don't forget the "big book of buds" series.
great photo books with strain reports
great photo books with strain reports
Cannabis, Evolution and Ethnobotany by R Clark and M Merlin for info.
Ive kinda went overboard buying cannabis books. But I still have many to add to my collection.
Still need to get the high dollar books. - the six from Cherniak, the Suome La Valle Hashish, Ernest Abel, Ernest Small, etc.
I'm currently reading Cannabis and the Soma Solution by Chris Bennet. Awesome book
Next I want to read his book libre 420.
Also I want Chris Duval's Cannabis in Africa book.
Here's some of them, but have added since pic was taken
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Magazine article from 1851. There is nothing new under the sun. This describes extraction with solvents, maybe CO2, curing with oil, sative vs indica and many other things that have been argued here.
That's quiet the library, have you read them all?
No judgement if you haven't, I personally find the unread books in a library more useful than the read ones (as reference, spur of the moment curiosity, aspiration reads, etc.)