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4 or 6 plants for me?


New member
I have a 3' X2 ' setup under 400 W HPS/MH and will scrog with a goal of 8 oz.

I was originally going to go with 6, but am worried about space for watering and placement of under-canopy fan. Can I get the same yield with 4 plants (and maybe a week or two of extra veg)?




4 or 6 plants

4 or 6 plants

hi mediocre45 i am no expert but i would go with 4 plants in a space that size with a 400w light i might be wrong. but i would use 10 litre pots bigger roots more bud but i am sure someone will come along shortly with better advice than me but i dont think i will be far wrong.yes i do think you can get the same yeild with four plants as you was hopeing for with six.


Active member
I think you will use your space best with 4 plants personally. I also think, if you can get away with using a 600w HPS...GO FOR IT. Otherwise I would agree with theferret about the 400w. Good luck ;-) :smoker:
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New member
I already got the 400 W'er...down the road I'll probably have 2 flowering chambers in a perpetual grow, maybe the 2nd will be a 600.

Glad to hear the votes of confidence with 4 plants...with 6 I think things would just get too messy. I will have plenty of time to veg them out enough I think...will vegging clones for 7 weeks be enough to fill out 6 ft^2 of screen?


what plants are you growing something like big bud pure power plant would be ideal because they are not to bushy in a space like you have.also what size pots have you got.


New member
Getting the clones from a friend...believe they are a canadian strain of G13. I'm using 7 gallon grow bags, but will only fill them 4-5 gallons full to save height


Active member
i grow in same size pretty much. i had 8 stuffed in there. 6 is perfect. i would only go with 4 if u veg them long and get them big prior to flowering. i always have 6 flowering in that size tent. still plenty of room to water, and 2 oscillating fans at bottom of tent.
rule of thumb is 1 plant per sq ft, so that means 6 for you and i.
i use a 400CMH. 8oz with scrog and 400HPS will be tough, not impossible, just tough.


Active member
when doing a SCROG like mediocre is, the rule is not 1 plant per sq ft. that is a general rule for floor plans. I would still argue that you will as much, if not more with 4 plants vegged out than with 6 crowding for space.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
7 week veg on clones is way too much for that space. A 600 is also too much. A 600 gives you 100 watts per square foot, and that's just unnecessary.

400 is going to do you well for that space, and for four plants, I'd give maybe 3 weeks veg from clone. Only reason to give a 7 week veg is if you're coming from seed.


New member
Maybe, I think 5 would present the same difficulties with the fan(s) beneath the canopy, depending on how they are setup.


6 square feet...6 plants...one per square foot. more plants more room for error.


Active member
i have 6 with 6sq ft. still have room on floor for fan and vaportek. tried 8. no good. 8 maybe with scrog though, but 6 is fine for scrog or floor IMO.


I've got 6 in a sunken shower stall about the same size you're talkin, in kitty litter pails (3.5 gal?) and I can tell ya it's snug. Since I can only access them thru the shower door, I have to pull them out to inspect, trim, rotate, tie down, etc. What a PITA, and they aren't even bushy or big plants. I wouldn't think you'd be likely to make up 2 plants worth of yield going from 6 to 4. You could try 4 this time around and see if you prefer a little extra space. And a 7 week veg is more than ample, they should fill out & up! It's gotta be workable for you & the strain to be enjoyable. If they aren't bushy, try experimenting with shorter veg times (2-4 wks), smaller containers & more plants. Don't top them for bigger main colas if clearance allows...just my 2 cents.


New member
I'm def going with 4...from what I've heard about the clones I'm getting, and my ample veg time, and large bags, I am confident I will fill the screen just as much as 6 plants, but we'll see. I like to keep things as clean as possible...you'll see what I mean when I post my cab build and grow.

Reefdoggie...you said DONT top? I was thinking about it, do you think I will get more yield if I keep the main colas?

Thanks ppls'



hey mediocre45, im doing a similar setup...6sq ft with 5 plants scrog under 320w 4ft T5HO. im aiming for a half p out of the 5 but by simple math (just my thinking) i should get more. i have a 2' x 3' screen to fit all 5 under, i have already, in total branches, have just about 100 internodes with 3 weeks of veg left. the plants themselves are lstd and only about 7 in tall. by already having 100 internodes and just started preparing them for the screen, i would need 2.2g per branch to acomplish this. but what i see now is that with so much time left each of my 100+internodes will have at least 6 of their own internodes. by that you have about 100 x the 6 of theirs is 600budsites making only 2.2g per branch. i should have way more than a half. but its just math. if i was to yeild 1gpw it would be 320g, so im definatly interested to see the final results of mine and yours to see how much production difference is. good luck!

pic is a week old...

oh and you shouldnt top either. it really puts you back a week or so to transfer the hormones to multiple parts of the plant as well as stunts growth for a little while. fine are from seed but when you lst them the hormones already go to other parts of the plant without any physical damage. i dont know what everyone else gets but mine have 20 internode braches in 3 weeks from seed, so i guess 10nodes in 3 weeks under 216w mixed fluoros, adding another two in flowering totalling 320w.
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mediocre45 said:
I have a 3' X2 ' setup under 400 W HPS/MH and will scrog with a goal of 8 oz.

I was originally going to go with 6, but am worried about space for watering and placement of under-canopy fan. Can I get the same yield with 4 plants (and maybe a week or two of extra veg)?


i have the same set up as you.i would go with 4 plants coz of the room
if you look in my gallery you can see how much space you have left.not much,
good luck :rasta:


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Between the two choices, I say 12

But your going to need a little more room

Got a thread you oughta check,,,,


For a small space - there's a thread that is interesting. Different technique, but lots of good lessons that can be tailored to any grow.
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mediocre45 said:
I'm def going with 4...from what I've heard about the clones I'm getting, and my ample veg time, and large bags, I am confident I will fill the screen just as much as 6 plants, but we'll see. I like to keep things as clean as possible...you'll see what I mean when I post my cab build and grow.

Reefdoggie...you said DONT top? I was thinking about it, do you think I will get more yield if I keep the main colas?

Thanks ppls'


If yer scroggin this time around, top 'em if they are not a real bushy strain. If bushy, try LST to keep canopy even. I think topping may increase yield a bit more, but I prefer to LST the main colas, and it facilitates a 2 stage harvest to get more outa the lower budsites. Just depends on yer preference...