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Al Qaeda and tactical nukes a fantasy, or a reality?



hey laurus, while still interesting the legitimacy of some of those sites is questionable at best. Very interesting information though.



I agree, the only bush we need in the White House should be an

It has been the policy of our government to "create" enemies when none existed to justify huge military budgets. And with the "use it or lose it" mentality of the typical bureaucrat, how can anyone be surprised by US intervention throughout the world?
AD -

but if they had used a suitcase nuke as well, then the success would have been greater, from their point-of-view. imagine a plane crashing into one of the towers, then a suitcase nuke going off as well. instead of thousands, you just killed tens of thousands, at least, and you just made the middle of nyc a fallout zone...

You don't use your finale at the beginning of the fireworks show, do you?
The "mission" worked better than they planned. It was bold, spectacular and had the desired effect.

i'm not suggesting they don't have the know-how necessarily, but after sitting on a nuke like that for six years there's a good chance that whoever knew how to use it is no longer around.
How is that necessarily true? Wouldn't it be the highest priority of the group, seeing as it's essentially a trump card.
I can guarantee you with any transference to another "agent" would include a full breakdown of how it worked. We must give them more credit than this.

if they use it to blow up a shipping container being loaded in, say, san diego port, it would devastate the nation's economy since san diego is the largest port of entry for goods coming in from asia. think about that for a second; one of the largest ports in the world being turned into radioactive rubble. and with the amount of containers that go thru that port every day, such a scenario would work far easier than trying to smuggle the nuke into the country another way. granted, blowing up a port isn't as dramatic as blowing up downtown houston or something, but the actual damage to the infrastructure of the country would be more devastating...
I don't think so, though it's obviously an option (especially if they can't get it into the heartland).
But more than that, I implore you to think outside of the box here.
If, for the sake of argument they cannot get it into our cities, or even our ports. Perhaps then they could use it in Paris, London, Athens?
It's a trump card. And it must be used effectively - again...if they even have them.

Options change, feasibility changes. No one, including bin-laden knew the reaction we'd have. History showed us as the "paper tiger" even under Reagan. For all we know (granted it's the official line, and to be viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism) the 9/11 attacks weren't conceived to pull down the buildings. But it was still a raging success...It shut down the country for a full few days in almost its entirety.
That was essentially two big bombs.

You open with your weaker card. Only makes sense. It was a high card, but not the ace...

i don't think a lot of people feel comfortable toting around a nuke...)
You'd think the same thing about makeshift explosive vests but here we are... ;)
You're going to die delivering the thing anyway. It's a mentality that many of us just cannot fathom, but it's there.
Besides, what's the difference between a bullet to the head and vaporization? Who knows, but they'll never tell ya...they're dead.

i think terrorism is something we need to worry about and deal with, but i was more scared as a kid growing up during the cold war.
Agreed. Even after 9/11...The likelihood of me getting hit is so miniscule, no matter the incident.
But then again, even through the fear of the cold war, there was the theory of mutually assured destruction that both clung to. I believe, firmly, we don't have that here from the players coming out of the Middle East.

i see 9/11 as the day america was forced to confront the ugliness that the rest of the world has had to deal with for a long tme.
You nailed it. You might not know what I mean, but you got it right there.
I think the variation that I see that others don't is decades of appeasement have made one very important player in the world stage (the EU) immune to the desire to confront a military challenge, militarily. The Arab bloc is obviously opposed to change, as change threatens their status.
And let's be honest here. The EU (UN), The Arab bloc and the Americans exercise whatever control or influence they can in that region. The outrage stems, in part, from an aversion to busting up the status quo - which includes $$ to a large degree.

The theory of this war is to enable a region stifled to begin to breathe cleaner air. To be able to decide for themselves that change is possible - not through liberal fantasy and utopian promise, but through actual proof: i.e., Iraq when completed; Palestine/Israel when completed; Saudi funded Wahabism checked, etc.
By doing that - changing something obviously broken, and at our doing no less - we can enable a safer, freer environment that won't contain the rage, the impotence and the hatreds.

Fresh fucking air.

the problem with al queada is that no one really knows just how big they really are. one day i read that we're dismantling them effectively, then the next there's a terrorist hiding behind my bushes with a suitcase nuke. let's be honest; we don't know if bin laden is even alive or dead right now. our intelligence gathering abilities in the middle east are not strong. not a lot of arabs working for u.s. intelligence. i'm just saying that it seems the media either hypes up or hypes down the threat of terrorists, depending on what the govt wants them to say. and that's another problem; the media being so much in league with the govt that most media outlets (fox, cnn) are little more than mouthpieces for whatever the govt wants to say. there's little to no meida investigations of these claims, just blind reporting, at least within the major media outlets.
You raise two very interesting points.

1) What is Al Qaeda?

Simply, a clearinghouse business headed by CEO Bin-laden. At least it was. What it is now is up for grabs - at least in terms of leadership, which would then of course define the type of "business" it now is...
Follow that one... ;)

Bin-laden is Western-taught and very successful at business. Which means he knows how to delegate, plan and execute. What this does is essentially then scout for the best and the brightest and use them to select high level operatives that then delegate to cells....
Top-down management. Works for business quite well, and works for terrorism too. Terrorism is big business, remember that too...money made is money spent on your agendas.
Organized crime with a bang and a Iacoca at the head.

No joke. I'll bring stuff to show you when I catch my breath. :)

2) Media

You are so right.
But people need to learn to read and stop watching what comes off of screens both through cable and modems. ;)
There is always some truth to reports. Even blatant misrepresentation tells you something about the story. Which tells you about who's presenting it.

It's all about reading between the lines. It's ok to watch FOX news as long as you can smirk when you see something wrong and nod when you see something right.

I think simply media is blamed for our lack of perspective. We tune in, turn on and drop out and then become outraged when we don't like the product.
The internet is the exact opposite - a violent reaction I suppose to televised mass media - with stories that polarize so much more effectively.
Let's face it...the internet generation's media menu serves the same dishonest and agenda-driven crap as TV. It's just more real.

So yeah, I agree with you about media's worth...no matter we approach it differently.

(i disagree that bush is working in the open on this. this is one of the most secretive admins in america's history.
Perhaps you're right. I'm not convinced either way. We could go one way or the other at this point...

Off to tend garden. Thanks AD, fellas... ;)
Been a pleasure.
sorry fellas for not reading all yer comments... I'll read em later on today...

I just wanted to say this:

What we know is US trained the Al Qaeda forces, built safehouses for their leaders (and bombed those later on... bahahaa), Bin Laden family is a shareholder among Bush and D. Rummsfeld...and .... was there Chaney also.... in Carlyle corp..... which produces weapons for US.

How come that Bin Laden has not been found? Bush Promised To Get Bin Laden
"Dead Or Alive". Bush Vowed "To Bring Him To Justice or Bring Justice To Him"

That was 880 days ago and still counting. It was good move to bring Saddam into estrade.... new target... it's illusion.... to move peoples attention into somewhere else...

After reading all that WTC bullshit and the drawbacks in it... after I started to see how obvious it is that US arranged the whole shitty operation... I went to a
friend of mine, who's in charge in our local fire station and asked him some of the details of WTC, where many of his US collegues died... He verified me soooo many things with this case...
a) Fire producing 'black' smoke is about to be extinguished
b) kerosine or any other form of fire possibly produced by any plane known to explode... can't produce enough heat to melt the 'hard pillars' built inside the twin towers...
c) It is a known fact that skyscrapers are loaded with explosives... to control the possible collapse... that would never come down in to a small area....
d) In the original video clip you can see the moment when those were detonated... even there was no risk of collapse.....actully he told me that no scyscrapers has collapsed without exploding....
e) eye witnesses tells how they heard the detonation.... and there's lots of other information ....

I could go on and on... but I'm tired again..... just keep reading fellas.... the information is out there.

Maybe I should quit writing.... I feel dumb that I even continue this...

Peace all of ya dewds... Don't believe the hype.


Active member
I guess the US never went to the moon either

I guess the US never went to the moon either

Bin laden I suspect has already been caught Bush is waiting to release that just before the election so to ensure his re-election. I will however make this statement, I have met Bush long before he was president, back when he was just governor Bush from texas. I know people that are close friends with him and I just don't think this man that is so grounded in religion and the morality that comes along with it is capable of being the devil many portray him as. Yes he is horribly misguided but to imply he would let thousands of fellow american die just to justify a war is completely out of bounds. The facts of september 11th are very simple thousands are dead, that's all that matters. While all this is very interesting and does make me say to myself "hmm, I wonder" it doesn't change how many people died that day and despite peoples opinions of the american government it just wouldn't make sense for them to have been any part of what happened. Oh and about the tactical nukes, It is my understanding that their explosive capabililties would be to clear an entire city block, However they are in development and not yet practical with todays technology. Case in point the the MOAB if they had tactical nukes a giant bomb that clears the same area wouldn't be needed. If Al Queda has anything nuclear it is nothing more than dirty bombs, which are to me much more frightening because you just start to have your ears, hair, etc start falling off.


Bubblegum Specialist
So we know nothing

So we know nothing

Basically we are left to guess the truth. No one has answered my question of why there is no video of the plane crashing into the pentagon. I think a nice missile was used but we didn't want to tell our people how helpless we are to defend ourselves.

If nukes are on missiles one might eventually work. In any case this administration has not done its job IMHO and I want the truth. Secrecy is what this administration loves and that's one of the reasons for the conspiracy theories.

I didn't say I thought we did it. I just feel that the truth could have been told and it would have made little difference. Prove that a plane hit the pentagon. Hauling out bodies doesn't prove anything as the passengers could have been recovered and then brought out of the pentagon to make the cover story work.

Really now consider the position taken that no pictures or video of the plane hitting the pentagon are seen? Isn't the pentagon under constant satellite surveillance and radar too? BOG

I don't think Bush would have ordered doing ourselves but I do want regime change. He is a disgrace and a disaster at least...


I agree BOG, I would like to see some proof a plane hit the Pentagon as well. There are those who speculate the plane that went down in Pennsylvania was actually shot down, and thed us the hero story to gear up for the conflicts ahead. The real truth obviously has not been put public, maybe someday it will......or not!

This is a great thread, but lets tone down the conspiracy theories? Unless we have some proof, it just makes those of us who bring them up seem a little...........few snow flakes short of a blizzard if you catch my drift lol.



I actually have 9/11 recorded on video tape, from about 10:45 am until the taped stopped recording.....I have everything we knew then and may sit down one day and study that days news reporting in detail. This is one subject that wont go away anytime soon, and there will always be those like myself who suspect more than we have been told.


Bubblegum Specialist
Thanks Stealthballer...

Thanks Stealthballer...

Very interesting that the photos are proven to be phonies and that it couldn't have been a 757. It seems that many untruths have been told so am I wrong to be suspicious? I still think it could have been a missile. Probably Korean made.

I always thought the pic of a jet engine all alone on the lawn looked so fake. Something is certainly fishy here. BOG


Active member
Korean missile?

Korean missile?

Why do you say probably korean made? I am curious, surely it isn't to suggest that korea had something to do with it? my brain is all a twitter with conspiracy now.

BOG... yea... I'm wondering too where the Made in Korea came from ;) I've seen that same clip... and I don't take it as good enough to tell anything of the events at pentagon...

if ya have a video recorded right after WTC was hitted and collapsed... watch it closely... look at the WTC building... look at the point where the plane hit the building.... now look just few floors down to from that.... on the moment that buildin starts to collapse... you'll see the EXPLOSIONS coming OUT from building... revealing the fact that explosives were used...why it would've exploded otherwise.... if no explosives was used? err....

Then... look at the video that is shown around media nowadays.... you'll see they've cut away those frames that contains the explosion pictures....

Besides... where are the bodies? Planes containing bodies would surelly throw out a rain of dead bodies.... bodies don't disappear....being hard to burn too...

Where was the air defence that has always been there, even when it was a small private plane us air forces has arrived very fast and has commanded the plane to get back on the course or will be shot... and this time there were 2 planes... neither of them was shot down.... even they surely knew about the first hit.... and the gov/military knew those planes had gone off from their routes, turned off the identification transponder... i.e. acting very suspisously.... not air defence.... LMAO... what a crap.

Someone UNKNOWN??!! (wtf) founds Atta's personal passport from the ruins of WTC and gives it to a local police... who DO NOT record the founders identification.... besides.... those black boxes..... LMAO.... all destroyed.... HAHAHAHAAA.... for the record... those black box's was made in Finland... and not a single one has been destroyed.... not before the WTC... or after that.... Black Box's are made to last. And it wasn't a nuclear bomb... it was gasoline expolsion that generated the theatrical flames....familiar from the movies.... (kerosine used on those planes could not do this btw...)

So ALL black boxes were destroyed... fine... let's say it was so... but the Mohammed Atta's passport.... bwbwahahahaaa LMAO... u must be kiddin me...

Each of those planes had six different buttons or ways to send a emergency message if plane would've become hijacked... no single one of them was used.... and WHY? if there was a terrorists hijacking those planes... why the fuck nobody gave that emergency signal designed for this?

yea rite.... cya's dewds...

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