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Alaskan's first diary (with pics)



hey hows it going guys? its finally time to put my girls into flowering and to take clones before i do! i cant believe it! anyways heres the pics!theyve been veggin a LONG time. since the end august i believe, so thats a 3 month veg. i got a 250 MH with one cfl in there. its a 2x3x7 room. local alaskan strain.
here is the biggest girl of the bunch

some close up shots over her

Second biggest

here is the third biggest, i wish i would have lsted it or somethin

here is the one that i cloned from a tiny leaf and a tiny stem in dirt.:YaRight:

my plan is to take a bunch of clones from the lower canopy cuz from what i understand these will only produce lower grade bud because of not getting light. then i will finally flower these girls. thanks for viewin
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Here is a better shot of the biggest one. also are a couple of shots that almost looked like balls?! :confused: what do you guys think? thanks



Active member
Southeast AK Represent.

nice shots. keep them coming. Grow those legal 24



Well i went and took 12 clones off my plants and hooked a timer up to my lights. first day of flowering! will put more pics up soon.peace love pot


Active member
lookin good bro!

should yield nice w/ all that veg. time.

heres a quick shot I took today of my cab w/ ThunderfukinBlockhead and Venomhead @ 13 days flower

keep us posted...I really wanna see those fill out.

BTW I couldent tell in your pics if you were seein balls or not??..sorry



yeah, im going to get more pics tomorrow. im not sure if those are balls or kind of like just how the stalk grows when it forks. nice plants :joint:

Oh btw how do i change the name of this thread? thanks
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Thanks for the idea moose. i'd been wondering thinking about side lighting but i dont have much room so i'm going to end up trimming them thanks again moose.

Oh, btw when i checked my timer it wasn't workin, no wonder it was free. but its all good now cuz i got one that works now. and i was going to take some more pics but camera wasn't workin, damn things. i always have bad luck with these digital things. it always says my batteries are dead when they are good??! go figure. Thanks for stopping by everyone, its great to actualyl show off your hard work every now and then. -Peace
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its lookin good alaskangro heres a pic of my alaskan thunderfuck i harvest a while back


Nice Bud!

Nice Bud!

Alaskan thunderfuck is one of Alaskas more finer herbs :bandit: , originally from the matanuska valley i think. Well i checked on the girls a bit ago and they was doin fine. The twelve clones i took are in rockwool and i used a powder root hormone from wal mart. i got them in a little veg chamber with a 20w floro and a 27 floro. hopefully that will be enough too root them and to keep the stretch down until i get my main room up. im going to order these lights from offline.
This one is a 1000w Metal Halide for like 180$ or 190$

This is a 600w HPS complete setup for 225$, i'm getting 2 of these.

And this here is the Ferts i use.

During veg i fed them at 3-1-1 (tsps to gallon) (Gro,Micro,Bloom) and now since im during flower i do 1-1-3. i got this ratio from one of Ed Rosenthals how to grow indoor guides. i remember him saying in there he switched ferts during flower to put on more weight or something. What is your guys opinion on this stuff? Thanks for stopping by! :wave:

-stay stoned! :joint:

Oh, is it possible to change my thread name? I think if i sed something about being a 3 mon veg more people might stop by. Later! :woohoo:
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Active member
damn w/ all that light your gonna be rockin!

I dont know if you can change the thread name or not, but I wouldent. People will get around to it eventually...esp. if you keep updating....or start a new one if your really concerned about it.

3 months of veg. is nice, but most peeps will say that its excessive. I've never dont it so I cant say.

your gonna have a HUGE yield tho...thats for sure.

BTW why did you veg. so long?

take care bro


Active member
Alaskan if you are using the GH 3-part series, I have copied a thread from another website (albeit without explicit permission) that will help you out:

This is for a 10-week strain, but it should be a good guideline nonetheless:

"Week 1 and 2
I start with a mild mixture of GH 3 part nutrients in 3 gallons of water
2tsp/10g M
2tsp/10g G
2tsp/10g B
This mixture is adjusted to a ph of around 5.7 and then the bucket is filled with an extra gallon of water to reach the bottom of the pot. At this point I don't worry too much about the TDS of the solution. The addback solution for the this time frame is also the same
M2, G2, B2 mixture.

Week 3
Stronger solution on 3 gallons of water
2tsp/10g M
1tsp/5g G
3tsp/15g B
Again drop the ph to 5.7 and drain the bucket to re-fill with this new mix. Get used to drain ing the bucket 'cause from here on out yuo want to do it once a week. Addback solution is the same 3M,1G,3B in 3 gallons adjusted to 5.7ph

Week 4
same as week 3

Week 5
Time to kick it up a notch! 4 galloms of water and double food
4tsp/20g M
2tsp/10g G
6tsp/30g B
adjust to 5.7 ph and drain-refill the bucket. Your TDS will be around 900ppm and you want to keep it there for the next 3 weeks. To do this you need a full strength add-back pitcher and one with normal ph adjusted water. If you see the ppm drop (which you will) use the addback with food. If the ppm starts to creep towards 1000 use the plain water.

Week 6/7
same as week 5. keep draining those buckets too! the LP loves fresh food.

Week 8
Almost there!! This is where I cut the Nitrogen to help boost THC production.
4tsp/20g M
6tsp/30g B
adjust to ph 5.7
No more of the "grow" solution from here on. Most may recognize this as a modded version of the classic "Lucas Formula"

Week 9
drain bucket *leave around 1 gallon in the bottom though* this leftover nute will keep the plant from starving as you begin flushing.

Week 10
drain bucket completely and refill with plain water. I usually drain and refill 3-5 times in the last week. It is a pain in the ass but I always say " The more you flush the better it will taste.""

Let me know if this helps!!!

:ying: yer pal guineapig :ying:


YUKON: Hey hows it goin? Thanks for the info on the thread name change, it's no problem cuz im not that worried bout it. Well, the reason i vegged so long is because of a few things. when i started out a friend had given me a branch that broke off of one of his plants and had been sitting in a glass of water on a window sill for a month. so i got it and took three clones off of it (powder hormone from wmart) and put them in dirt. once they eventually rooted under floros i put them under the 250 mh. My goal was to grow them big enough to take at least 12 clones off of them, which where then to be used as 6 mothers and then the other 6 to be vegged out a bit longer then to flower them and eventually have a perpetual grow(hence the nifty lights :chin: ). The only thing that stopped me from budding the girls was i was waiting for the location of my new operation to be available. As it is i'm going to run out of room before my 2 month flower period is over with. well, we will see what happens. I hope i didnt ramble on too much, i think you guys have a name for that don't you? Thanks for stoppin by! :wave:
Oh do you really think that i will still have a "Huge Yield" even though i have a 250w bulb and a halide at that?thanks

Guinea Pig: Nice to meet you! Glad you made it here! I'm sorry if i misled you with my hydroponics nutrients but i use them in soil, i guess i should have specified when i asked about them. I appreciate the thought though, really i do. See you round! :joint:

I checked on the girls and they are doin great. second day of 12/12 is over with! i don't know if i mentioned this but this is my first time being in flowering, much less growing a pot plant more then a stretchy little seedling. But i learned alot of my knowledge from overgrow before i took a break. when i came back overgrow was gone and icmag was in. Well i am off to roll a black and blueberry blunt with some organic norcal bud!!!

:joint: :joint: :wave: Peace!
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Well i checked on the girls today and they are lookin fine:yummy: ! The first hairs are popping out in a few spots! i checked the min. temp and it was down to 29f:yoinks: !!!! well the plants seemed to be doing okay, i think i should install a little heater in the room and set a timer on the opposite light schedule:chin: . i will have to do that this weekend. My 12 clones are all still alive, they appear some yellowing a bit but i'm not worried about it until they have roots. I will try and get some pictures this weekend i bought another camera and it enjoys eating batteries too, we will see. take care. :joint: :joint: :joint:
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:badday: The plants are dead. :badday: i guess its all a learning experience. i switched to 12/12 and since i dont live at my grow spot i didnt know that the temps where BELOW FREEZING(23) when the lights went off. What happened was i hadnt gave them a good watering for a while then when i checked on them they where drooping and dry so i watered good and flushed, but when the lights went off 10 hours later the pots froze, literally, frozen soil. so i immediatly started nuking up some water to thaw the roots out. well needless to say, the 12 clones went through a rough spot with bad water but i'm using much better water now and they havent gotten worse.i think they are close to 2 weeks old so we should see some root action soon. I also traded an eighth of weed for 2 rooted indica clones, very nice lookin girls. i scored a new 1000hps for flowering plants and set up a new room with (2) 1in x 4f x 6.5f insulation (the room is 4x4x6.5)with reflective backing, works really good. i got the light for 200 bucks and and eighth. i also ordered my 1000 halide should be here next week or somethin.
Oh my clone room is currently 1 42w floro(2700 lumen) 1 25w floro a 23(?)cfl and a 2 foot 20w.

Thanks for stoppin in those of you who do. Live and Learn and Grow again, later. :joint:

Two indicas

Clones-white powder is root hormone.

grow safe.
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I trimmed up my plants yesterday, i pretty sure they will die but it seems that they could survive, i trimmed all (most) the bad stuff off. Most everything was drooping. all the tops, all the big leaves, the couldnt stand up. the plants froze pretty much. i dunno, some of the secondary growth on the plants still seem to be okay, they still show signs of new growth, the light green color. man it sucks. i just got that 1000hps and was hoping to put it to use. oh wells. ill probaly put those indicas in there soon, but i would like to get some more. guess ill go trade more weed. If anybody knows anything about frozen plants please help me out, i would like to hopefuly save one of the plants but prolly not. but for the good news it looks like i might be able to finally try out this device my friend gave me. its the thing that you use to make 0-0 grade hash out of butane, i ended up with probally enough shake to do a batch. you guys take care.

Thanks for stopping by ElDust- glad to see another Alaskan on the threads.

:joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: AGro
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Active member
damn bro thats some bad news.

like ya said ya live and learn tho.

clones are lookin good....keep us posted



well the good news is that i got a 250w heater hung and it now keeps the temp when the lights off at about 66, light on 80. i need to get another timer that way i can run a fan with the light to keep the temps down, the ballast has its own timer and doesnt have a plugin.


more good news- they aren't actually dead. just all the old growth. i may actually have a harvest after all :yoinks: :woohoo:. i would post some pics of the girls but they just look so sorry, i would prolly get banned for showing such horrible pictures :pointlaug j/k. i'll keep you guys posted.