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a self pollinated F1, what might pop out?


Whenever I hear about people bitching about bagseeds from a herm I always tell them to go on Icmag and check your thread.
theories are cool,but in practice is awesome.


Well-known member
greetings to any still subbed, and any newly interested
been off doing some other life things, you know how it is
a 4th grow of the NL#5 x BW S1 seeds
basically a hermie of a hermie
and #4 looks just as stable as the others
have I tamed hermie genetics in a mere 2 crosses?
anyways looking good at 9 weeks
don't mind the upper fans too much
cfl retro grow and leaves get burned from getting touched
but cfl's seem to grow very tasty buds


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Well-known member
greetings, time to announce a harvest day
this is about 13 weeks of 12/12, she did not enter flower quickly
nearly a month to get some pistils to show
plenty of bud and a sweet odor with maybe a bit of mint
I'll edit in the smoke report later


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Well-known member
good evening to good people
events have taken an interesting turn
good weed this last NL#5 x BW S1 is, therefore reveg was in order
it did reveg, but a little strange
I'm seeing single leaf nodes with a clump of trichs in between
I seem to have a vague recollection that the arcata trainwreck clone looks something like that
anyway it's beginning to have a trainwreck kind of look
no idea what will happen when put back in to flower


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Well-known member
time for some new life for an old thread
I had just done a reveg on a harvested plant, and that's a story of its own
the 1st run was done with 78 watts of cfls, had an urge to get back to my roots and taste some good old fashioned cfl bud
a decent result, somewhere near an oz
the plant showed a fair amount of sativa, cfls ripened it ok
now I've been wanting to try some of them fancy daylight leds on a sativa-ish pheno
and when I say fancy I mean 3 12.5 watt walmart great value leds
it just doesn't get cheaper than that, and see what that 37.5 watt grow produced


my reveg grow breezed through the 1 gram/watt and was close to 2 grams/watt
now to quality/effects, and those that claim leds don't produce quality
for this case, genetics were the big kahuna
fundamentally the same bud, but the led produced more bud that was more fully mature
grant you this doesn't involve hid, but matches up with what a lot of other growers see

getting back to the goods, how this plant worked out
definite 7/10 across the board, good solid weed
but most importantly not any anxiety edge to it
we're talking 50% of the original f1 genetics withe low anxiety trait hanging in there
so 2 new sprouts are up, looking indica, pics next time


Well-known member
and a good evening to all, i've a couple of seedlings and puts me in a good mood
2 weeks for both, looking like a little bit of indica and sativa
to bring any new watchers up to speed, you're lookig at some hermie genetics that may have been healed in 2 generations
last 8(or so) grows of this seed set were rock solid femme
will the good luck continue? - stay tuned


Well-known member
give this hobby its due, interesting things happen
so I'm admiring my compact indica-ish plant, thinking this a dense little beast
then I notice why, it's started to grow 3 node sets instead of 2 - a first for me
I have seen trifoliate plants, this was not trifoliate
trinode? not really sure what to make of it
guardedly optimistic, just have to see how it goes



Well-known member
give this hobby its due, interesting things happen
so I'm admiring my compact indica-ish plant, thinking this a dense little beast
then I notice why, it's started to grow 3 node sets instead of 2 - a first for me
I have seen trifoliate plants, this was not trifoliate
trinode? not really sure what to make of it
guardedly optimistic, just have to see how it goes

View attachment 18839988
It's called whorled phyllotaxy, thee or more leaves on the same node.

There's a thread about it https://www.icmag.com/threads/whorled-phyllotaxy-info-please.3704/


Well-known member
time for flower for plant #1
plant #1 being the 1 that looked more indica
maybe not so much, closer to the hybrid look the original brain wreck had
and the tri-node thing it has going on
the big thing is it stable? I really hope it is



Well-known member
plant #2 is throwing its own curve ball
once again the nodes are growing in thicker than normal
more whorled phyllotaxy? maybe
that would be much weirder with a back to back, never seen this before out of maybe 60 grows
could be worse of course, spider mites come to mind

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Well-known member
yes more strangeness, another trifoliate
but the nodes are a little askew, not lining up exactly
so it's spiral phyllotaxy according to my reading
and putting it into flower now



Well-known member
ok, plant #2- spiral phyllotaxy
a literal WTF moment, 2 unusual leaf node arrangements where none were seen before
but there has been something different done to these two seeds
they were seeds of a hermie, stored at room temps quite a while since their value seemed low
sprouting didn't go well with regular water(rain water), they would pop and rot
I then used a 1% hydrogen peroxide, from Beta's thread over in the propagation sub forum
much better, 2 plants from 2 seeds, thread highy recommended
no complaints but worth mentioning



Well-known member
3 weeks of 12/12 for #1, and it is responding nicely
forming bud fast and furious, could be a quick ripener
no trace of the curse, the dreaded intersex, they show quicker than pistils if they're going to happen
this will be 9 in a row of clean females



Well-known member
9 for 9, feeling good and a little cocky
the growing god don't much care for that
feast your eyes on #10, aka plant #2, a prettier she male I never did see
plucking roosters, but there are some interesting things going on
it lives for the moment, until the rooster plucking gets old



Well-known member
about 4 weeks for plant 1, no complaints
no hermie sign and healthy, looked more indica at start but now the more sativa of the 2
you really can't tell much from young seedlings where they'll go

now plant 2, that's where the fun is
it hermed quick right before the pistils showed, that's how this herm trait has shown itself in the past
but it's quite different now, dramatic departure
only the branches that formed in veg seem to have male flowers
the upper parts look clean, the spiral phyllotaxy also ceased though it appears it has topped itself(kind of)
I cleaned the lower branches of roosters quite thoroughly, maybe too thoroughly
because it looks like rooster production has shutdown completely - wtf?
I now have 2 roosters which I'm actually preserving
pollinating a bud on #1 might have interesting results

plant 1

plant 2


Well-known member
interesting day in my plant inspection and care
I was giving plant 1 a good going over and whamo! a dried up nasty little rooster sitting on a fan leaf
thinking the worst, that it's crossed me up bad
I see a small number of flowers tight to the nodes on the main stem
just like in plant 2 they're only on lower nodes, nodes that formed during the veg stage
only difference is plant 1 branches are tighter to the stem so they were hard to see
damage looks minimal, a few seeds
it's seeing the same thing on 2 plants has me thinking
used a 1% peroxide germinating solution, seeds weren't stored all that well and needed a little help
so unusual phyllotaxy and the same limited intersex twice?
not a coincidence me thinks - not complaining since plants look good, but a weird deal


Well-known member
plant 1
I've never had much foxtails until now
more of a sativa thing, and it does seem sativa-ish
big thing about plant 1, not a true hermie
true hermies get 'em in the buds which I have seen too many times
these roosters were in straight lines down the trunk
clean up is a breeze, and the S2s may have promise


plant 2
a solid indica, the big thing is it really did top itself
slightly hermied like #1 but not just on the trunk
it was a true hermie as the others in this line have been(some times)
so I'm pondering #1, is it a weakened expression of a true hermie trait?
one thing's for sure, all of these S1s have a much weakened intersex trait
