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Anyone here use Iguana Juice?


I just switched over to iguana juice in my hydroton drip system and I'm having some growing pains. More specifically, I believe I overfed my mother by feeding at the 4ml/l as directed by the label. Whoops.

Just wondering, for those who use Iguana Juice, is the AN Calculator a good tool to base your nute strength/feeding schedule? Do you find it to be accurate, or does it tend to overfeed at the suggested ratios?

Any advice?

Ganja D

I used to use Iguana Juice and loved it. The bottle recommends 3.5 ml per liter not 4 ml per l. I never had any problems with it.
I like their calculator. The key to getting dialed in with AN is to start with their recommendation for light feeding,see how the plants react and increase strength from there.
What happened to your plant that makes you think it was overfed by iguana juice? And how big/old is the plant?


Odd, perhaps I got an early bottle from when they were reformulating the stuff, because the bottle definitely advises 4ml/liter, although I've seen 3.5ml/l on their site and everywhere else. I shoulda known better than to feed as advised on the bottle anyway I guess.

The plant in question is Rockstar Kush. Although this mother plant is approx 4 months old it was damaged during a move by mold and a malfunctioning PH meter, as a result it lost much of it's foliage and was stunted pretty badly. These issues were resolved and the plant was finally showing lots of new growth using 5ml/gal Cal mag and 15ml/gal Pureblend. As soon as I switched from the Botinicare nutes to the Iguana Juice I started having issues, overfeeding I presume, since everything else should be in line.

When I first started with the AN stuff I mixed my res starting with 30ppm tap water (.500 ec conversion) then added 4ml/litre of Iguana grow and 2ml/ litre B52 and some tarantula per the label instructions. Within 5 days my plant was showing severe cal/mg striping which started on the oldest fan leaves and seemed to be spreading quickly. Thinking it might be a deficiency I threw in 5ml/gal Cal-mag plus in hopes it would resolve the issue, however it just made things worse. I then flushed with Florakleen for a day and remixed the res using 1ml/l Iguana Juice grow and 1ml/l B52. That's where I stand now.

To give you a bit more information about the system it is a recirculating drip system in 3.5gal buckets using Hydroton as media. The room temp is 78f and the reservoir nutrient temp is 68-70f. RH is in the mid to high 50's. Watering schedule is 15 min on, 2 hours off. To my knowledge there are no pests, molds, etc in the garden. Lighting in the room is provided by a 250 watt Ceramic Metal Halide light, as well as T5 tubes.


I emailed AN for some advice and they replied with some information which is was different than I anticipated. I'll paste an excerpt from their reply below. Does this sound right for a recirculating hydro system?

AN Tech Support said:
The amounts suggested in the nutrient calculator are the total nutrient to feed the plant for a whole week, not the amount to give them per feeding.

If you want to give your plants nutrient solution more than once per week, divide the amount (total ppm) for the week by the number of feedings that you want to give them to calculate the ppm per feeding.


Mixing instructions

If using the base nutrient stand alone, mix nutrients according to instructions on the bottle.

If also using supplements follow feeding schedule in the nutrient calculator.

When using a re circulating system, you will be dealing with one of two situations, either the reservoir is large enough to feed the plants for a week without the need to be topped up during the week or it is a small reservoir and in order to feed the plants through the week it will require to be topped up.

In case of reservoir that does not need to be topped up.

Add to the reservoir the amount of water that the plants are going to be using for the week, include some extra water to allow for evaporation.

Mix the nutrient solution at 1/6th of the strength that is suggested in the calculator for that week.

Example: If the plants need 1200 ppm for the week, divide 1200 by 6 and mix the reservoir at 200 – 250 ppm.

Allow the solution to sit long enough to stabilize the pH. Adjust pH

Feed the plants.

Allow the plants to feed on the solution and the pH to rise for 1 1/2 – 2 days before re adjusting the pH.

In case of reservoir that needs to be topped up with water during the week.

Add to reservoir the amount of water that the plants will use in 3 – 3 ½ days.

Mix the nutrient solution at the strength that is suggested in the calculator for that week.

Allow the solution to sit long enough to stabilize the pH. Adjust pH

Feed the plants

Allow the plants to feed on the solution for 1 1/2 – 2 days, top up with water to the original level first before re adjusting the pH, after adding the water allow solution to sit for an hour and re adjust the pH.

This whole mixing at 1/6 strength thing has me totally confused. Don't get me wrong, I understand the concept, but is this really accurate information for a recirculating hydro system or something more geared for soil?


[crickets chirping]

So the plant is looking pretty rough. Somewhat droopy. Older leaves up top showing a general yellowing overall. Other leaves showing intervenal chlorosis, and it's progressing. The farther down the plant you go the better it looks, still green down there. Canopy temp was too high, so I raised the light quite a bit to see how she reacts.

Did a res change today basing my feeding on the old AN Calculator, for the Iguana anyway, works out to approx 5ml/gal. Only used 1ml/liter of the B52 though.

I'm showing 200PPM on my Tri Meter which is well below what the AN calc says it should be. (I converted the EC shown on the AN chart to convert to .5 since the PPM numbers form AN's site are based on the .7 scale) After the conversion AN says I should be around 425, but their tech support pretty much told me to ignore ppm readings in organics, so... yeah.

Here's hoping they green up. Anyone with practical advice, I'm listening.

[/crickets chirping]


im using I J in dwc alone first week of flower and things are pretty green so far im using 10ml for 3.5 gals and not showing any thing negative.all i can say is less seems to work better


Well-known member

if it aint dry, dont apply.
when in doubt,....

I have used IJ and it works well for a "organic" nutrient. I used 2-2.5ml/gallon.
I have never trusted AN's calc. it is as inconsistent as AN's Batching.


Yup... I flushed and went back to pureblend and calmag. Plant looks wonderful again.

I may revisit the IJ at some point when I have time, plants, and energy to spare. Thanks for the insight. :)


I use Iguana Juice, have used it since right before they changed the formula to make it more concentrated and pump system compatible. Liked it before they changed it, LOVE it after they changed it. I haven't used a meter or adjusted PH in a couple of years. I use it in perlite. Passive hydro style in pots with drip trays for reservoirs. Super simple, very productive. Plants are always healthy. You don't need any additives either. Works great for indicas, sativas, and hydrids, even the picky sensitive strains. It's a highly refined organic tea. If you can find a discount hydro shop to buy it from it's worth every penny.


I thought I would add a bit more info to this thread.
You want to go by plant size when you decide on a dosage. With organics like this feeding too strong is not a big deal for most strains. Organic ferts are different than non-organics. It's much more difficult to burn your plants with Iguana Juice and similar. If you have 2 foot high x 1.5 foot wide plants, feed them full dose of IJ (3.5ml/L). If your plants are 4 ft or bigger you may want to go with more like 6ml/L. When I transfer plants that are a couple of feet tall from veg to bloom, I start them with full dose 3.5ml/l from the very beginning and then gradually increase from weeks 1-5 of flower. Then I gradually reduce until harvest (for a fast 8 week hybrid).
About half way through flower you do want to feed plain water JUST ONE TIME. DO NOT FLUSH!! Just water it with plain water one time about half way through flower. Just enough to moisten the roots. This prevents buildup by forcing the plant to feed on the buildup in the roots while the plants are very hungry. This assures no buildup problems and they will be hungry the next time you feed.


what goes with I j? b-52,nirvana, parhana& trantula or greatwhite any other thing that woud compliment the Ij?????????????????????


New member
this may be a bit late but 15 minutes on per 2 hours in hydroton is not enough water. Hydroton holds so much air you could keep the drip on nearly all the time without problems.
I've used Iguana Juice in organic DWC setups with great success but I always use Cal-mag and some Pure Blend or other reliable soluble fertilizer because Iguana does seem to be a bit inconsistent from batch to batch (as someone else pointed out above).


New member

if it aint dry, dont apply.
when in doubt,....

I have used IJ and it works well for a "organic" nutrient. I used 2-2.5ml/gallon.
I have never trusted AN's calc. it is as inconsistent as AN's Batching.

Too true!!! Iguana is a proper base feed!!! If you use it properly!

It lasts ages. I use 3 caps full per 20ltrs to my mix, with a temp of 21degrees and a air pump you can make it ferment overnight and be 20x stronger..

Ring them up and talk to customer support,, they say on the label if you actually have a bottle the number is on there and you can complain (quote the product code) tell them to give a near by hydro shop a call and make sure they will except an order for you otherwise you will have to get a safe addy, they should replace the bottle if it says 4ml per ltr.. :wave:


what would be a good organic complement to iguana? i mean something along the lines of guano, seaweed, etc

like an organic version of a boost, sugar? mollases?


no need for any really, but i would only use a bloom-booster and no other "compost" teas. there are many organic ones on the market.


I know, this is a 4 year old thread, but just in case someone else is gonna come across it, wondering what compliments IJ, here's my recommendations:

Zeus juice (by Nectar For The Gods)
Sea-90 (by SeaAgri)
Kelp (I prefer 100% Seaweed, by Grow More, since it's cheap and concentrated)
A silica product (I prefer Armor Kote, by Grow More, since it's cheap and concentrated)
An inoculant (I prefer Orca, by Plant Success, even though it is expensive)
A carb product(I prefer Aphrodite's Extraction, by Nectar For The Gods), remember not to use molasses in hydro...
Also try Bio-Cozyme as a foliar in week 1 and 2 of flowering, to shorten internodal length!
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