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Canadian Craft Growing Laws - Up to Date info by the people, for the people. Please keep it to the topic as A LOT of people rely on this info


Well-known member

License Screening Fee: $1,638

Security Clearance Fee: about $10,000 depending on staff size

Import/Export Permit: $610

Annual Regulatory Fee: $2,500

Approximate total Micro Cultivation Licence Cost: $14,748

Extra costs:
  • Facility Cost
  • Upkeep and maintenance cost
  • Labor Cost
  • Technology Cost
  • Supply Cost
  • Cannabis Taxes

New micro grow license applicants will need to pay an application screening fee. This fee for micro grows is non-refundable. Standard sized cannabis growers pay an application screening fee of $3,277, but micro cultivation, micro processing, and nurseries pay only $1,638. Health Canada provides this example:

Micro cultivation license applicants also need to pay a fee for the cost of processing their security clearances. Each person needing security clearance will have to pay a fee of $1,654. Depending on staff size, security clearance fees can range from $8,270 for five individuals to $13,232 for eight individuals.


Well-known member
Too bad we are blocked at having coffee shops.

The PRS licence is what the LCRB calls their cannabis farmgate program. The program will allow micro cultivators, standard cultivators, and nurseries to sell their own products at their own production facilities or sites.

This should also allow customers to sample and use thier products on thier property.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
my buddy in the states just had his whole operation transitioned into his state's legal market. It cost him 2800.00 USD....... ALL IN. He can sell clones, seeds, extracts and flower.
I do know a couple successful craft growers in alberta that sell all thier product to a couple weed stores apparently. One of them is going to have to close down though as he needs employees but paying for thier screening or making them pay for the screening is a non starter. That and all he can afford to pay a helper is minimum wage. 2 years in and he is breaking even, barely.
The system here is set up to benefit "corporate" and those rich folks that can afford to play the stocks and seem to never take a hit because they are mysteriously out before the crash LOL Corporate and the big LP's are actively lobbying to take away your right to grow 4 plants, actively lobbying to end the acmpr grow licenses because it affects thier bottom line to the tune of millions a year , potentially billions.
Corporate and the big LPs are also actively lobbying to keep craft startups out of the game and it is due to these people that the hurdles to become a licensed cannabis business are so high. Everywhere you turn you will find a new tax on a tax and other regulatory hurdles that make Craft growing very unattractive.
I just want to be able to legally breed, source strains from the global genetic library , run a tissue culture bank and be able to offer seeds to the public. That business plan will cost MILLIONS of dollars and that is what I keep getting told by the consultants I deal with.
I'm an outlaw grower at heart.... literally taught how to grow by patch members of the Outlaws starting back in 89. I'll keep doing my thing the outlaw way when it comes to certain aspects of cannabis but to protect all my hard work the acmpr is a no brainer in the meantime and I have legitimate need for cannabis as medicine.
Without weed I wouldn't be walking still..... that's the truth of it. Every day is an adventure in navigating and managing pain. So with or without the "legalization" by the despot king turdeau , I would still be doing exactly what I am doing today.
If all this was illegal still..... I would do it anyways always remembering my mentor's words..... 2 rules when it comes to weed growing , never commit a misdemeanor while you are in the middle of commiting a feloney..... and two..... don't do the crime if you can'd do the time. That last one is what I say to all the whiners who complain about being pinched and getting a record.
I have grown weed, smoked weed, sold weed since 1989 and I don't have one single incident of getting busted for a joint nor for growing. That's by playing things smart and remembering the two golden rules of growing..... see above.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member

The PRS licence is what the LCRB calls their cannabis farmgate program. The program will allow micro cultivators, standard cultivators, and nurseries to sell their own products at their own production facilities or sites.

This should also allow customers to sample and use thier products on thier property.
that is a pilot project only for the farms in southeastern BC...... the rich part of the BC interior LOL
I looked into that farmgate thing and made a few calls. Apparently where I am in BC is outside the area this applies too. That is pretty stupid. My guess is "farmgate" will be just another disaster in Canada's legalization regime.


Well-known member
that is a pilot project only for the farms in southeastern BC...... the rich part of the BC interior LOL
I looked into that farmgate thing and made a few calls. Apparently where I am in BC is outside the area this applies too. That is pretty stupid. My guess is "farmgate" will be just another disaster in Canada's legalization regime.
There was a pilot project started before the laws changed on Nov 30 2022 a week ago.
But these new laws are province wide and cover the whole of BC.
LOL I no longer have to worry about going to jail for smoking or growing cannabis, do you really believe that is a disaster?

BTW Mark Twain explained why profits from legal drugs are poor.

“Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits. Fanatics will never learn that, though it be written in letters of gold across the sky. It is the prohibition that makes anything precious”


Well-known member
my buddy in the states just had his whole operation transitioned into his state's legal market. It cost him 2800.00 USD....... ALL IN. He can sell clones, seeds, extracts and flower.
I do know a couple successful craft growers in alberta that sell all thier product to a couple weed stores apparently. One of them is going to have to close down though as he needs employees but paying for thier screening or making them pay for the screening is a non starter. That and all he can afford to pay a helper is minimum wage. 2 years in and he is breaking even, barely.
The system here is set up to benefit "corporate" and those rich folks that can afford to play the stocks and seem to never take a hit because they are mysteriously out before the crash LOL Corporate and the big LP's are actively lobbying to take away your right to grow 4 plants, actively lobbying to end the acmpr grow licenses because it affects thier bottom line to the tune of millions a year , potentially billions.
Corporate and the big LPs are also actively lobbying to keep craft startups out of the game and it is due to these people that the hurdles to become a licensed cannabis business are so high. Everywhere you turn you will find a new tax on a tax and other regulatory hurdles that make Craft growing very unattractive.
I just want to be able to legally breed, source strains from the global genetic library , run a tissue culture bank and be able to offer seeds to the public. That business plan will cost MILLIONS of dollars and that is what I keep getting told by the consultants I deal with.
I'm an outlaw grower at heart.... literally taught how to grow by patch members of the Outlaws starting back in 89. I'll keep doing my thing the outlaw way when it comes to certain aspects of cannabis but to protect all my hard work the acmpr is a no brainer in the meantime and I have legitimate need for cannabis as medicine.
Without weed I wouldn't be walking still..... that's the truth of it. Every day is an adventure in navigating and managing pain. So with or without the "legalization" by the despot king turdeau , I would still be doing exactly what I am doing today.
If all this was illegal still..... I would do it anyways always remembering my mentor's words..... 2 rules when it comes to weed growing , never commit a misdemeanor while you are in the middle of commiting a feloney..... and two..... don't do the crime if you can'd do the time. That last one is what I say to all the whiners who complain about being pinched and getting a record.
I have grown weed, smoked weed, sold weed since 1989 and I don't have one single incident of getting busted for a joint nor for growing. That's by playing things smart and remembering the two golden rules of growing..... see above.
Well said. Thank you for the information.

There would be such a revolt if they took the basic 4 plants away. Take that away, take away beer/wine home brewing also. Lobbyists are 100% evil.

I wonder what the costs of starting a Vinyard is.


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ICMag Donor
Corporate and the big LP's are actively lobbying to take away your right to grow 4 plants, actively lobbying to end the acmpr grow licenses

I actually think that the ACMPR program is at the greatest risk. There has been some press noise about the high plant counts sold by nurse practitioners. It is not too much of a stretch to see them tightening this up. Regulate the plant counts to some degree by restricting it to a real doctor's script and institute some inspection regimen for them. That would cool a lot of the abuse that invariable feeds the BM.

The personal 4 would be really hard to take away now but time will tell.


Well-known member
The personal 4 would be really hard to take away now but time will tell.
is it 4 plants per year total, or is it only 4 plants growing at any one point in time? i've never seen that explained to my satisfaction... Virginia does not require an identifying "serial number" on the plants tag, only your name and address etc. nothing to keep you from harvesting & re-planting that i can find...even "if" they have a weight limit (can't find one for possession in your home, only out in public or traveling) it is legal to give it away or trade with it. :dunno:


Well-known member
is it 4 plants per year total, or is it only 4 plants growing at any one point in time? i've never seen that explained to my satisfaction... Virginia does not require an identifying "serial number" on the plants tag, only your name and address etc. nothing to keep you from harvesting & re-planting that i can find...even "if" they have a weight limit (can't find one for possession in your home, only out in public or traveling) it is legal to give it away or trade with it. :dunno:
The legal limit is four plants at a time and $200 fine for five or six plants. Your cannabis has to come from a legal source but the only proof you need is your word no serial number or tags for home grown, You can give away clones seeds and bud to friends. As to weight limits its 30 grams in public and here in BC a kilo at home most of Canada does not have any restrictions on how much you can stash in your home.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
ya ..... rider420 is right. 4 plants for one adult (19+) at any given time per household..... not per property as some folks live in condos, townhouses, apartments, lane houses ect.
The government set the comparison scale to the gram of flower. So 30grams is the adult posession limit and it is legal to gift or share recreational cannabis with other adults, 30 grams at a time. Canada Post came out with smell proof packaging for this very reason.
Now by the governments scale of comparison, 1 gram of flower = ONE seed so it is legal to gift or share up to 30 cannabis seeds with another adult in person or by mail.
The same scale of camparison with 1 gram of flower applies to edibles and extracts as well but I don't have those values handy.
You can also be in public with up to 4 non flowering plants and can gift to another adult clones and nonflowering plants. (not sure on that last bit if the gift/shared live plant can't be in flower) but you can't be in public with a live flowering plant.
All this is supposed to only apply to Licit/Legal cannabis products....... BUT the dumb ass government has made the process to sell genetic material a ridiculous and expensive process that only the well funded LP's or those farms connected to them can afford to get the required licenses. Little guy like me gets told it will cost a couple million to get licenses/permits/regulatory approval and local area approval.

Perhaps things are changing here in BC and I will have to go back and see what they have proposed for the entire province. I have not done any research into BC's legislation or programs since last spring sometime. I just get too frustrated to follow along with the latest updates on any regular basis LOL


Well-known member
Canada does not have any restrictions on how much you can stash in your home.
only mention in Virginias laws (that i can find) says that you can keep all that you grow at home. if you are running plants that mature at 8 weeks say, and plant one every two weeks & harvest simultaneously at 8 week mark, you're gonna have a shitload of pot hanging around the house PDQ...at end of year, you should have 22 plants harvested and 4 growing. fuck, i don't smoke an ounce a month these days, and some months it's more like a 1/4 oz...i could "probably" get by with that. :whistling::good: (yeah, i know. most takes more than 8 weeks)


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ICMag Donor
Perhaps things are changing here in BC and I will have to go back and see what they have proposed for the entire province. I have not done any research into BC's legislation or programs since last spring sometime. I just get too frustrated to follow along with the latest updates on any regular basis LOL

It looks like there will be a BC craft growers' convention in Kelowna in April that you may want to attend if you are serious.


Comfortably numb!
And the startling thing about our home grows - they didn't put a cap on how much you could keep at home. The medical ACMPR does but the basic legal grow legislation does not. This does vary a bit by province due to the couple of no-grow provinces.
Sssssh :) That's what I found out as well, when Tycho wanted me to go that route. The 150gr is nebulous but as a simple connaisseur, 30gr in public and no possession limit in your home. I have the better of the deal without the additional cost, which IMHO is a scam on both sides.


Comfortably numb!
And if it had been up to the party of NO, how long do you think we would have waited for ANY form of legalization? The cons would have kept it in the consultation stage for another decade and their corporate buddies would never ever have allowed home growing to cut into their income. And meanwhile people's lives would have continued to be ruined every day with possession busts. Yes, the legislation is deeply flawed but at least it is a whole crapload better that not having it.

Here is the vote count for Bill 405. One conservative voted Yea.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
wow thats the first time I've seen that video LOL what a stoner
Lake country eh? His pot plant probably got eaten by a deer. One of my outdoor plants was massively topped out by a mule deer this summer. Was missing half the plant the next day.

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