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+- ????? - 2k Aero/NFT -+



J***, S******, J**, dont know what i was thinkin.
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SBAEGIS I count 8 or 9 trays but I believe the photo isn't showing them all. How many trays do you have under 2k? Are the plants LST'd? They are gonna be monsters! I like the under the tray storage tote, good use of room.

Pulling up a chair. Front row. Have they already been flipped?


I am confused, so what strains are you growing? :)

Looks lush and green, very nice so far!!


hey man, looking awesome, should be a killer scrog!

damn 340 ppm, personally id knock it up (slowly) and see how they do :D
im sure they can handle more,seems very low IMO :)

good luck!

keep em green.


nice grow, nice scrog.mostly i kept my ppm around around 1180~1400.

when any sign of nute burn start from bot switch them back to 900.

just keep check the ec/ppm even day.

try comb

Active member


sup stranger.....how u been.......things are lookin real nice this run.....imma bout 4 days behind u on this cycle...........personally id stop tucking, looks like u have it right where u want it........pm me....peace :wave:


Darn, Spaegis. Sure looks really really nice. Can you please tell me exactly how you get the small plants so branchy. Mine got trained way too late i've heard, but yours just looks all sidebranches. Would surely like to copy that trick m8. Nice grow. I'll stay tuned on this one


Hehe okay, Sbaegis. I'm starting to train my plants as well. I did it for the first time the other day, and now i wish i had more plants to bonzai like that. Actually pretty fun and calming.
Thanks for the roses regarding my tray, m8. Appreciate it. I just painted some today, and one more time tomorrow - should be ready to go then. Just put 12 of my Jack beans into some water today, soon i'll have little Jackbabies in the house. Can't wait.


Hey, Sbaegis - update time!
I'd really like to see how your babies are coming along. That plant is the most stealthy plant i've ever seen with those laterals. They just look like small bushes when vegging. Bet it would be easy to hide guerilla style (if it is able to grow outside).
I was wondering... do you veg. the plants under those 1kgw lights or are they on 12/12 from start. The scrog just confuses me (don't worry - doesn't take much to confuse me) Can you just start the scrog after flowering? Otherwise it just seem to me that you waste some flowering days vegging the plants in there. And i'd think that you would be able harvesting more by not using the scrog and maybe be able to get them ripe in 2 weeks faster and get new ones in (is this still understandable? -did get me a little of that good morning smoke, since im going out building my ebb&flow finished now. I never got the parentesis finished so here it is)
Don't take this as an advice - i have absolutely no knowledge. It's a question;))
Love your setup, bro. Must have costed a fortune, but it's so clean and nice.
Keep it up - love it!


Whoa - that definately looks good, bro. U can't even get to the back, can u?
I was just thinking, that when u veg for maybe a month in that room. U could put clones in there, and do sog. This way you could harvest fully mature buds in there every 2 months or so. (giving you have some small space to grow the needed clones) Wouldn't that be way more efficient? There must be some reason you're doing it as you are. You must have thought of this, right?


Oh yes, sorry didn't see those screens. Thought it was the walls;))
Yes i think you'll be able to make a lot more doing sog and keep the lights in there 12/12 all the time.


The reflection off the mylar-stuff will do you a great service... you will notice the side/lower branches to be more filled out... but I still recomend cutting off all that crap before you bloom. cut the bottom 1/3 off. :)

try comb

Active member
lookin great, u have some nice stash building up now........some interesting stuff going on in thuurr........peace


West Coast ICer
Happy Birthday sbaegis

my bad its the thought that counts. I could have swore I saw it say it was your B day.

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