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Blowfish F2s from Three Little Birds Recently Popped

Crazy Chester

Well-known member
I transplanted the four seed plants today and planted the Blowfish 1 and 3 that had rooted to keep in veg to be a pop and mom plant, respectively.

The new mom and pop:

BF new clones.jpg

The group of seed plants I'm going to flower:

BF group transplanted.jpg

Crazy Chester

Well-known member
My freak dwarf male, Blowfish 2 popped a root today. Now, I'm just waiting for roots on the last male - Blowfish 4 - to complete the parent plant set. The Blowfish 1 (male) and Blowfish 3 (female) parent plants have already started new growth in the mom room and I'm hoping Blowfish 2 establishes himself similarly.

My plan is to let the seedplants continue to flower outdoors, bring the male seedplants indoors shortly before their flowers open and then bring the Blowfish 3 seedplant in after all three males have dropped pollen into the room. Then, after she gets coated - I'll spray her down with some water to kill any pollen that didn't find a pistil before putting her back outdoors to make the OP seeds.

Both the Blowfish 3 and Blowfish 4 seed plants each have a perfect snip for me to take, which should improve their plant structure for future growth, so I'm going to clone each of them again tomorrow. That way, I'll probably be covered to get roots on Blowfish 4 to establish my final parent plant if I don't get roots on the first one I snipped. Also, if I root another Blowfish 3, I'll have a back-up mom plant that could join the knocked up seedplant outdoors. I look forward to having an un-pollinated Blowfish 3 finish outdoors this year because there won't be much of the original seedplant left to evaluate if I knock her up right.

Crazy Chester

Well-known member
Things are progressing well. The parents, enjoying a few hours of sun before they go back into the mom/pop room, continue to establish themselves:

BF parent group shot:

BF parent group (5.2.24).jpg

The seed plants that will mate with each-other are doing well too:

BF seed plant group (5.2.24).jpg

I did a pruning job on the males to slow them down a bit and to remove the weird leafs which were starting to annoy me.

Meanwhile only one of the males (Blowfish 4) is showing true flowers and they're looking to be about a week from opening:

BF4 daddy flowers (5.2.24).jpg

The other daddies are still only showing preflowers - the light outdoors is now approaching 13.75 hours of ligh per day - this may be too much for them flower and it will only steadily increase until the June solstice.
So - I think I'm putting them all into the mating tent on Sunday under 12/12 light and let 'em go!

Crazy Chester

Well-known member
Blowfish Bummer!

Three major developments in the seed plants = no F3 seed run:

1. At the node above those male parts I posted before, Blowfish 4 is now doing this:

BF 4 (5.5.24).jpg

2. Blowfish 2 has now shown one lonely pistil amongst the male parts that are just starting to proliferate; and,

3. Blowfish 1, that I had called male on the basis of a very early what I had thought to be a pre-flower - it was just a little blob that's no longer on the plant (was taken on the clone I made for a parent plant), now has shown a female pre-flower. No real flowers yet on the Blowfish 1 or any other pre-flowers but the one with the pistil. So this one is either a female or another hermi.

Bottom line - this dooms a possible F3 open pollination run.

Silver lining: Blowfish 3 is slowly making female flowers and continues to make NO male flowers.

Possible silver lining #2 - Blowfish 1 may actually be a second female.

This thread will now be primarily focused on the outdoor flowering of Blowfish 3 and, maybe Blowfish 1, if it doesn't turn out to be another hermi.


Well-known member
i used to have blowfish. dried out, back of a tray
took her. the crossing with a hermi might be ok.
when you sts a plant to make a male from a female
is a hermi in a way. was a good plant miss her.
best of luck with what you choose to do.

Crazy Chester

Well-known member
farmerfischer and Lrus007 have each summed up my conundrum - I've got a few days to figure it out. I can even punch out of open pollinating the seed plants and think about it some more - since I've got parent plants of all four in veg in the mom/pop room.


Well-known member
farmerfischer and Lrus007 have each summed up my conundrum - I've got a few days to figure it out. I can even punch out of open pollinating the seed plants and think about it some more - since I've got parent plants of all four in veg in the mom/pop room.
Make the seed at any means possible.

We're talking about a line that's pretty much lost to time.

Most elites have came from herm accidents. You'll be kicking yourself if you don't go for it. Trust me.


Well-known member
Has anyone successfully reversed a male and gotten seeds?

Has this ever been accomplished?

I've reversed males with florel before but never took it to the step of making seed with reversed male.


Well-known member
Premium user
Has anyone successfully reversed a male and gotten seeds?

Has this ever been accomplished?

I've reversed males with florel before but never took it to the step of making seed with reversed male.
The problem is he has all hermies I believe, I thought. I seem to recall something about not being able to reverse males the same way you do with STS, CS etc. but dont quote me on it. I declined to use male ak-47's that went female to preserve the old AK. Might turn out sterile, but might put out all males using male herms.

Did anyone email hazeman for his list? I read the other day he did a repro...

Crazy Chester

Well-known member
The problem is he has all hermies I believe, I thought. I seem to recall something about not being able to reverse males the same way you do with STS, CS etc. but dont quote me on it. I declined to use male ak-47's that went female to preserve the old AK. Might turn out sterile, but might put out all males using male herms.

Did anyone email hazeman for his list? I read the other day he did a repro...
All hermies not yet - there's Blowfish #1 - the one that fooled me with what I mistakenly thought was a male pre-flower. That was the first one I called sex on - but, now Blowfish #1 is the only plant that hasn't shown balls - only pistils so far. The rest appear to be legitimate hermies. It breaks my heart that Blowfish 3 grew some balls - that's the one that looks just like my awesome Blowfish female I had 20 years ago.

So - if Blowfish #1 turns out to be a legit female - what are the chances of finding a legit female (hopefully like Blowfish #3, but without the balls) and a legit male in the F3 generation using pollen from nothing but hermies?

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
Make the seed at any means possible.

We're talking about a line that's pretty much lost to time.

Most elites have came from herm accidents. You'll be kicking yourself if you don't go for it. Trust me.
I completely disagree

trash those hermie genetics AT ALL COSTS. bunk breeds bunk..... you can't turn shit into gold.... and on and on.

Now "if" that one female proves to not have any intersex traits, a proper reversal with STS is light years better than any hermie action pollinating.

I have 2 packs of original Dutch Flowers Blowfish F1 in the freezer , there are 23 seeds between the two packs. I also have 28 seeds of Blowfish F2 made by a former member here back 6 or so years ago that dropped them for the Gypsy Nirvana server fund on the old seedbay.
Blowfish is not lost to time, I will be doing some major breeding work with it over the winter.


Well-known member
Premium user
I completely disagree

trash those hermie genetics AT ALL COSTS. bunk breeds bunk..... you can't turn shit into gold.... and on and on.

Now "if" that one female proves to not have any intersex traits, a proper reversal with STS is light years better than any hermie action pollinating.

I have 2 packs of original Dutch Flowers Blowfish F1 in the freezer , there are 23 seeds between the two packs. I also have 28 seeds of Blowfish F2 made by a former member here back 6 or so years ago that dropped them for the Gypsy Nirvana server fund on the old seedbay.
Blowfish is not lost to time, I will be doing some major breeding work with it over the winter.
Tend to agree. I saw hazeman online a second ago he has an extensive list on his email was looking at his cindy at one point but havent tried it.