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Alternating Nodes -- Where?

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I have plants that are now at 6 weeks from seed. I'd like to go to 12/12 within the next week because of their size, but I don't see alternating nodes on the main stem yet. I just noticed however that the side branches all have alternating nodes. Is that sufficient or are they not really ready until alternating nodes appear on the main stem?

Old Soul

Active member
You don't have to wait for alternating nodes before you flower. The plants will not start budding until they are mature anyway. Switch to 12/12 and you should see alternating nodes on the main stem soon. Happy flowering.



Active member
^^^What he said. If ya left the plant to continue to veg, you'd probably eventually see alt. nodes.
Whatcha growin?

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
1G12 said:
^^^What he said. If ya left the plant to continue to veg, you'd probably eventually see alt. nodes.
Whatcha growin?
Funny, I've been growing on and off since I was in college in the early 80s and never worried about alternating nodes until the last few years when I started trying to absorb all the information now available on the web. I had noticed they appear on older plants, but never thought about it being a sign of maturity. Or even thought about it at all.

In answer to your question, I've always grown bag seed. But this time I got some seeds from a friend of a friend who claimed they are white widow. Since I will never really know, I'll assume they too are just bag seeds (although very fresh and fertile ones) and hope for the best. I've never been disappointed and very often am pleasantly surprised. And if they're good, I still have enough seeds for two more grows.


Active member
Hey Tony,
Keep on investigating this site. You will surely find that you can get your hands on some great genetics for not a lot of money. Then you'll know for sure what yur growin.
Good luck.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
1G12 said:
Hey Tony,
Keep on investigating this site. You will surely find that you can get your hands on some great genetics for not a lot of money. Then you'll know for sure what yur growin.
Good luck.
I've wanted to see what I could do with good genetics, but it's easier said than done. My wife and I have a "don't ask, don't tell" arrangement, and I'm afraid having seeds shipped to my house would be a little too conspicuous for her. And I live in a small town, so getting a PO box anonymously is hard when the people at the PO and UPS store know me. And no one else knows I grow, so having them shipped to a friend's place is not an option. Besides, I wouldn't ask anybody to take a risk like that for me. Not really a big issue, since what I've been growing the past few years has been about the best I've ever smoked.


Maybe one of the members on here that has some extras could send them to you in a letter or somethin of sorts, and it could just be somethin from an old friend. I understand you problems, I have a g/f so i feel for yah.


dkmonk said:
Maybe one of the members on here that has some extras could send them to you in a letter or somethin of sorts, and it could just be somethin from an old friend. I understand you problems, I have a g/f so i feel for yah.

Never, Never, Never do this!!!!
*If* you ever send away for seeds do it from a reputable dealer.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
kbc2007 said:
Never, Never, Never do this!!!!
*If* you ever send away for seeds do it from a reputable dealer.

Yes, if this were a vegetable growing forum, I might consider accepting some tomato seeds. But I would never accept such an offer here, and I hope no one else would. Not that I wouldn't appreciate the thought.

BTW kbc, I like your picture :kewlpics: