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Can fish in Aquaponics produce enough co2 to provide for a sealed room?


New member
im doing some similar stuff, in order to not waste seed im messing with a watermellon plant, a plu0g, some rockwool, n clay pellets, im just learning about this aquaponic stuff, this is extremely helpful.


i saw a youtube video years ago when i was looking up for aquaponics. when i remember right this guy did flower weed in a big aquaponic systems. he did some weird stuff to do this, he had some small tubes in the rootball that periodically injets nutrients. not more than the plants could take up so the nutrient don´t kill the fish. hope that helps


Active member
I was listening to A.Dunn the other day and Breeder Steve was on. He talked about feeding guppies and gold fish to supply P or K, I forget now. But either way. I started to use airports above a hydroton bed which was full of o soil mix.

That got shut down though and never set back up.
i was looking through various aquaponic threads on this forum and wanted to offer up some help/advice for anyone interested in this method.

i think people have been led to believe that you need a fancy multistage setup(like breeder steve, using fish tank water and then supplementing it) or inject ferts into the rootball. all this is completely unnecessary.

a simple flood drain setup with a tray of hydroton acting as the filter for the fish tank(containing red wiggler composting worms) is all that is needed. if you want to get fancy, move the fish tank to an adjacent tent or room and veg plants out of the top while continuing to filter the water through the flood tray in the flower chamber/room. feed the fish, and keep the ph in the correct range with calcium carbonate and potassium carbonate(aquaponic ph kit, easily ordered online).



Active member
I've been interested in aquaponics for years but I can't even successfully grow in soil so I won't even try.

Fish eat food and make pee-pee + poo-poo. Plants eat fish pee-pee + poo-poo and filter/clean he water. Plants grow and we eat and smoke those... fish grow and the right kind can be eaten for supper. What could be a better symbiotic double-win than that?


New member
Very cool. I run an hybrid nft-dwc for some veggies. I did want to try this but I worried about deficiencies, looked into a two zone system (upper half soil-barrier-aquaponic medium), but seemed too complicated for something that I needed hidden. I feed with tank water, though. They approve.

In my system, I made my bakki style filter from lava rock and use the same rock in my small pots. I dont think lava rock has a high level of mineral content, but I winder if you added a little basaltic rock chunks, if they roots would be able to get something from being in direct contact with the rocks. Just a thought I had the other day.


New member
I've been interested in aquaponics for years but I can't even successfully grow in soil so I won't even try.

Fish eat food and make pee-pee + poo-poo. Plants eat fish pee-pee + poo-poo and filter/clean he water. Plants grow and we eat and smoke those... fish grow and the right kind can be eaten for supper. What could be a better symbiotic double-win than that?

There is also a bacterial process that happens between the fish excrements phase and the plant cleaning the water phase. The fish cant directing consume the fish pee/poo.


Active member
Nitrosomas bacteria convert ammonia to nitrite and nitrobacter convert nitrites into nitrates
which plants can then use. You can allow the process to happen naturally which may take
a few weeks or you can buy bacteria in a bottle and be ready to go with a day or two.

Stability by seachem is a great product for creating a biofilter.
I've used it many time for aquariums and it works great.

it can indeed be tricky getting a system going from scratch.
it is best to get living bacteria from another fish enthusiast.

used filter from a healthy fish tank is good,
mineralized sludge from a currently operating aquaponic unit
is the best source,
used filter from the fish store is a last resort.

don't waste your money on living bacteria in a bottle, the kind you
need for this doesn't sit kindly on the shelf. i tried a couple bottles of stuff that did nothing before calling up a buddy who had a dirty fish filter.

buy a guy a new clean filter and take the old one off his hands ;)
the best advice i can give for anyone looking to venture into aquaponics is to start a worm composting bin first.
and get a copy of the rodale book of composting(or at least have a friend show you the page with the relative n-p-k's chart for composting things, it really helps)

mega-trick here is you feed your fish daily(along with a great base feed), worms(and black soldier flies if available) from the compost bin.
by raising the worms(and possibly black soldier flies), you can control the food they are fed and then feed those worms to the fish that then excrete what becomes food for more worms and then bacteria and then the plants.

we then consume as much of the plant as we care to, and return the rest to the compost bin, feeding back into the food web ;)


Active member
Another day, another newbie :tiphat:

First grow on the way (Soil with some fyto - slow and looooong vege)

First aquarium started, few small fish. (seems stable with nitrogen cycle running. Cycle started without fish and with compost tea and running with air stone). Currently air pump and stone for aeration & movement of water. Water pump with thin filter cloth to clean water on 'as needed' bases.

Worm compost started just short while ago.

Currently taking water manually from fish tank to use as base for plants (nutrients added).

I am thinking about automated (more aquaponics) system to cycle water. I now have glass aquarium (= can not drill holes for garden hose) on side

Is there / what would be good way to connect glass aquarium to aquaponics?

Alternatives: barrelponics... not a big fan as I would like to see my fish etc. aquarium aspects.

Building a new aquarium with bottom and 2 or 3 side from plywood.. Fairly big project so I would like to get started and do this at later stage.

.. related to building. Would it be ok to use strong metal as bottom instead of plywood? Should paint be sanded out before applying aquarium ok coating (suitable coating to be searched when we get there)?


Active member
bugger, no edit option (or I cant see it)

Aquarium. one option is to put aquarium at floor, pump water into plants hydro setup and let gravity pull water back to aquarium through drain.. I would prefer to keep my aquarium at roughly standard height (= on 2ft - 4ft table). I guess I would prefer barrelponics to aquarium on flor (reduced risk of aquarium breaking).

Please advice. :thank you:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Iamnumber, if you look one page back on this thread you can see some pics i posted of a couple options, though they are both with the tank on the ground.

you could keep the tank higher but it would require setting up a sump tank.

also, remember to take the filter off the pump, you want to remove the solid waste from the fish tank and send it to a bed of hydroton, worms, and plant roots(this acts as the tank's filter). if there are small rocks on the bottom of the fish tank, they should be stirred every few days while the pump is running. this cleans the fish tank while sending food to the worms, who break down(mineralize) the fish excrement so the plants can get more nutrients than just the nitrate(and calcium and potassium) in the water.

remember to adjust the ph(daily) with potassium carbonate and calcium carbonate(aquaponic ph up kit), the plants will use these up quickly.
an occasional squirt of some maxicrop liquid seaweed provides iron and other trace elements and acts as a ph down(so be careful).

good luck