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breeding pitbulls

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skin said:
the pitbull is a performance animal , as soon as you breed for looks instead of ability your going to fuck it up ! like every other useless kennel club dog that has been bred for looks!
there are working dogs and show dogs i only have time for working dogs be it pointers , flushing dogs , retrievers , hounds , catch dogs , little game ground terriers or many of the other classes.

i may sound like a dog fighter but i can assure you i am not , it took hundreds of years of natural selection to make the pit bull what it is , and all of a sudden people decide to use the name and breed some muscle bound , huge headed over priced lump ! so wrong

i have a large mastif also and the last time the local pack of feral dogs came to chase and kill my other animals (goats,sheep,rabbits, turkeys and chickens) i let my big fearce dog go to do the biz , only to find after a brief scuffle that he wasnt really that fierce and lost interest very quickly ! , leaving my animals to the mercy of the other dogs .
i have the mastif so i dont have to use my pits as guard dogs and give the media and haters anymore ammunition if they actually had to guard me or my family !
when the mastif proved his lack of gameness i got my big male red nose pitbull out of his kennel and let him have a go , needless to say after a short battle the feral dogs soon retreated and he had proven his breeding and heritage and saved my animals .
some minor medical treatment and all was good .

as someone mentioned earlier in this thread 'IT IS BETTER TO HAVE IT AND NOT NEED IT THAN TO NEED IT AND NOT HAVE IT '

i personally couldnt and wouldnt be part of what would of been necessary to create this breed from scratch but seeing as it is here already i see nothing wrong in trying to maintain and admire it !

good msg bro..and i agree.

i know more about dogs than i do humans, and when i hear of peeps not being responsible dog owners i get pissed.


spot on skin and norcalkush its good to see 360 degrees of thinking rather than 2d.
Its actually true in reality if i do use dogs for security it would be the atack trained rottweiler or alsation that would legally bite you, not my bulldogs, because i feel like its me proteciting them rather than vice versa.
pitbull not petbull its the backyard breeders who breed for people aggressive dog and looks who make a bad name for the apbt. i hate when people r like its a show dog. well y arnt u shown them then..... lol or at least weight pull...lol fckn mutts


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Ah the wounderfull world of the super athletic dog beautifull dogs but banned in many states so say you want to breed game dogs?

The best way to breed game dogs is threw bloodline I suggest you go pick up an old pitbull book written by Richard F Stratton he has many of the old world blood lines like jeep colby garner gator chaingang.

I used to breed game dogs just stopped because of the county I live in would fine me for these kind of dogs.

Now I will breed Cane Corso. Fortissimacanecorso. Good site the father of my bitch is Enzo he has a video on there to watch

Also I will breed three type of dogs to try to get a very lean atheletic working dog.
the best way is not threw bloodlines it from breeding gamest to gamest................. papers dont make the dog the dog makes the papers.................... people paperhang all the time.
that another problem there is a lot of misguidance with the dogs yes there is some very good books tl book any stratton book will be good


i adopted a pit/shar pei mix who definately is a bit more game than most. you ever seen a dog rag doll a 5 foot rattler in two, while it was biting him in the head? i got the vet bill and he has the sunken in skull and blind eye to prove it. even blind in one eye he keeps a full grown angus and some other angus mix bulls in check. hybrids rule and ibl's are genetically weak


ive read from stratton that the game gene is a ressesive gene and if you dont use the same blood you lose that gene but not in every example

og dmc

Is that your dog in your gallery? Looks like a nice do. Here is my boy and my girl. I personally wish they were a little more mellow.

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gamehaze2 said:
ive read from stratton that the game gene is a ressesive gene and if you dont use the same blood you lose that gene but not in every example
There is no 1 "game gene"
Pure myth, pure oversimplification of biology! :rasta:


this is for SKIN

i agree with you like about the dogs not beeing the same any more and people accidently breeding out the traits that make a pit a pit.

as i said before ( not condoning at ALL) that whe some thugs let thier pits fight to the death and shit or near death and kill the loser is just a fuckin ashole who dont car bout the dog only the money he would of won in the fight.

reall old school rules for pit bull dighting states that the dogs are not to be in contact with one another for more than a fraction of a second (as soon as they hit they get "broke " with a breaking stick) as soon as they cross the scratch line and engage in what they think is a about to be a battle they dogs touch and break, very , very little time for the dogs to hurt each other, casue they dont want the dogs to get hurt, in the least bit even.any way the hadlers let the dogs cross the line and hit and then break them and repeate till one dogs gives up and does not go across the "scratch line" and that is it fight is over and the whole time the dogs werent even in contact for more than maybe a coouple seconds. these are just the rules i found long ago before getting my first and cutest pit 10 yrs ago i jjust did a little research and stuff and come across official rule for game dog fightin (pit bull fighin)

now the most game dog was the one who never backed down in the fight, ie the one who did not cross the scratch line to engage again was the loser and less game dogs and surely they dont kill it for losing ( when the real established rules are in place) and were talking like turn of the century these rules ere writen up and accepted by all dog fighters. and it was also required by the handler of anycompeting dog to have a full medical supplies kit that would fix any thing that could imaginable happen to the dog or they werent aloud to compete.

now game is the will to continue doing something in despite of pain or injury, to keep on going. and the most game dogs are the ones that are the most people friendly.

cause the rare ocasion that a dog did get put down after a fight (turn of the century rules applied) was if it turned and bit the handler during the break. so in essence the dogs started to be more and more people friendly and at the same time more and more game casue any dog that turned or bit a breeder was euthanized ( :( )

but this made todays pit bulls very very people friendly and i always take my dog to pets mart and i have a red nosed hemphillXcherry bomb pit. and hes my male and i have a "pocket colby" and a full gator mouth bloodlined dog and a half AmStaff pit mix.

your also get these asshole who feed the dog "GUNPOWDER" wtf tomake them meaner when in all reality you are hurting the dogs liver really bad and slowly poisoning it. everytime i hear of this i argue my point against it util the other side sees my point and will agree ive even been into fist fights with people who actually tried feeding their dogs gun powder in front of me when i was over.

and your average thugs these days have right to do this kind of shit to these animals they are giving them such a bad rep they are starting to slowly get bannned around here in differnt citties. and the thugs have no idea how to fight the dogs right , letting them go to the death doesnt prove or accomplish anything but the death of a dog and the means to make a little cash. and they try to make them people aggressive which is something that was been breed out of the breed since the begining of the breed. so people aggression is not a noatural train of APBT nor is the "turn on you thing true" its simply not in their blood to do that

what happens is you get thugs who get a hold of some pit bulls (most of the time they dont even know that they arent even full blooded pits, ive seen many thugs dogs who said they were pits and believed that and anyone who knows the breed can clearly see its only a small percentage to half pit and mixed with some random mutt)and start to get there buddies who hae nice looking dogs and mate them for pups and they try to get the meanest ones to be parents and mean i mean people agressive. with hople that the coming litter will have a good fighter in it or to sell them to make money to other thugs who want to fight/guard dope houses with them. and by them breeding the people agressive dogs with each other they are actually breeding out the game trait that they are actually wanting.

people agresive APBT= not very game
people friendly APBT = more than likely pretty game dog, and usually game dogs or more game dogs dont get along well with squirels and ground hogs or other dogs. thats why unless you want to fight you dogs which you should be sent to hell for. you should start socializing you game pit early on all of mine are very sociable they can be smothered my infants and toddler and they can have thier ears yanked on my little kids and all they do is lick them back even more al while waggin their tail and all hoppy and happy

and people agressive pits come from asholes who make them that way.
when i used ot use hard drugs i had a buddy of mine who was a hard drug dealler and would always have a pit or a puppy of one and i seen it a million times this is what they do

! they dont let any one pet or be nice to the puppy and tell them to kick it away if it comes sniffing you shoes like pup alway do.

2 they beat them and lock them in a cage for hours sometimes days and bring em out and beat on them again.

3 wont let any body pet the dog or talk to it cute. ive been yelled at alot by this guy for picking up his pup and giving them a little love and attetion.

4 gun pwder feeds ( i think this shit is soo bad id like to feed them fucking gun powder but with the bullet in front of it, get it!)

just terrible socializing everything thats sadi to do to socialize you dog is done the exact opposit.

people agresive pits come from bad very bad abuse and is not a trait any APBT should have

chows are mean fucking dogs sooo many reports of them biting and hurting even killing babies, i read once where a chow pulled an infant out of his walker and bit the child so severly his face would be malformed for the rest of the childs life.

doberman very unstabel breed. well socialized or not they have atendency to be people agressive. also tosa inus and a bunch other especially geman shepards ( and im not drawing this conclusion cause ive been bitten by a drug dog.lol) my aunt has one and its always biting little kids that come over her house.

i just want to let evey one know cause my post may not be as clear as it sounds in my head


my first one the APBT X AmStaff mix is my son i got him at 5 weeks (lil eatrly) when i was 16 and since day one hes has slept under my arm in my bed with me since i 1st got hiim. and still do to this day. i love animals more than people id rather see a human get hurt before an animal get hurt, people are sinners and deserve it and animals are inocent
evil indo wtf quit babbeln............. u dont know what u r talkn bout dont mean to b an asshole but it is the truth. a gamedog is a game dog just cuz its nice to people dont mean its game............
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