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Banks are reporting ‘suspicious activity’

moose eater

Well-known member
Most people overlook bartering as a way to pay for goods and services. Your plumber/electrician/etc. may be perfectly willing to take some silver coins as payment and keep everything off the books. I've even heard of physicians doing this in the US. You should get a slightly better deal this way, too. Hair stylists may be willing to trade haircuts for some other service - an example I'm personally familiar with (I got some 'free' haircuts a long time ago). Keeping people miserable and isolated and afraid of each other makes the bartering mindset more difficult.
Had a plumber with serious affiliations to be left unnamed, who knew what I did just because at that time carbon systems here were not in place the way they needed to be.

He used to purposefully wear a shirt to work at my place that read, "Will Work For Weed' with pics of ganja on it.
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Well-known member
Twill be interesting to see how society operates when this house of cards comes crashing to the ground. I for one am not looking forward to the inevitable socioeconomic collapse as I know many vulnerable people will suffer. The elitists will hide away in their billion dollar bunkers and try to wait it out with all the world's knowledge stored in their digital libraries. I've gotten to the point where my only hope is that aliens will intervene and save the common people in some way.

The rules they set for themselves will no longer function as the bottom will drop out from all this blatant manipulation and corruption. No one is without blame and maybe in the long run this is a good thing. Like the crucifix from suffering comes awakened salvation.

I am bracing for pain.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Most people overlook bartering as a way to pay for goods and services. Your plumber/electrician/etc. may be perfectly willing to take some silver coins as payment and keep everything off the books. I've even heard of physicians doing this in the US. You should get a slightly better deal this way, too. Hair stylists may be willing to trade haircuts for some other service - an example I'm personally familiar with (I got some 'free' haircuts a long time ago). Keeping people miserable and isolated and afraid of each other makes the bartering mindset more difficult.
I fully expect 1 oz silver coins that are credible to be barterable. And ammo. And dope.

And compost, especially if it has nitrogen too.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I just wonder how much longer the cash we squirreled away will be any good. Things are not yet at the point that people are doing much besides using cash to avoid thei banking BS. I have worries that they could just declare cash to be no good.


Well-known member
I just wonder how much longer the cash we squirreled away will be any good. Things are not yet at the point that people are doing much besides using cash to avoid thei banking BS. I have worries that they could just declare cash to be no good.
Hard to see the path to that considering many in control also enjoy black market services and dabble in illicit trade to enrich themselves. I don't think anyone wants full transparency. Yes they have a desire to control people but they are not exactly righteous themselves.

I also think they would declare it unfair and too demanding to expect lower income persons to transition to digital currency, shit, lots of places still don't even have decent internet.

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Yeh fucked up now. Soon it’ll be the Stone Age again for another round of bullshit.

Three Berries

Active member
When they digitize the cash and then put you on a do not spend list bartering will be the go to way of things. The Black Market will flourish.

But then they will have to crack down on that so it's off to the Gulags for You.

moose eater

Well-known member
Bartering is technically already taxable in most/many circumstances, btw, but proving it occurred can be difficult, to say the least.

And the talk of a heavily monitored cashless society has been a boogeyman for well over 30 years.

Going back through history, enclaves or societies/communities often had their own 'currencies', whether beads, tokens of another sort, or simple iou's/promissory notes, which also figured prominently in the American Revolution, when the King negated any promissory notes not issued by, or endorsed by the Crown..

Me? I'd be more concerned with how to continue to conceal questionable spending when the goods themselves become trackable.
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moose eater

Well-known member
The people have always been concerned or afraid of their government or Kings. It was simply a matter of what they did with that energy, and at what point in the evolution of their concerns.

Unlike the Kings and Queens, ours are elected by those who participate in one manner or another in that process, whether funding, or voting, often in that order of significance.


Well-known member
Premium user
If I were tomorrow's government and I wanted to know how much you spend, where you go, what you say or how often you masturbate, all I have to do is use my GGS (Global Genetics Satellite). I simply enter your genetic code (which I can get just from a wireless scan. No physical samples needed) into the GGS scanner search and in 6 seconds the system scans every genetic code on the planet and singles you out. Done deal.

Yeah yeah, can't do it?? And, man will never fly.

Hate to tell ya but there will be no escape in the future.

The good news?...... I'll be dead and gone. Enjoy the future, kids. LOL

moose eater

Well-known member
If I were tomorrow's government and I wanted to know how much you spend, where you go, what you say or how often you masturbate, all I have to do is use my GGS (Global Genetics Satellite). I simply enter your genetic code (which I can get just from a wireless scan. No physical samples needed) into the GGS scanner search and in 6 seconds the system scans every genetic code on the planet and singles you out. Done deal.

Yeah yeah, can't do it?? And, man will never fly.

Hate to tell ya but there will be no escape in the future.

The good news?...... I'll be dead and gone. Enjoy the future, kids. LOL
C'mon, man!! Many of them are already basking in the rehashed doom and gloom of 30-40 years ago, what with Reagan's systemic voyeurism, the originally proposed $3k limit that was in the USA PATRIOT ACT's companion legislation, and the DoJ, et al, declaring that business records are the property of the business, not the patron, therefore requiring little more than an NSL (National Security Letter) to get copies, no warrant required (courtesy of Congress and GW, 2001).

NOW(!!!) you want them to fear the future, too??!!

No wonder we use drugs!! Not enough sedatives in the world!! :)
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Seed Whore
With your DNA they can then target you specifically or groups of similar DNA for your specific genes to do their nefarious deeds.

With your DNA, you could be framed for crimes quite easily if the Government doesn't like you.

Go figure, Israel is involved.

Scientists in Israel have demonstrated that it is possible to fabricate DNA evidence, undermining the credibility of what has been considered the gold standard of proof in criminal cases.



Well-known member
realistically what they're probably talking about is flagging purchases of ghost gun parts to see if the person has a criminal record/is a felon


Guns now,but what about seeds etc…?

Unless our congress/Senate changes backwards to the "drugs bad, go to jail" mentality, I think we're pretty much not going back on the legalization swing, and seeds are not something they're gonna care about......unless someone has some massive thing going on.....

It's also about making sure people pay their taxes and don't come up with schemes to avoid paying.


Well-known member
but proving it occurred can be difficult
i once watched a VERY old comedy in black & white about this very subject. tax guy comes to investigate family for not filing. they had NEVER bought or sold ANYTHING! "well, i swapped a hog for my old truck..., and gave a guy pick of a litter of coon hounds for the piglet, traded two mouser cats for the puppy..." etc. :bigeye: silly as hell, but fun to watch unfold.:good:

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
my wife, as a teenager who survived sarajevo during the bosnia war, and her mother have told me many stories about what happens when society collapses into anarchy. I would imagine few folks can imagine the human depravity that comes immediately following that collapse. Not weeks or months later..... it's instant.
What is also hard to imagine are the items that have high value in trades and bartering. Currency was used somewhat as the banking system did not stop. My wife's mother held a government job in the banking industry and she went to work each day under heavy guard. Anyways..... take-out ketchup packs, same for salt and pepper, sugar, strike anywhere matches, stove fuel, eye drops and wash bottles, water purification pills..... did I say salt? don't forget the salt. Also a big trading item was feminine hygene items and bandaids/ointments. Tea and coffee as well.
In Sarajevo there was a daytime market where everything from tampons to AK47's could be bartered for. A whole lot of the aid the Canadian Forces distributed in Bosnia ended up in these markets as well. Food rations and first aid stuff primarily.
It's great to stock pile stuff for bartering but if you are gonna plan that way..... you better have a bigger gun or several companions with big guns because innevitably if you have a big stash of stuff..... someone "is" going to try and take it from you
in the post social structure world it will pay to be highly mobile and plan to bug out and live like the afghans in the mountains with cache locations that can be found with the trusty map and compass..... unless the poles flip and that might become a "stash by memory" type thing.
I already told my wife that the day they force us into a cashless , digital ID life here in Canuckistan, I'm heading to the mountains.... and as strange as it might sound, I do have a plan in place and a cache already started ;)


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Back before the 2008 crash, folks were talking about how bad it could get. A internet story about the scenariotalked about barter. The dude telling it said he was a specialist in refilling lighters.

I say cops will have better things to do, and dope is a valuable commodity. So are seeds. Who is gonna shoot the golden grower? How are peoples gardens gonna grow without fertilizer?

Since all they did was extend and pretend sincev2008, the splat from thefall may be rough. Most people living in cities are at huge risk of a supply stoppage causing widespread looting. After that there is no commerce. We are already seeing shortages of even regular items. Anybody stockpile TP now?

How do folks plan to get through the roadblocks to their peaceful bug out location?
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