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Captain Expando
The Marijuana Party of Canada has turned to selling pot seeds to help raise money for the national elections. The party buys seeds in bulk from Canadian suppliers, including Willy Jack and Sensi Seeds, then sells packs of 10 at prices ranging from $10 (US$7.40) for nonviable "decorative" seeds to $400 (US$296) for "thoroughbred, Cannabis Cup-winning" varieties. So far, the party has sold five or six packs. It's by no means a gold mine yet, but it will come, it's a very political action. A Montreal police officer told the Vancouver Province on Sunday that St-Maurice probably would not be prosecuted for selling seeds. The Criminal Code prohibits possession, cultivation and sales of marijuana, but selling seeds seems to fall into a gray area. It appears not to be illegal in that people who are doing it are not being charged for doing it. Marijuana seeds have so little tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive ingredient in pot, that a judge could rule that they are not a drug.

"We're going to do it to fund the campaign and the movement in general," said party leader Marc-Boris St-Maurice, who's running against Prime Minister Paul Martin in Montreal. "We're going to be doing this for the remainder of our existence until pot is legal."