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An ICE plant, 1000w, 180 days, and a 10 gallon pot

Love the ICE baby! Those are a few of the colas i harvested recently from my ICE plants in my avatar. Cant wait to see yours once finished. Nice work. btw Where is your ICE from?



from day 67


i have 3 nugs that are directly under the 1k that i would say are the closest to the light. yet, they are the ones with 75% white hairs on the top 2inches of them. why is this?? there are nugs 6inches lower that look ready to go


let them go a little longer...

then take the tops, or those parts that are done & let remainder (non-amber) finish...

enjoy your garden!
some strains seem like the tops run when about 2 weeks out mayb has something to do w/ flushing i notice it some plants to. the p. lady from g13 labs did that quite a bit, when i harvested the very tip tops were loose and premature.

Hella THC

some strains seem like the tops run when about 2 weeks out mayb has something to do w/ flushing i notice it some plants to. the p. lady from g13 labs did that quite a bit, when i harvested the very tip tops were loose and premature.

Very strange. Was this consistent with all the plants of this strain?


Trichomes man, trichomes. Pistils can be quite deceiving. I've had strains where nearly all of the pistils will die off, only to have new calyxes form up and throw new ones. Was it done when all the pistils died? Nope. How did I know? Looked at the trichomes. After it's second set of pistils dying off, it was just about done. You can see though, even at harvest, it was still throwing new pistils occasionally:

If you don't have a scope yet, get one :)

Your local Radio Shack may even have one. If they don't: they can get it for you in a day or two:

Or, if you wanna get something 100x better for only 2x the price, get yourself an Eyeclops Bionicam from Amazon.com and you can glance at 'em easier on a bigger digital screen instead of squinting through a scope and you can even get pictures like this:


Then you won't have to be guessing ;)

-Q :rasta:


ya some of those pictures i posted were deceiving. i chopped her down last night at the eve of day 70. after 15 hours straight of trimming i found one more moldy cola which really sucks... i lost more weight than the other one. id guess and say i lost 10-12 grams to mold. but that mold explains why that cola was the only one that didnt look ready.

QUAZI- is that first pic premature?


Active member
ya some of those pictures i posted were deceiving. i chopped her down last night at the eve of day 70. after 15 hours straight of trimming i found one more moldy cola which really sucks... i lost more weight than the other one. id guess and say i lost 10-12 grams to mold. but that mold explains why that cola was the only one that didnt look ready.

QUAZI- is that first pic premature?

Well congrats brother! Cant wait to see the final weight on this one.


QUAZI- is that first pic premature?
Nope. That's what I was trying to illustrate. The trichomes on that plant were all foggy with plenty of amber too. But the pistils make it look like it's not finished yet.

The second pic was not the same plant, I was just trying to show you how awesome the Eyeclops was ;)

Sorry to hear about the mold.

I think you'll get plenty out of this anyway :)

Can't wait to see some harvest pics!

-Q :rasta:

Buckshot Sensi

New member
awesome plant looks like a real monster have not been on icmag for a while and your just happend to be the first grow i checked out and i very glad i picked this one... skimmed through your whole thread very impressed but sorry top hear about the mold... i say 17.5 oz dry best of luck ima take a sit and finish this one out with yea if u dont mind


Nope. That's what I was trying to illustrate. The trichomes on that plant were all foggy with plenty of amber too. But the pistils make it look like it's not finished yet.

-Q :rasta:

ohhh ok haha good

ya that trimming was unreal. i started at like 430pm after i ripped one for 420. i took 3 15 minute breaks along the way until i decided to stop at 8AM... and there was still some popcorn to trim :wallbash: but everything is done now, i have all my fan leaves in one bag, my trim in a box, and my budz hangin :woohoo: the hood is down. the floor was swept. mylar gone. im happy.

so tired atm. im gonna hit the bong and pass out. ill update you guys with some bud shots and the final weight of course :)

everyone start guessing. the closest to the weight will get a thread started in the tokers den about how cool they are lol


gratz on the chop sure hope shesheavy
im sorry what is gn?
and quAz i am jealous of the head band want to grow that
plus the other one has goo in its past?

i will be nieve and guess .75 lb
will u measure the mold too?

Hella THC

Grats on the harvest, Bob! I'm going to guess 400g dry. It's crazy how long it takes to trim massive buds. No wonder people travel to NorCal this time of year to try and get trimming work. Bud shots!


- Hella


gratz on the chop sure hope shesheavy
im sorry what is gn?
and quAz i am jealous of the head band want to grow that
plus the other one has goo in its past?

i will be nieve and guess .75 lb
will u measure the mold too?

GN = gypsy nirvana or just nirvana seedbank i guess.
im notgonna count the mold.


Grats on the harvest, Bob! I'm going to guess 400g dry. It's crazy how long it takes to trim massive buds. No wonder people travel to NorCal this time of year to try and get trimming work. Bud shots!


- Hella

hahaha that wouldnt be too bad i guess if had one of those chairs that i can rest my back and head while leaning forward to trim b/c back sucks. when i took breaks trimming and straightened my back out stretching, for that first second i couldnt breath. you know what i mean? my back sucks