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A long strange trip it's been


Wow. Read it all in one sweep. I ate this shit up man.

Maybe I'll start a blog or something. I think everyone should. Life is interesting in general; on anyones stand-point.

Thank for letting us take a look at your life through your eyes man. What a trip.


hey randude101,
nice story and photos, I really enjoyed...don't know how I missed this before.

it sounds to me like you've got your head together, but you have some serious relationship issues that cause your shit to get all out of whack, and you ended up in jail. if you (and she) don't REALLY forgive each other for the last disasterous fight, you're always going to have new disasterous fights. It shuts down communication, and you guys REALLY act out, and hurt each other deeply. Flushing your precious harvest down the disposal? Leaving your fiancee alone in a hotel? And then to yourself, like getting XXXXXXXtra fucked and making awful decisions. You know this shit is no good, you are not a proponent of this stuff...you have got to cultivate your life like a garden, and if you leave some rotten shit up in there it will make for a bad harvest buddy. I know I certainly struggle with some of these things too!

Also, some relationships become defined by the fighting, and you might not know how to NOT fight...not a good one for you to be in. You need to have some objectivity to see this when you are IN it, it's tough..

do you always end up with these kinds of problems? I remember you mentioned something about 2005 being the first run in with the law. maybe its just this particular women? trying to make yourself feel better when shit hits the fan is natural, you just need to be aware of what the results are going to be. you're a smart guy, jail, fighting with women, isn't cool. Growing some good reefer and enjoying life worry free, is the way to go.

my :2cents:



one in the chamber
I think letting her go would be the right decision. You need to stop drinking and driving too, and the pills definitely don't help!

Loved your story! Just read it from start to finish. :) Be safe man, you're an extremely gifted guy. Don't throw it away. Nothing wrong with smoking a little pot, but watch out for the women. They can really fuck your shit up, and I've learned that the hard way.


Active member
Things are sound'n good bro...jeje Dating agian, this must be a trip...then agian, could be alot of fun too man, just don't be silly and wrap your willy !! lol sorry had to through that in...take care man, and keep your head up.



I can't believe I just read this whole thread. I feel like I know you, ran. lol. You have some pretty good writing and photography skills. I'm noone to judge on your self-destructive behavior I just hope it all works out for you.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
ive been popping in and out, i read teh greater part of the story so i kinda have a feel of whats going on.

some say you shouldnt let things like wed get in the wya of a relationship or marriage, but when cannabis is a really big part of who you are then its that much harder to choose between a person that you love and a part of you that you love.

i guess some dont know how important this thing really is, but women are like that anyway," youcant have anything b4 me" type attitde. well i agree with you 100%!! make sure this time, you find someone that is very cannabis tolerant and if you can , have her be smoker. i think that shit is so cool to see a couple or married couple that are into cannabis and a re able to sensibly share something that is so spiritual and beneficial in so many ways.

yeah yeah yeah, you fucked up royally across the board,but hey , you lived you learned and loved, and your alive to do it all again. cheers to you dude and remember, its your life and there will always be new chapters to write!!! so keep writing/bloging here cause you have and do go through some really interesting crazy shit!! lmao


I just read this whole story and wow what a strange trip.... i kinda took offense to the whole NC driving thing I'd say we are pretty chill... maybe you was on the highway on a bad day or something idk but i'm glad to hear you are slowing the madness down man

Jah bless and good luck...


Active member
Hey bro, keep you head up about that.

What about those things you have pending in Cali ? mean if your planning on a trip in march those pending infractions could get in your way right ?



New member
Hey Ran,
I have been following your thread since July. What a trip! I think that the Cali stuff will mess with you leaving the country. You may be better off checking that out before they nab you. But do I think it will stop you.....uh NO! You Rock Randude, and you should be writing novels. Stay safe and pet that dog for me!


I was able to fly with a warrant out for my arrest within the country, but I was told it would be a problem if I was leaving the country. It wasn't a problem because they are not likely to check. not so sure about pending misdemeanors.


I really hate the government sometimes. It is not but a tool to use on us. They keep us all inline like milk cattle at a dairly waiting to be milked.


Active member
then they destroy each other instead of learning from another...not to mention thier own lands as more citizens more taxes...as Ran said more milk.

I wonder some times, what if people realy never smoked pot or did shrums and realized how fucked up things are...would we literaly have bar codes and be more geneticaly alike, and do as we are told, spoke when spoken too ?

the whole education system prepares you for it...need to diseducate your self to see the trueth, and rededucate to suit it in a better way as we counter culter in so many ways from the art we make, the ideas we get, the songs we write, etc...got to admit it man, jeje pot makes everything better !!! and goverments so wanting to have "controll", Marley said they don't want' us to smoke the herb...cuase they say it mek us rebell. and industries that pay so many millions to the gove that favor that Hemp, Cannabis not be available as they'n be out of busyness and goverments in there own mis sence out of money...when they could realy make so much if they'd serach into how to use it.

jeje sorry just came in from a smoke brake, and am at work...so my mind wants to be free as I listen to my music and fly the skies in my mind...my body obeys the rules.

Marley also said..."No chains around my feet, but I'm not free"
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Hey Chaman
Sharon is still messing with me from afar. She is such shit. I could write a thread as long as this one of the past 6 weeks with her hacking into my email and bank accounts, still threatening me with the law. If I could only do something to make her leave me alone. I am afraid to light up now because I may be forced to take a piss test. She has me worried about my stash in the house. She intercepted emails to a lady I know and copied them to herself. She called the lady. She is flat out nuts. I do not know if she calls the police and tells them that I have something in my house if they will get a warrant and search me. I know I am small patatos, but this place here is a police state.


Active member
jeje long as Chuck Noris don't show up you should be ok ! , na but realy if I where you I'd first off change all account passwords frecuently, once a week even for now, bank accounts everything bro change all passwords. If you could i'd even ask for security questions on your account at the bank. Ok, now thats done and said...have you thought of the divorce? Once thats legaly out of the way anything she does would be considered stalking and could get her in trouble I beleave. Do spywear searched and shit on your computer too...make it so she has no way of contacting you...for mail get a po box, dont use an actuall address for now if posible and move about...i'd be move'n as soon as I could as to that paranoia for your herb. Then look for real good places to stash it.

Bro and you be nice...act like you have no idea shes up to it for now...untill you get her out of yoru hair, just be politicaly correct man, if you know what I mean. If you piss her off too much, sure you could have some to loose...but do all in your power from where you are to talk and comunicate the least posible.

jeje sounds liek my wife in a few ways...she got into my hi5 along time ago and emailed everyone one by one some crazy shit, used to check my cell phone all the time, go through my wallet...man drove me nuts...got rid of th cell phone, changed all passwords and never buged me agian...jeje thats a lie all she does is bugg out jejej but then agian my dad said if a woman don't drive you nuts check her panties, cuase she wouldn't be a woman.

Bro my lady was given me some serious shit today too jeje realy know how to wreck ones day indeed.

If you got time to get worried it means you have some free time, so keep your self busy when you start too think like that, and yes check into some good lawyers man.

Blessings and good luck


Well, I go to court the 9th of December for my DUI in Virginia. I feel alone and terrified. Normally I am the coolist cookie in the jar, but right now I am a blithering idiot. I am wanted on a misdemeaner warrant in Washington and California too. I have to go to Virginia, my parents bailed me out, so I have to go. I do not know what the judge is going to do to me knowing that I have problems on the West Coast. It is my first offense in Virginia, so my lawyer says he is hoping that the judge only looks at what happened in Virginia. I was busted for DUI and pocession of about 3 grams of pot. I spent a week in Jail when I was arrested and trying to raise bail, and my lawyer told me that I will most likely just get time served for the DUI and the Pot will be dismissed. He also told me that he may be able to get me off before I paid his retainer. So I am terrified not knowing what is going to happen.

I met a really nice girl where I am living now in Louisiana. I do not know what she can do for me but contact my family and employer if this goes into more than time served. She will be also taking care of my dog. I asked her to ride up there with me too, but we will not know for a couple of days if she can or not. Honestly, I really think the lady loves me and will be a great help if something happens. If they lock me up she is going to have to call my parents, employer and a few friends to see if they can get me out. My lawyer told me that if they lock me up he will appeal it and that will mean that I need to raise bail again so that I can get back to work and stuff. I cannot afford to be locked up.

Sharon left me about six weeks ago. We had one of our many stupid arguments and she threatened to leave. I drove her to the airport. After a week at her parents she told me she was coming back and wanted to save our marriage. She told me she would change. I told her no. I didn't want her back. I want to be able to get high in my own house and I do not want to have to fight with anyone. She freaked out and started a reign of terror against me:

1. She cancelled all of the utilities that she opened while I was at work. I had to take the day off from work and get all new accounts and pay more deposits. She had any deposits from her account sent to her.
2. She started writing big checks in my checking account. She managed to get a $600 check through and some debit charges here and there. I was able to stop my check from going into that account and got another bank account.
3. She went to my cell phone company and locked me out of it with passwords and secret questions that I didn't know. She has all my phones calls sent to her phone. I had to drive an hour to the nearest town that my company had an office and prove who I was. I got her phone turned off and changed all of my passwords.
4. She took over my personal email and locked me out of it. I had to open another email account and notify everyone of the new account.
5. She called the local police and told them that I am wanted in two states for DUI and drugs, and on bail for another one. So far that is not caused me a problem, but I am extremely paranoid in my own house that there is going to be a knock on the door. I am terrified to drive and only carry as much as I can eat if I get pulled over.
6. She took over my new email account and get into accounts that are tied to it like my new bank. She locked me out of my bank. I had to work really hard to get back into that account and had to take special measures to keep her out. She got into my paypal accout and sent herself $1000. She freaked out and reversed the charges, but not before they got to my bank and took the money. She made a charge of $600, $200, and $200 a day before payday and two of them bounced and caused me a $70 in overdraft fees. The next day when my check was deposited they let the two $200 paypal charges pass. I have been on the phone with my bank and paypal and filed fraud reports. They tell me I will have my $1070 back some time next week.
7. She wrote another check for $800 in our joint account that had only a few dollars in it.
8. She called me and asked me if I was starting to feel the stress. She told me that she would stop the harassment if I paid her peronal credit card bills.
9. She deleted my new email account. and all records I have of all of the black mail and stealing and hacking she has done. I have had to contact all of my people again and tell them my new email.

Sharon is a hacker. She finds ways like a rat to get into any defense. I had to change my cell phone and house phone numbers. I cannot even let her find out what my new email address is, because she has a way of getting into them no matter what I do. She told me she will Not be served divorce papers from me, and I cannot get a no contact order because I am in so much trouble with the law myself. She makes it sound like I will be arrested if I ever go to court to get her served with a no contact order and she will not be served anyway. She is living at her folks house and they are protecting her from that sort of thing. I feel so screwed and do not know what to believe. Because I am going to trial in about a week and a half and I am trying to make sure I have money to get out of jail if something goes bad there. Paying legal expenses to protect myself from her is a risky proposition as I may need the money. I have a house in Louisiana and I live all by myself with the dog. I have to have new friends here help me if something goes wrong. My whole life seems like it is on the line and I am 2500 miles from home.

Before you all say I am telling only my side of the story read this whole thread. I know I am not perfect, but I have not done anything to her to warrant all of this. I just want to be left alone and in peace. I have never raised a hand against her and I still never would. I wish something would happen to her, but I have personally not done anything to her. She didn't like my counter culture life, hates that I read at this site, and wants me to be someone I can't be. Since I didn't do what she wants she left. When I didn't take her back she went nuts. Now I am having to deal with the worst nut I have ever heard of. She is jealous and desparate for money and not even willing to negotiate. I even offered to pay her credit card bills if she just left me alone, and then she hacks into my stuff after we have an agreement. She always tries to turn the whole thing around and make it look like she hacked into my stuff because I did something to her. I have been just hiding and defending myself. I have not done a single mean thing to her, not one. I have had thoughts of going to all kinds of web sites and using her email so that she gets spammed, but I just haven't even done that. I fear that anything I do in offense will make my totally screwed situation more screwed.

I am near the edge ladies and gentlemen. This is the lowest I have ever been.


Active member
well hey bro...does sound a little like hell crack'n a whip, butyou need to take a step back and look at it from dif views too. First thing bro...don't do anything you could regret. Don't put her email in shit and all that...thats childish, jeje i've wanted too do some shit like that after what my wife emailed every person that I had in my facebook, hi5..dude she tried to make me look like the worst peace of shit on earth, we had just gotten seperated...and realy wanted too make sure life would be hell. I got to work no idea of what was going...bro, prople where worried about me, they in not even half a heart beat saw through all the bullshit, and actually where worried, they said all that did was make them loose respect for her...and when she came crawling back, cuase she did...she just made her self look, stupid is un understatement...When we had seperated she also put everything she could agiasnt me, my plants, my habits....she could make it so I'd never see my kids as by make'n me look horrible pot addict, she this stand up licenced Faramsist so many evil ways they can turn things on us...suprised one of the times she came by to visit for some sex that she didn't later go home punch her self and say I raped her too shit...cops never beleave the man. NEVER. So I had to be give'n her money left and right, had to play by her rules soI could see my kids...man almost like if she said jump, i'd have to ask how high ?...fucked up. jejej had me by the balls indeed...as my kids are my only treasure. But in that mean time the least I'd talk to her was the best, and i'd change everything constantly too.

So mean if you look at it a little from a far, you done the first steps..you've cut the relationship, you've cut back comunications, you've changed your detials...over and over jeje thats gona happen man, but need too come up with things that she'd never think of...shit thats not you, as she thinks she knows you so well. I feel that the least you give her satisfaction the faster she will get board. You will have too look into the legal stuff but after youve clear'd that Virgina trail indeed though just to not look over your shoulder so much and eventualy ease up. If you feed her hunger to fuck with you though she will, and she obviously knows what buttons to push, wonder why we nver see that manipulative nasty wicked evil side of them when we first meet them jejeje one comedian said....they got it in with the devil, cuase no living thing can bleed for seven days everymonth and not die. jeje used to make me laugh so hard...now I know how true it is man, what i'd do is hey man, wish her well and not anything wrong as that can just come back and bite you...I remember I used to say shit like that too, jeje why doesn't a tree fall on her when she goes out side...why don't some drunk driver wipe her out and i'd even get some money jejej but naw...I had too be a better man and see past that in order to get over that awfull feeling of having a hatefull regrete of feeling in my self. Didn't like it...wasn't me, after all i'd hate for someone to wish me wrong.

When you go to Virginia, company is nice but make sure all cards are on the table so that all options are visible for both you and your friend...your at a prety vunerable state, Love is a strong feeling...watch out, its not nice to hear some one say they love you. And you not answer...i'm going through this now, my wife will say she loves me...and i'm not ready to say it back. Mean after all i'm human too right and she did some triful'n shit. But I understand that have'n someone in your corner is nice. Have all your family numbers and friends numbers avaible to your lawyer...don't just count on your new friends please so that everyone is aware when need, if needed.

I gut busted on school grouned with pot, they slaped my wirst the first time, the secound had too do 100 comunity hrs...shit man after all Virginia used to grow pot, so yeah i'm not worried about the pot, more the drink'n...but snce you don't live the not sure how that works, most my old friend have lost their drivers licence a few times in life jeje and even had to take drive'n school agian, but they lived there, and crashed there cars prety bad...you didn't crash or cuase harm to any 3erd parties that would need too be paid for there damages or so right ? mean what would lock you up into have'n to stay there...if youve got a job and residence else where, and no harm realy done.

pick your self up every time you fall man, dust your self up and keep your head up. You haven't reached your goals yet so your not finished off. You've got plenty too look forward too, and even a posible new relationship too. So i see more light on this side then the darkness on your side....but thats just me bro.

Relax when you can too...mean it man, your wound up. I was you and had an afernoon...i'd go fishing, have a few spliffs and enjoy nature...try not too think and listen to what she says (nature) go take some pics like you been doing...got a hobbie do it man. Ocupie your self, and you'll see theres no need to be destructive. Bro if you think about it, right now...there are too many millions who realy got it bad. Floods down here have been realy bad, today we are packing up all of our old cloths toys shoes can goods you name it.

Set prioties agian, like I said get back up, dust yoru self off bro your still all good man...jjeje from one whos been on that road, and often still finds himself on it agian jeje other wise I too would have broken down along long time ago letting the shitstem babylonians have their way.

Do becarefull and carry the least amount of weed at all times, get some air bro.


Chaman, you really are like a brother to me. I feel better.
Thanks for reading and writing for me brother.

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