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Cannabis - Motivator or demotivator

Moldy Dreads

Active member
I started this thread because a poster in another thread mentioned how MJ was "procrastination meds". When I smoke, specially some kind Sativa, I am immediately motivated to get up and do things, specially run, jog or play a sport that involves alot of movement.

When I need to do house chores such as clean the grow room or sweep the floors I use MJ as a reward and motivator also. I get in the groove, throw on some toons and get to work with a smile.

Some people are of the opinion that it makes you a useless couch potato, and to tell you the truth, I only feel like that when I want to, and it has little to do with MJ. Of course some OG Kush BHO will get me "couch frozen" if I try, but then again, I only smoke oil at night to sleep etc..

What does Cannabis motivate or demotivate you to do?

Do you feel huge diferences between Indicas and Sativas or does it really have to do with your mindset?


Active member
Sativa can make really happy to be alive, but sometimes it can make me paranoid.

Indica can be quite nice, after a hard day's work, but if I smoke it in the day not nice.

Also smoking too excessively sure can make one unmotivated.

So cannabis can be a motivator and a demotivator (for me).

I am for responsible use, can't blame a plant for your problems


i find if i wake up and smoke right away my day is far more unproductive, i always like to get all the bs out of the way in the morning/afternoon and save the blazing for later


When I need to do house chores such as clean the grow room or sweep the floors I use MJ as a reward and motivator also. I get in the groove, throw on some toons and get to work with a smile.

Using marijuana as a reward is extremely motivating. I do this quite a lot when I feel that I need to get some work done, but can't be bothered to.

I find that my cannabis use fuels my motivation. Or rather, some of the intrinsic criticism that comes with smoking. I'm the kind of person that if someone says to me "That's impossible, you'll never be able to do that", I take it as a challenge. People say that If I smoke weed I'll never be successful. Besides infuriating me, it gets me extremely motivated to prove them wrong, and has driven me to where I am currently. Some people claim that smoking weed makes them more complacent, but I find this to be the direct opposite of my experience. I need an outlet for my motivation, and daily improvement and progression seem to be the only way to relieve it. So yes, cannabis is a motivator, and I hope it helps me on my way to achieving my full potential as a human being.

The sky is the limit, and you've got to get high to reach the sky.


It depends.. Like the second poster said too much cannabis can make somebody unmotivated.. Think about it.. Being stoned all the time makes doing nothing enjoyable.. Try sitting around a couch all day and see how enjoyable it is.

It motivates me for things like art, music and other pleasurable activities but when it comes to hard labor and other such things I prefer to have a clear mind.

Mr. Tony

Active member
I can't take straight up pure sativa because it gives me bad anxiety.

I use indica's to sleep.

though a nice hybrid helps me get my work done with just a small toke.


Hey thx I didn´t know him but now I can say he was really great!

one of the smartest men to have ever graced the face of this planet.

the late, great, bill hicks is certainly very worth checking out. pretty much anything he says is a stitch, and i would be surprised to find someone that didnt learn a thing or two from him.

and i agree with the too much pot. smoking all day seems to me to be a great way of causing somsone to stay in the same place. but once a week i think is perfect (although once a day is great, too :joint:)


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
most weed makes me lazy as hell. i dont even want to smoke till 3-4 pm or i will get nothing done. i hate that part of it, but then again it helps me sleep.
sativas do make a big difference as im smoking some 3d right now and it does motivate me.
my delta 9 oil motivates the hell out of me which i find weird, because i make it with lots of strains but always gives you that fly by the seat of my pants feeling.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

all depends on the weed (sativa or indica) time and place for me.

I use medicinally these days and so I need indicas for the complete body buzz & that'll tend to make me somewhat uninspired to take on any new tasks atm. sativas on the other hand seem rather inspirational and bring out my creative side no matter what the job at hand is.



Active member
me too

me too

all depends on the weed (sativa or indica) time and place for me.

can be either or both...

i could go clean all the cat puke in the house, vacuum everything, do the dishes and make dinner for the next night,or just sit in front of the TV glued to the couch...

it all depends...

usually, its just the couch...


I could never tell a big difference between the two,indica or sativa.Not to the extent I hear people talking about.The question itself is moot anyway,whether motivator or the complete opposite,why should anyone give a fuck.Has anyone put a gun to your head saying hit the bowl or I'll pop a cap in yo ass?I dont get any of it.None of it at all.Do you get pubic hair between your teeth when you smoke cannabis?Just another inquiry that makes no fuckin sense..I hope the poster doesnt think I'm ridiculing him in any way,it just hit me but thats not the case bro,not at all.I just really dont get why people should care what the fuck it is,motivator or demotivator.My best friend was electrocuted on the job friday and I'm letting the xanax get the better of me I think.Sorry