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about time we had a bloody scottish forum


Un - Retired,
not that I get home a lot these days but for me its still where my heart is
I miss the Highland roads on my bike or sitting by a loch fishing with a smoke

so welcome to all my fellow Scottish brothers and sisters to the Scottish forums


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Slaint Mhath

Slaint Mhath

Gotta agree with you there oldpink :woohoo:
I miss bonny scotland and the folks there from the highlands , islands and lowlands

And dont get back as much as i should either
Thanks and a big up the scots , where ever you are or may be

Black Angus.

Black Angus.

Wee Little Bonnie.Ima goon doon toon tah tak thdog fora wauk.
Heads Up Clan. Shes`s a Wee Ripper.:nanana:


Active member
Gratz on your forum from Denmark to the people of Scotland :)
I suppose our growing conditions are pretty similar (except we don't have any mountains, hehe) so I'll probably check it out from time to time and see what's cooking.


New member
i was thinking i didnt notice this forum last time this will be good get to see how many scots are on here


Un - Retired,
I've just set it up
I figured we could use it to dicuss the canna scene in Scotland
help new members with specific info on grow shops and other issues in getting started


I used to a;ways get packed off to a relatives croft in Caithness for the summer holidays when I was a kid,havent been to Scotland in years,half the family are from there :dueling:

lost in a sea

why dont the backwards welsh and us english get one???

peace to all my irn bru drinking, deep-fried mars bar eating scottish friends.
(and peace also to the scotts who dont play into my cheap cultural stereotypes)

oldpink!!! your a scott?? no way!!! you've spent too long in that concrete, urban deathmaze my friend, you would never tell from your accent.


why dont the backwards welsh and us english get one???
And america , dont see an americano forum .

Battered deep fried mars bars are rank , deep fried pizza is a delight tho , if it'll fit in the frier we'll fry it . Mmmm deep fried haggis

A great idea Oldpink , i know a place in glasgow called glasgrow

However for folks in rural locations ordering on line might be better .

Worried about using your credit card or don't have one https://www.3vcash.com/index.html


Un - Retired,
yeah I know Glasgrow and the guys there, not bad but a bit limited on stock of certain things


They came recomended to me from a scottish grower , thanks for your input .

I grow in dirt and have found that once you have the main equipement the rest is easier got without having to visit hydro stores , for example my local garden centre sell's 5 litres of perlite for 7 quid , if i order in 100 litres i get it for 19 :woohoo:
Seedling soil / Roota / seaweed extract / Compost with added John Innes / pots and potash , gardeners lime and fish blood and bone all easily got from a garden centre
Tubes i still order online but if you can find an electrial wholesaler who does a 600 sunmaster for less than 22 quid plus postage , go for it .
In my area 400 watt tubes are easy got and cheap . however i get funny looks when asking for a 600 sunmaster "i want to light the garden so i can see the grass lol "


Active member
english forum would be cool,
better than just having the "uk growers thread" and "uk clone only thread.
besides both those threads are uk threads, so that includes scotland.

be nice to have something just for england, eh?


Active member
lol just like in real life we Scots cannae have our own wee bit of freedom without the English wantin control of it (j/k!). It was a good idea OP but you should have known we'd be invaded. Just give us a UK forum for the sake of peas!

Goan yersel big man!
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