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Cannabis Cats


Well-known member
well, i found one real reason that dogs are superior pets. you let a dog out late at night, it's gonna run out there, do the job, and hit the door on the fly. you put a cat out to keep it from shitting on the carpet, and it might come back before dawn, or the house might need painting before you see it again. contrary danged critters...

St. Phatty

Active member
When I opened the door on Friday night and called out for the missing Cannabis Cat, I heard a very low frequency growl.

Sounded like a mountain lion about 75 yards away.

I didn't know where to walk or what to do, so I waited - and then kicked myself for not going to the areas I was most familiar with, in the dark.

So I went there the next morning, near a bunch of logs I had piled up, expecting to find the tail and some pieces of fur.

Then the Cannabis Cat (male) showed up about 8 AM - after being out all night.

Now i'm thinking that the growl I heard was from the large female cat I've been feeding - and that was the sound of a Cat in Heat.

The gestation period for cats is 65 days, so I guess I'll know the answer on about 4-20 !

St. Phatty

Active member
Cannabis Cat chewing on my Trifoliate Male Seedling, which is now a Larger Seedling.

Does the image look blurry on the right ? It's like Vaseline on the lens but the lens is clean.

For the outdoor cat that I suspect may be pregnant, I found a BIG BOX that I can fill with a blanket. Somehow she has survived cold weather.

I might paint the Big Box with Varathane, so it's more waterproof. Was going to cover it with a plastic tarp anyway, but the humidity gets under the tarp and condenses on everything.


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St. Phatty

Active member
I am running out of indoor space. I needed an area to glue a 5 foot square piece of black plastic, to a 42 gallon garbage bag, for rainwater collection.

So I taped the black plastic to the shower door, and epoxied it.

This morning it looked like it had rained.

It did rain. CAT PISS !

Now I have a Bath Towel that SMELLS like cat piss.

Talk about Hitting the Jackpot !

I can wear it as a cologne, and sprinkle it on my letter to the IRS.


Well-known member
my latest cat almost met the mulching blade on my mower yesterday. damn thing hides and tries to ambush squirrels like most cats. damn grass was nearly a foot tall in part of my yard from all of the rain the last two weeks, has been too wet to mow. yesterday, i decided to cut it even if it harelipped the Pope! i was doing so when the damn cat shot up out of the weeds right between the front tires of the mower deck...danged calicos be like they are wearing camo. :(

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