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Ak47,ReCon and Headband coming from WA state!!!!!!

What up mutha funkers come scope the dankness in good old spokandy land.






I live in amsterdam now but I used to live in bellingham! wa state has some of the best herb ive ever smoked! hope all is well.


To Have More ... Desire Less
yep i lived in OLY for a long time....LUV it......lotz o' herb......
way beyond just B.C. Bud......and some wicked breeders in those partz......:2cents:


New member
I'm from Tacoma, but I've been all over the country. Aside from Norcal, Washington state has had the most consistent supply of quality herbage out of anywhere I've been.
gotta agree on that one. Norcal is the shit. Been there once, like 3 years ago. Had some bubba kush and up til now, i can't forget how wonderful that shit tastes like. wish i could have some of those funkers here. :(


Active member
Nice shots of our location selections Phil!! Like the way those turned out!! Looking forward to seeing some shots of that ThickWickit and maybe some Bubba or Hindu... K+ brotha, keep snappin :smoker:
Nice shots of our location selections Phil!! Like the way those turned out!! Looking forward to seeing some shots of that ThickWickit and maybe some Bubba or Hindu... K+ brotha, keep snappin :smoker:
Speaking of bubba kush and thick wickit...




Purple nice guy chunk..
there are alot of great breeders in the northwest! our seed company "Bruijn Genetics" strated in bellingham! and most of our strains are from the northwest! just cant beat the N.W. Chronic! nice nugs philthy phil keep it up--BruijnGenetics


New member
ooo i tried some headband a buddy brought back from a fest and it was dank dank stuff, a big bong hit of that stuff will like grip your head and brain lol

idiot grin

New member
the problem with WA state lately is most of the good herb gets exported. Growers get better prices out of state, and a lotta dealers won't pay for local indoor so they sell Cali outdoor... I'm not saying everybody does it like that, but within the last year or even six months it's gotten much more common I think.

nice ganja, phil
Yeah, the prices down here in Cali (especially southern cali) is just a tad bit ridiculous. People and clinics have been selling the top shelf, quality herb for well over $375 a zip for sometime now. Even if you buy it in large quantities, it's a bit absurd.

I plan on moving to Washington here in a few years. This makes me look forward to it :)
the problem with WA state lately is most of the good herb gets exported. Growers get better prices out of state, and a lotta dealers won't pay for local indoor so they sell Cali outdoor... I'm not saying everybody does it like that, but within the last year or even six months it's gotten much more common I think.

nice ganja, phil

This is true a lot of my buddies and I have to go out of state now to get good quanity. Ends up costing an arm and leg for travel and such it really sucks but the farther east you go with it the more money your gonna make.


makes sense that they would try to bring it as far east as possible as the A+ can fetch like 6 cash no prob out here