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Ace Purple Satellite

Ralph W. Llama

Active member

Purple Satellite close up view.


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Purple Satellite from my 2023 garden (in previous post).
I’m at 45th parallel (north west Oregon), harvested on the last day of September.
This is my favorite plant from last year’s garden! Tastes include pine and cherry, cough syrup.
This plant really needs a good long cure, more than any other plant I’ve grown. Soon after drying last October, it tasted great, but didn’t really pack a punch. That has all changed in the last month! It’s been curing for about four or five months at this point and wow! It has become my daily first smoke! I can take a few bong hits, feed the dogs, fix dinner, and do whatever else needs to be done! It seems to have a pronounced anti anxiety for me. Very strange for such a clear and alert high.
Vermont-man, you have truly created one of the most wonderful herbs. I thank you, this
plant will always have a place in my garden.


Well-known member
Purple Satellite from my 2023 garden (in previous post).
I’m at 45th parallel (north west Oregon), harvested on the last day of September.
This is my favorite plant from last year’s garden! Tastes include pine and cherry, cough syrup.
This plant really needs a good long cure, more than any other plant I’ve grown. Soon after drying last October, it tasted great, but didn’t really pack a punch. That has all changed in the last month! It’s been curing for about four or five months at this point and wow! It has become my daily first smoke! I can take a few bong hits, feed the dogs, fix dinner, and do whatever else needs to be done! It seems to have a pronounced anti anxiety for me. Very strange for such a clear and alert high.
Vermont-man, you have truly created one of the most wonderful herbs. I thank you, this
plant will always have a place in my garden.
Hello @Highboy71!
It thrills me to here reports like yours, it really helps keep me plugging along when others get such enjoyment. Thank you for your kind words. North Atlantic seed co. is fully stocked with all my material.
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Hello @Highboy71!
I thrills me to here reports like yours, it really helps keep me plugging along when others get such enjoyment. Thank you for your kind words. North Atlantic seed co. is fully stocked with all my material.
I wish that I could put into words what this herb means to me, it’s just beautiful in every way. Breeders like Vermontman and Dubi will be remembered for their contributions to the cannabis gene pool and what it offers our community!

Captain Red Eye

Active member
I've enjoyed perusing this thread and seeing all the outdoor Purple Satellite. Thanks guys! Inspiring!

Based on your nice results, I'll probably try a couple outside this season. Looking forward to the possibilities of bringing a low mold outdoor type into the mix. I'm in Maine now and have also grown outdoor for a good long time in other northeast (not so friendly) places and know how mold can mess up the best laid plans.

I grabbed a pack of P.S. from NASC a few months back and have one girl going indoors now in a smallish container. Her main purpose was for me to have a sample for a smoke test and to do a seed increase. After popping about 1/2 of the pack, I kept the one aforementioned girl and 3 boys.
Each boy was used to pollinate the one girl. (3 separate lower branches) The forming seeds are now about 32 days on the vine and are almost done. Rest of plant is still in flower, but nearing the finish line. Hoping somebody can relay what their finish times indoor have been.

Since I had a little extra pollen, I also dusted my cut of the MOB (cherry pheno, don't know if it is "the real MOB"). Those seeds seem to be forming well, but are a few days behind the Purple Satellite seeds. Can never have enough seeds, heh heh.

I've seen 70 days mentioned as an indoor finish time for Purple Satellite on seedfinder website and was wondering if that sounds about right?



I've enjoyed perusing this thread and seeing all the outdoor Purple Satellite. Thanks guys! Inspiring!

Based on your nice results, I'll probably try a couple outside this season. Looking forward to the possibilities of bringing a low mold outdoor type into the mix. I'm in Maine now and have also grown outdoor for a good long time in other northeast (not so friendly) places and know how mold can mess up the best laid plans.

I grabbed a pack of P.S. from NASC a few months back and have one girl going indoors now in a smallish container. Her main purpose was for me to have a sample for a smoke test and to do a seed increase. After popping about 1/2 of the pack, I kept the one aforementioned girl and 3 boys.
Each boy was used to pollinate the one girl. (3 separate lower branches) The forming seeds are now about 32 days on the vine and are almost done. Rest of plant is still in flower, but nearing the finish line. Hoping somebody can relay what their finish times indoor have been.

Since I had a little extra pollen, I also dusted my cut of the MOB (cherry pheno, don't know if it is "the real MOB"). Those seeds seem to be forming well, but are a few days behind the Purple Satellite seeds. Can never have enough seeds, heh heh.

I've seen 70 days mentioned as an indoor finish time for Purple Satellite on seedfinder website and was wondering if that sounds about right?
It's been a while , but I think I remember it being less than 10.


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For indoor growing of PS, why do you have to gradually turn down the hours of light? If not, what happens?