I documented it in real time. I vegged one plant for about a month then flowered for 57 days...yield was tremendous.:yoinks:
So this round two of documenting a single plant cabinet scrog. Feel free to ask questions or make suggestions. We're all here to learn after all. BTW, I am a legal mmj patient so you won't see alot of security measures in my activities.

System Basics:
400w HPS, 6" vented hood, inline fan
30" x 20" melamine pre-fab cabinet from Home Depot
Screen of Green, single plant
Deep water culture hydroponics, using Lucas formula and Gen Hydro

First, I had to locate a desirable clone. Now I'm a sativa lover at heart. I prefer stuff like Hawaiian Snow, SSH, lambsbread, and hazy crosses like Blue Dream. But with a cabinet indoor grow, that doesn't work, so indica it will be. Around here, there is good choice. I wanted a branchy indica dom suited to indoor height restrictions and not overly smelly. I prefer NL#5 because it's a good, potent strain with relatively low odor and it is hard to kill, very forgiving of errors. It's also in the lineage of tons of "strain of the week" things. Since NL#5 hasn't been in vogue since about the mid 90s, I narrowed my choices to Bubblegum, ChemDawg, and Shiva Skunk (which is a NL#5 x SKunk#1). ChemDawg got the nod since I haven't smoked much diesel and enjoy a complex bouquet.

But first we have to put the system together, so let's get started. First I'll need a reservoir. A plastic storage tub works well, preferably a dark one to keep out light (light will encourage algae growth=bad).

First, the supplies:


I glue in the airstones, drill out a couple of holes for the air tubing, and cut out the hole for the netpot using a cordless jigsaw. This was much easier than cutting it by hand with a knife, but you better be decent with the jigsaw as it's hard to control on the wiggly plastic. This res holds about 6 gal with the water level hitting the bottom of the netpot, and about 5 gal where I will run it for the majority of the grow (a few inches below the netpot)




With the glue on the airstones drying, I start putting the cabinet together.


Cut out a vent hole in the back of the cabinet. I just use the flimsy cardboard piece that comes with it and cut the hole in that. I also add some L-brackets to the cabinet to increase stability since it doesn't have a real back.


With the cabinet mostly assembled, I use a 3" hole saw and cut a bunch of holes in the floor for my air intake. You ideally want a greater area in the intake compared to the outflow, which is a 6" vent off the light hood in this case. I can't quite get there with my number of holes (takes alot of 2.5" holes to equal the same area as one 6" hole). But my inline fan is way overkill, I only run it half speed at most anyway and I prefer a little negative pressure in the cabinet. In those holes, I insert 90degree black ABS elbows as light traps. Not really necessary to do that I don't think, but it makes the cabinet less conspicous since it's not blowing tons of light out the bottom. My screen is suspened from some hooks made to hang brooms and rakes and such...basically a "u" shaped deal with a coarse thread screw on the end. I also hang the air pump from that to cut down on transmitted vibration and keep it off the ground in case of water leak and to cut down on dirt in the filter. I screwed a couple of hooks into the top piece to hang the chain/lamp from, pre-drill a couple of pilot holes about 1/8" smaller diameter than the hook's screw ends and and just screw them in.


You'll notice the screen, the aquarium air pump also on the left, ballast is on the right outside the cab. Here's the screen:


The openings are about 2.5" x 2.5". At any craft store you can get frame elements pre-cut to a bunch of different sizes with corners that you just mesh together. They use them for needlepoint or stretching canvas over. My cab is 30x20 and I got two each frame arms of 26 and 18. Grab a spool of light flexible wire, also at the craft shop, and make your screen.

Finally, get your nutes mixed up and your pH adjusted. Mine is starting at 5.9 pH and 735ppm (starting water is 190ish). Get your timers set, and get your baby in there.

ChemDawg, Day 1 (today):


Ahhh-ight fellas, we're off and running. Let's see how this turns out.


Welcome fellas. This is a simple system, and is pretty inexpensive, but there is still about $700 in there. Breaks down something like this (approx);

Cabinet - on sale $70
light/bulb/ballast - $200
hood - $150
centrifugal fan - $175
nutes (2 grows worth) - $40
pH adjuster - $20 (4+ grows worth)
misc (timers, power cords, hooks, hose, chain, etc) $75

But the investment pays for itself many times over with the first grow.
Looks great! This is just the kind of thing I've been looking for! :woohoo:Keep it coming! Momma said I have to be sneaky, this looks pretty sneaky! I will be watching and waiting.:joint:


Looks good my friend. Be careful with the Blue Storage Bin you are using. I just replaced one just like it. I had light bleeding through the sides and it got to the roots. The roots turned brown and almost rotted before I seen the problem. I bought a black bin, the same size so all my equipment would fit, now I ave no light bleed and the roots are getting healthy again.

This is what i have going on :) http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=114618


Bogie has a good point about the light in the res. I used an identical tub in my prior DWC (4 years ago!, wow) and didn't have any issues, but I also kept low res temps in the mid to low 60s, and big churning from dual output air pump, plus relatively low light from the dark blue tub. Making it completely light tight is a good idea though.

Another couple of things that you can't see in the pics are a small thermometer located at the height of the top of the plant (temp at last check about 70deg with the light at 22"). Also the centrifugal fan is outside the cabinet a few feet away, enclosed in a small box and covered with some insulation to cut down on the noise.

Most people interested in cabinet grows like the stealthy, low key aspect.
Right now the whole rig sounds about like a refrigerator running with minimal sound control in place.

The noise sources are in order of loudness:

air rushing through vent hose on each side of fan
air pump

There are little things you can do to cut down the noise. The easiest is insulating around the vent hose and fan since that's the biggest source of noise. I just wrap my entire exhaust system (fan and hoses) in old sleeping bags. I keep the ballast sitting on a dampening material, (in this case a rubber pad on foam). You could also keep the ballast inside the box, but that only works if you don't have ANY heat issues. If you're not running a vented hood, the extra heat from the ballast is probably going to give you heat problems.

I hang the air pump inside the cabinet, but the rubber feet on the thing do a decent job of dampening if you just have it sitting on something. I personally hang it to keep it off the floor in case of water spill/leak and or siphoning in a power loss.

Also note that I use a speed controller on my inline fan. It is much quieter running half speed and that's all I need to control temps and still get a pretty high air replacement rate inside the cab.

Today I sort of re-potted the clone, moving the rockwool cube it was rooted in slightly higher in the netpot so the cube bottom is not at the water level. I want it just above so the cube doesn't wick and stay saturated.


Smokes, lets go
how about a smaller light to save on electricty before you cut that 400w on plant that size can't possibly need 400w. But if your not worried about using 400w im not either, looks like its gonna be a nice grow.


i think they sell duct wrap insulation for a few diff sizes ...get the one that fits and the next size up and double wrap her....for the ballast best thing ive found is old bike tube cut into a long 6" wide strip then fold it over and over to get the size you need .then put the ballast on that, the multiple layers really quiet them down..i have also seen 3/4 inch mdf box built around the fan stuffed with small peices of foam(or i guess even poly fill) they say thats a great sound deadening contraption..also if your running long vent tubes muffler boxes can be used inline to quiet longer runs,sorry for poor typing skills i hate typing:)


Ok, sorry for not updating but I was away for a week training for work. I'll add a couple new pics tonight. Nothing special yet, but she is starting to take off.

I was a little worried when I got this clone because it was a little rough looking. It took about a week for roots to snake through the hydroton and reach the water. During that time, she sucked all the nitrogen out of the two biggish "fan" type leaves, they are now fully yellow. I was also a tad worried because I was watering through the top until it could establish roots into the res, and she was showing overwatering signs (perhaps being in rockwool contributed?) and even slight nute burn.

Currently running 800ppm (starting water is 190ish), pH was sitting around 6.15 until the roots snaked through and then I bumped down to 5.9-ish. I'll usually drift my pH up and down in the 5.5 to 6.3 range. That seems to work well, ensuring all the various nutes are available to plant at various times.

Good news is, the new growth looks great , roots are really developing quickly, and she is starting to gain height and pick up speed. Hopefully I'll remember to get a non-HPS pic to show the development. The plan is to veg long enough to fill the screen to about 2/3 or 3/4, then flip. My ballpark estimate is about a month of veg time, we'll see.

Now that the roots are in the res, I'll be more attention to checking my pH and PPM ever day or two, as well as res temp and light. Right now, the dark blue res tub has a couple of white towels over the top to aid in keeping light out and keeping the res cool, I may add foil or something if I see any hint of algae.

While I'm waiting on Ms. ChemDawg to finish, I'm currently enjoying some Super Silver Haze. Bad manicure job (looks like it was done in a tumbler or something) but smell/taste/effect is killer. I LOVE those hazes and haze crosses. Really dig the Hawaiian Snow because it's got a lot of haze in the genetics with a really earthy and interesting flavor and smell. Bluedream is another fave, I love the smell and taste...and the effect of course. Also got some Lamb's Bread around that is pretty nice. Way "up" high. Smells like a mix of cat piss and vomit (but doesn't taste bad or weird).


your clones looks just like my when is started and my clones took about the exact time to reach the water as your, my plants seem to show the same signs are yours, hopefullys your come out good!!! Nice set up man.. im watching


OK, finally a pic. This is at 12 days after going into the system. Just below is the pic from the day it went in, for comparison.


DAY 12

Roots are actually whiter than they appear in the pic, flashed missed 'em and the HPS is right behind me.

You can see the nute burn, I'll be diluting it down a bit tonight with pH'ed water. I also lowered the light just a bit and dialed my fan down a little since the temp at top of plant was only about 72. Last time I ran this system, I had pretty cool intake air and had the glass on the hood only about 6" or 7" off the top of the plants. At the very end the tips of a couple of main colas got light bleached. It was kinda cool looking, like snow-capped buds.

Today pH was at 5.8, PPM 815. The rising PPM usually tells me the plant is using more water than nutes (possibly because the climate is dry here and it transpires more) and therefore my mix is too rich. But in this case, I added pH down since the last reading (5ml to approx 6 gallons) and, the PPM is only up about 15.


Might as well start training this lady. I should top soon too. I just bent her horizontal and tied her down. Light has been moved down to 12". She would have hit screen height in another day or two, but I wanted to get some heavier branching/more bushy structure before it hits the screen, thus the tie down.



Day 17. Starting to smell a bit, and foliage is really taking off now. Roots are about 10x what they were at Day 12.

We had a couple of hot days recently, with highs hitting 100. I checked temps at the top of plant level, during the hottest part of the day, with the exhaust/light hood fan running only about 60% and it was in the upper 80s. That was one concern I had, with the cabinet in a garage and spring-summer temps here ususally in the 90-100 range. Looks like I'm in the clear with temp control, especially once I flip to 12/12 and can have the light cycle on during the cooler nighttime.

New pics tonight.


wow!! that 400w looks like the sun itself is inside your cab!! i love the chemdog strain. will be watching your grow!


Pics. Got tied up messing with pH buffers to calibrate my meter. A lesson:

pH meters will give funky readings in distilled water! Got some buffer/cal solution and got her dialed in, then found my res water was at 5.2. I added a couple liters of tap water, which is 7.7pH and let it mix a few hours. pH is now 5.6, with 680ppm. Lights-on temp at top of plant low 80s today.

The glue on my airstones gave up and I found them both on one side of the res, upside down. Used a different glue than last time, need to figure a way to just weight them down for the rest of this run.

Yeah bfap, I've got the hood's glass only about a foot off the top of the plant. It's alot of light for the size space (20"x30") and my last run in a cab like this the tips of a few of my colas got light bleached cause I keep the light as close as I can. The dropoff in light intensity as you move away from the bulb is not linear.

Day 20

Comparison Day 12

Day 20

Comparison Day 12

I've got some full strength nutes for topoff already mixed up. Checked them today and it's pH 5.8 and 1080 ppm. Perfect for me to gradually up the nutes using that as my addback. Also have some pH'ed water at 5.8 for addback, and some non-pH'ed 7.7 for addback when I want to drift my pH upward. Once I've got things stable (basically now, since my meter works right again) I watch to see if the nute concentration is going up or down to decide whether they are using more water or more nutes.

She'll hit the level of the screen soon and I'll actually stick it in the cab at that point. Right now I've got a few wire ties spreading her.