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Cheese Dog pheno hunt


Well-known member
First, I wanna thank OJD for the beans and answering my questions. I really appreciate that. one of the questions was on germination rate as I saw the beans were made several years ago but i couldn't find a grow thread that was within the last few years. So I am happy to report that i got 18/20 to germinate in 24 hours and all are planted and I'm waiting for them to break ground. :woohoo:

i like to take a small container of water and place that on a heat mat set to 77F and i let the seeds float. this time tho, i made a kelp tea and added a little bit to the water because it has GA3 and other hormones to help germinate. i'm not sure if that made a difference but i am very happy!

Earlier I had tried to germinate a different pack from someone else and i added some EWC to the potting soil and the beans, despite having tails, didn't break ground because it was too compacted. So this round, I am using a seedling mix that is 9 parts peat, one part perlite and one part castings. Then some CaCO3 lime and kelp.

I plan on growing out all the females and males because I am looking for a nice male to use on some keeper mom's I have and a selected female that has some nice cheese notes. I am pretty sure i have read every thread and comment about Cheese Dog in the past couple months before i contacted Connoisseur Genetics. Everything i read was positive and all the crosses that had the chemdog d bx2 male used came out excellent. all i am hearing is i need to get a carbon filter when i grow OJD's gear, so i really can't express how excited i am! Thanks to the members who suggested these too!

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Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
Best of luck thailer count me in will be watching with intent on seeing these :tiphat:


Well-known member
Best of luck thailer count me in will be watching with intent on seeing these :tiphat:

Howdy DARKSIDER!! i see you got a nice score of CG beans too,including cheese dog.

I got 16 heads above ground :dance013: I'm still gonna wait for the others but just wanted to post the majority are growing well.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Nice popping,
Expect the others will follow also,,
Best of luck with your selection ,,,944s2


Well-known member
Wow! Glad to have you all aboard :lurk: When i was reading through posts, you all seem like a very friendly group. Thanks for the warm welcome!

We have 17 plants now above ground :D Healthy green and strong.


Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
Wow! Glad to have you all aboard :lurk: When i was reading through posts, you all seem like a very friendly group. Thanks for the warm welcome!

We have 17 plants now above ground :D Healthy green and strong.

The more the merrier :tiphat: great to see these above ground :)


Well-known member


So they're about two weeks old and 18 total plants! gave a once over tonight and found one with lots of double serrations. a few others have what appears to be one on one side of a single leaf but it really is a little too soon to tell. i was reading that double serration is typical of the brightside cut?


Active member
Pheno hunting is so exciting. I only have one grow tent at the moment but getting another soon so I can have a veg area.

The seedlings are looking great. Keen to see the results.


Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
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So they're about two weeks old and 18 total plants! gave a once over tonight and found one with lots of double serrations. a few others have what appears to be one on one side of a single leaf but it really is a little too soon to tell. i was reading that double serration is typical of the brightside cut?

Coming on nicely thailer :tiphat:


Well-known member
Plants are still alive and growing well. kind of the boring part of the round. lol I did have a little excitement and caught two dirtbags on camera coming onto our property with a jug, a hose and latex gloves i'm guessing looking to syphon gas out of cars. all the gas tanks were locked and my camera didn't capture the images of where the car is parked. it just catches the entrance to my home to get pics of the comings and goings. spent some time pricing cameras and i'm about to leave to buy another driveway alert alarm that dings a bell when someone walks past. the camera alerts just give lots of false notifications that get annoying so if it wasn't for the scooter they left in my driveway that alerted me to look at the camera's, i wouldn't have known they were there because i ignore the 200 daily alerts. the driveway bell alarm would alert me though if i was home and i would know there is a real reason to check the notifications coming in simutaneously on my cell. too bad i can't upload a video on here without youtube. i even captured what they were saying and 75% of the time it's a female and male couple.





Well-known member
The plants are about to show sex! i see some that are forming their sex bits and I will start marking them as they show. Out of 18 plants, only one doesn't have double serrations. I grouped them into three groups, so the first group is called no serrations and that is kinda misleading because they basically all have them. So it's basically 1 or less on the plant.

So there are six of those including the one that has no serrations.



then 4 of 18 are in the light double serrations group and that is 2-3 per node set.



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