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ALF and the Fat B*stard AF's..



Thoughts to ponder for the weekend... :chin:

I have been using strengthening crosses all the way through this grow.
Identifying individual traits..breeding matching pairs..like to like...IBL
I have quite a lot of them running true.
I can show you the same traits running back throught the F's.
I can recognise those individual traits..and I can reproduce them.

Now..the way I was taught..in the olden days..says..

If a trait is individual..recogisable..you can isolate and reproduce them
then that plant has a different genetic make-up to it's siblings..

it can be as little as 1% different..up to 99%..but it is different.
Said difference affects the whole plant..so..
taste/smell/yield/effect varies pheno to pheno.

am I right so far... :chin:

here are two of the indentifable purples.
You can see the colours look different to the eye...%
The tric colour is different..%
The leaf colour is different..%
The patterning of the leaf colour is different...%
The leaf shape is different..%
Smell is different..%

all those difference are running true..so if I IBL'd the phenos..with the correct male..they would only reproduce themselves.

With such % difference..those two purple plants are individuals..
with different genetic make-ups..right..?
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:wave: alijah...
we have friends from Poland and they say their summers are as good as Spain..
just the winters are a wee bit colder.. :D
LR and the crosses should really enjoy your season.


Yeah mossy! thats damn true...through tha last summers i noticed they are really sunny and hot( not so much as in Spain, im sure:smile:) but whats sad, the clime is showing some weird actions..like strong storms, hailstorms and other untoward stuff...which is not good...hope everything will go right in my 08 season...im so exited...lol

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Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Mossy, the likely hood is that the purple trait is recessive, therefor you have different dominate genes that will be expressed in different phenotypes.

You thinking is right, to some degree, the plants will show different characteristics. A truly IBL strain will be one of the weakest things out there, simply because it has been so massively inbred to lock every single trait down.


Interesting plants..

There are two guys here that have very defined pallets.. :joint:
I need to ask them if they can pick up the difference on the colours.
I am not refined enough..yet....
I need to practice more.. :biglaugh:
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hello mossy

well i could tell you one thing about them colors they are beautiful and no matter what shade they are they still look good

its wierd how some change remeber that blood red one i hade she looked really neat
i like how the ones have that grey tone when its dry looks like the buds are just one big crystal on a stem


Morning bpb...
I have just been upstairs looking for me saturday morning frosties..
and got distracted by a couple of crusts... :yummy:

your favourite girl gets bonnier by the day.
and those buds are 4 INCHES deep now.

Made more impressive when you consider she has been outdoor since february..
and this is what the last storm did to me beans..standing a foot from her.
The weather has been wild. :nono:

Hardy little buggers. :headbange

Yesterday I took these..to show WAMEN the shape/structure difference on the 4 bud girls compared to the norm.

but I was foiled..

the one that is multi-planted (left) has set herself up in such similar proportions
that they look like and indy and sati of the same structure.

Even in their inconsistancies..my girls are consistant.
:whip: I have them running scared of me. :biglaugh:

bpb..the colours.. :chin:
I have 5 different/definable purples ATM.
a few of those differences depend on the amount of Red the parent is carrying..a few of them are tric differences..
The more intense purples come from the self coloured trics.

Two definable greys..
the grey are v interesting..they are Purples.. :eek:
the Trics are the Big difference on these phenos.

They frost..not a clear colour..so they mute the underlying colour.
Again..I have the anthracite grey..(which is pure purple underneath)
and a dove grey..which carries more red..
with the frosted trics..she comes over as grey and pink.

I have two definable Reds..again..tric difference.
One has clear trics..so she is a red red..
and the other has the frosted trics..so she comes over as pink.

I have a lavender blue that I have not managed to isolate..yet.

Oh..and I do get the odd white.. :muahaha:

When I bought them..I bought Josephs Coat of many colours.
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ICMag Donor
Got around to doing a little reading a couple days ago.... :D

I've got sunday off, so hopefully I can find some time to sit down here for a bit the next couple days....

Spring has arrived here! :woohoo:


I've got sunday off, so hopefully I can find some time to sit down here for a bit the next couple days....
Looking forward to it m8.

Looks like I am expecting some..GRAPES.. :eek:
ah no..
silly me.. :nono:
Looks like the FB is the father of millions..
fertile little B*astard
(he has done me Donkey pheno in.. :headbange )

:listen2: WAMEN..guys..
the last one is BeAn..
just incase anyone is thinking of growing her.
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Joint Date: Today.

ok whats the frosty one in the top pic on your last post? Whores coddle?
and the bottom one looks fantastic m8.. is it bean? Wooo gotta get that one mate.

oh and the purp one on top you were showing bpb #66 was VERY frosty and compact.. ..what is it? the one with the bamboo
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Joint Date: Today.
mossy said:
Yesterday I took these..to show WAMEN the shape/structure difference on the 4 bud girls compared to the norm.

yep .. its simply exagerated.. that square girl is a monster :fsu:


ok whats the frosty one in the top pic on your last post? Whores coddle?
and the bottom one looks fantastic m8.. is it bean?

Correct on both m8..it's the Whore on post #66 too.

they have both been outdoor since feb..as you can see by the damage..
but..they are going to produce..and shortly...

Fancy trying to cheat the season next year..I know some good genetics..:smoke:

Bean top bud..down season grow..

Whores Coddle.. :smoke:

Salad#1..her half sister sharing the pot.
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Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who

That is the most beautiful shot of ganja I'm ever seen... and I've seen a lot. I honestly thought it was grapes when I first looked at it.


Cheers Mr Celsius..
she smells extreme fruity.

Interesting thread you have going on the light period.
Have you any thoughts on that regards the AF's.

I would love to know why they are so different and it just amuses me
that for a plant that is not photo-sensitive to flower..
she is damn photo sensitive..


My thought are that she is either responding to root drop/depth level..
Dark period..
but it is just a train of thought...
I haven't had time to in-depth it.


holly crap mossy love them little grapes lol

and bean wow she has turned out very nice also my fav the whore is looking good great pic porn this weekend


Wishing you all the Luck in the world with it..it will be interesting to watch.
Nice Menu.. :yes:

or in response to alternative environmental stimuli

It is odd that no-one seems to have a definitive as to what does make her tick doesn't it..
and I haven't seen any threads trying to figure it.

bpb..this is the info on the Whore I was looking for for you...and for me.

Miss Mud on the left..the female of the Maz on the right.
You can see what I was after with the cross can't you.

Even with the size diff..you can see the similarities on the formation/shape.
Not being greedy on the cross..I wanted..
From the Mud mother..
I wanted 50% increased height and width..and 100% the crusty trics.
From the Maz father I wanted the colour..and sweetness/fruit.
The two highs are similar..so I just wanted a meld.
Simple cross..50-50 chance of getting what I wanted.

measures in cms..30cms =12 inches.

On the Whore I have on the patio..
I got..
100% mothers height..
50% of the width..
100% of the tric crusts.. :woohoo:
100% frame.

From the father I got...
100% of the colour
100% of the bud shape

bud smell/taste/effect..still to be decided..but I would be happy with either.
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Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Honestly, I just think that people aren't hot onto autoflowers. We'll be some of those pioneers and oldschool guys, when everyone and there mom will be growing them in a couple years, I've already seen the popularity soar in the last year. The hybrids are just getting better and better, so its inevitable.

Its gonna be hard to determine exactly what causes them to flower... I personally tend to lean towards age. It would seem the flower no matter what size they are after a certain amount of days. Hence the runts can't keep up and yield a lot less.


when everyone and there mom will be growing them in a couple years,

Ha ha ha..my Mother is growing them already.. :yes:
(they just killed her sister with experimental high pain killers..
she needs an alternative answer.)
and I know pipe was thinking along the same lines for his Grandma..pain relief.

My mother is almost 70..and she has never..knowingly..broken the law in all her life.
It really pisses me off that she Needs to break the law to live her life relitively pain-free.
That should be a HUMAN RIGHT.

Think of the money the health service would save if they gave everyone with severe arthritis a couple of seeds and said..go grow your own pain relief.
£1 per patient per year..?

All the moans I hear from AF knockers are low potency..low yield..
well I can get 1 ounce plus dry on every 1ft by 2ft space on my patio..
every 8 weeks..and I can grow for 9 months of my year..

I think a lot of people tried LR#1..and based their findings on her.
She was a proto-type..revolutionary..
and I would like to shake the hand of the man who had the vision to create her..
like all proto types..
she needed tweaking.

Once I started playing with the LR crosses..I was lost.
The crosses are where it is at...for potency and yield.

We are indeed pioneers.


if karma really works..
I need everything that you have spare directed at kenz and his family.

Our thoughts are with you m8.

Fingers and everything else crossed for the right results.


Hmm...I seem to have found the macro button on my camera.. :petting:

Anyone without a current grow..please look away now..
because the Whore in close up could cause extreme green envy..

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wow mossy thats some really good looking whore there

i think you may have acomplished what you wanted with her great work hope all is well with kenz

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