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2nd outdoor grow by SHAMAN


hey guys im new to ic and this year i will be growing outdoors for the second time.

The strains im growing are

maple leaf indica
blue ryder
And hindu Kush

i am located and in south ontario and buddies of mine have grown some of these successfully the lsd and blue ryder are kind experimental so i am interested in how they will turn out.

I am starting this thread for questions i will have along the way and pictures once i get a camera.

My sites are a 2km atv ride from the side of the road to my cabin then a 1km hike through bush and marsh to a clearing where i will be setting up an irrigation system with the help of a nearby stream. I plan on bringing the harvested plants back to my cabin for drying and curing. before bring them to my home for storage.....until use:joint:

sooo i guess my first question is what line of ferts and nutes do you guys prefer i really want to know what i should use for veg and flower??

any input is greatly appreciated:)

thanks a lot



Fuck you you piece of racist shit go fuck a guy in the ass then have him fuck u in the ass then suck his dick and taste ur shit


Shaman you need to learn to keep your cool on the internet. The trolls are just trying to get you angry. The phrase used most often is "Dont feed the trolls". The Moderator will deal with them.

I dont know about outdoor insects but a really good starting soil is;
60% potting soil
20% Perlite
10% Worm castings
5% Nitrogen Phosphour Postassium fert (known as NPK)
and there was one more thing cant remember it.

Just have a look on the Soil growers forum and maybe even Youtube.
Any more questions?


haha man were friends sorry bout that we are actually the best of buds

and thanks for the info

also i hear time release ferts dont work very well. is that true?? cause i have lots laying around from gardening


Heres my recipe:
4 cu. ft Pro-Mix BX/MYCOURSE (Most Gardern Centers)
3 cu. ft Organic Soil (Wal-mart)
1 cu. ft Organic Humus and Manure (Wal-mart)
2 cups Bonemeal (Wal-mart)
2 cups Bloodmeal (Wal-mart)
"Sul-Po-Mag" Pretty much pure Potassium (The K in NPK) (Internet vendor)
20% perlite (Most Gardern Centers)

This should give me a good balance of NPK 17-13-12

This mixture is based on a indoor growers formula, Thanks "Blazeoneup"
He really gets some insane yields from this similar mixture.

The most important thing about this mixture is you shouldn't have to use any liquid fertilizers, the advantages of this are obvious.

This thread is DEFINITELY worth viewing, here he uses a new mix and states hes going back to his old mix which is close to mine:


Best of Luck!!


thanks weedster im gunna be tight for time this season but if i can scrounge up the cash for a simple indoor setup i should be able to get the longer flowering ones fully matured too. The lsd maple leaf indica and blue ryder are all just experiments im not hoping for spectacular results from them on the first try but if i do have success with the lsd and get a pheno i like then im gunna clone the crap out of it