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Well-known member
Had a property for several years that had a flock of peafowl on it since the late 40's.
Amazing creatures to have around. Fiercely territorial. Seen them going after snakes, raccoons, deer, and had heard stories of the same flock dealing with a bear. It always ended the same way.
The roost was in a tree right above the house and to hear them at night was comforting and made for neat dreams.

St. Phatty

Active member
I don't understand the language, but I could swear they talk.

When I bring the rooster indoors to roost with one of the chickens, they go on for about 5 minutes.

I don't know what they're saying, but they know what they're saying.


I love birds..

I do promote captive birds, but my roommate had an African Grey parrot years back. Back in the days when people bought big bags and bricks of Mexican weed when we would get a bag with lots of seeds we would put it on a plate and let the parrot pick and eat all the seeds out of it.


Well-known member
I don't understand the language, but I could swear they talk.

When I bring the rooster indoors to roost with one of the chickens, they go on for about 5 minutes.

I don't know what they're saying, but they know what they're saying.
A few springs ago there was a male robin that would roost and sing every morning at twilight in the tree right outside my bedroom window. He was so bad, I mean really bad, almost like you couldn’t come up with the licks even if you were a gifted musician. He just didn’t have it.


Active member
I don't understand the language, but I could swear they talk.

When I bring the rooster indoors to roost with one of the chickens, they go on for about 5 minutes.

I don't know what they're saying, but they know what they're saying.

Chickens are funny, they have their own language of low and high pitched clucks. Lots of different warning sounds it seems like for signaling each other. Some are very quiet.

Every night, the chickens go into the coop at different times. Younger ones stay out later. The rooster is the first to go in.
The oldest female does the same types of sounds every night. Not sure what it means to her, but it starts off like Waaaahhk Waaahhhk Whaaack Whak Whak Whac Whac Whak ............... couple minutes will pass then exact same sounds, over and over, until everybody is in.
And she never makes that sound any other time

When I hear it, it sounds like its in this tone of “ you better be in here, or bad things will happen, not gonna tell you again”

The oldest chicken making those noises has seen a lot. She is the sole survivor of three bear attacks, plus two fox and two skunk attacks. She has seen 15 chickens get taken. Penguin is her name, looked like one as a baby.


Active member
we have all manner of raptors here, bald eagles, hawks, owls. once on a bike ride i saw a kestral (smallest hawk) on a fence post with a humming bird in his claws. stopped and watched him tear it to bits.


Their happy to See each other St. Phatty :) " He's Gonna be Strutting a bit ! - " All them Women " :-D
[ They Give us Eggs - So why take more from Them ]:


Seed Whore
I don't understand the language, but I could swear they talk.

When I bring the rooster indoors to roost with one of the chickens, they go on for about 5 minutes.

I don't know what they're saying, but they know what they're saying.

I know what the rooster said.

"Leave those other cocks alone and no. Not any cock will do." :woohoo:


Lol Tm :) .Yrs ago " the Family " , ( Dad Rather-PoPS! ) Use To Keep Some Chickens and We had a Cokerel , he use to fly onto the Fencing , looked like he was Sticking His Chest Out as he Use to do a Slow Walk on the Top Rail " Showing off to the hens " lol

Cock-A-Doodle-DoO, every morning. Sometimes in the day Too sure! :)


As With all Life There's Definitely Association With them St.Phatty,that they Put Sounds too which are recognized and Copied/Influenced.The Party Continues! :)
... until Man comes along with Money or "Bragging" Sport on the Mind


Tell ya What's Entertaining for Them,at least for my Caged Birds - A laser Pointer.
Also Watching Cats Chase and Box that Green Light, Sure makes for a biggrinn (-:


Active member
Never tried a laser with birds, my dog liked it a lot, cat wasn’t impressed after a couple minutes. I would think birds would be scared of a laser, anything unexplained with them is generally something to be scared of.
Chickens seem to like weed a lot, I give them leaves whenever I have extra. Gave them what i believe to be Birdies cheese leaves yesterday along with others.


" Red Laser " Are them Things what you Base your Name from?

I Just shine Green Light on the Cage Floor while there on the Top Perches, Never at them !
You See their Heads Following the Green Dot


Active member
Not exactly, it was an attempt to create a name/word that had the same letters at the outer part of the word, same letters at the second spot, third etc. only got as far as the second. Wanted to include a color, but beyond that no actual meaning

St. Phatty

Active member
A picture of the 2 Silkies.

This first one lost most of its tail 2 weeks ago. But she is rambunctious as Hell and keeps on trucking. (Knock on Wood) she will make it. There is a slash across her lower back that is hard to photograph, but it makes me grimace when I see it.


And a normal Silkie, eating cat food -



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St. Phatty

Active member
Magic marker on chicken egg - can the ink chemicals damage the bird embryo ?

I just traded the contents of 2 nests.

The young bird who lays fertile eggs, but isn't sitting on her eggs.

Vs. her mother, who has stopped laying, and hasn't mated with a rooster for about 3 months. But is sitting on her nest about 22 hours a day.

Hopefully the old bird will hatch them & think they're hers, and teach them to fly so they can join the other birds.

Anyway, I marked all the eggs with a Sharpie.