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2007 Catalouge


Well-known member
Hello ACE Seeds,
Not much activity around this forum but I'm wondering if all is well with the makings of the 2007 cat and if maybe there could be some sneak peaks of what we can expect?
Take care,


ACE Seeds Breeder
Good day Limeygreen! :)

2006 has been a year of changes for us. We are re organizing ACE seeds since the summer. We also have had a nasty garden robbery 1 mounth ago and some reproductions have been retarded.

We are working with new landrace reproductions ( chinese Yunnan, bangladesh, guatemala, philippine Kalinga), reproducing our commercial hybrids and experimenting with some new hybrids.

We are working to feminise our commercial varieties for 2007. Our new feminized hybrids will cost the same price than our past regular seeds and will have the same or even better quality.

We also would like to start to share some of our pure lines in limited preservationist editions, so other growers and breeders can preserve them and use them for their own breeding projects.

The landrace seeds will be regular and produced by open pollination to guarantee genetic diversity to other growers/breeders.

We are also working to add purple pakistan, red panama, malawi, angolese and haze genetics from the 70s to our future catalogues.

I have been quite busy with work the past weeks. Ill be posting info and pics the next days. We are writing descriptive templates of our landraces to produce a landrace strainbase database. If people is interested in participate, your help would be greatly apreciated.

Thanks for your interest limeygreen! dubi
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Active member
As long as it is not Afropips Malawi Gold!
So who's Malawi Genetics are Ripped?
Malawi is already being preserved by Afropips
who has the most experience with Malawi Phenos.
I hope you will be donating proceeds of the profits to
the Malawi Growers.

(Malawi from the 70's , LOl )

Zikoma Kwambili...........


Active member
afropips said:
As long as it is not Afropips Malawi Gold!
So who's Malawi Genetics are Ripped?
Malawi is already being preserved by Afropips
who has the most experience with Malawi Phenos.
I hope you will be donating proceeds of the profits to
the Malawi Growers.

(Malawi from the 70's , LOl )

Zikoma Kwambili...........

One would think that the quality of a breeder's genetics would speak for themselves and not require rude self-promotion in "foreign" forums. Certainly enough folks have tried your Malawi now that reputation or "word of mouth" would have sufficiently increased your sales and alleviated the necessity of such carping at the efforts of others.

Some of us have long enough memories to recall the Timanfaya dustup you had with ACE a few years ago. It won't do to be going proprietary after failing to respect the principals of ACE or the limits of their generous provision of testers.

If the Malawi Gold is worthy of preservation (and I don't doubt it for a minute), then the more such efforts the better to ensure genetic survival and availability of the type.




Active member
Hey Bopper,
It is not Rude to enquire of The Malawi but it is to rip its from Malawi
Heritage + Afrostock.
I beleive The ACE forum is for discussing things to do with ACE & Ganja!
So On your Bike Mate!
This discussion has nothing at all to do with promotion of Afro Malawi but the curtailing of the Ace Malawi Release!
TD was always expressed as a SpanishGA & was sold as such.

Afropips is proprietry for African Genetics even before ACE was on the scene.
with the barage of Ace testers acusations & slander aimed at Afropips.
TD was even dropped due to all the Bull.

If it is Afro's Malawi it should be expressed as so but I am sure you will here stories of how the Ace Malawi variety was saved in the 70's by some obscure philanthropist & is no longer available!
Will it even be a true Malawi or will it be like the Congo & Angolan that have been crossed but retain the landrace name?

+Make No Bones about it - this is about Dollars my friend & who's pocket they enter
& end up in - Western Seedmakers or African Growers!

Cool Runnings...........

PS! I See Starbucks Coffee are busy registering Ethiopian Coffee Varieties.
at the expense of the Farmers ?


Active member
Everyone sees through your game, so you are the one in need of the bike.

Your thinly disguised self-promotion (why bother) is the inappropriate element here.




ACE Seeds Breeder
afropips said:
As long as it is not Afropips Malawi Gold!
So who's Malawi Genetics are Ripped?
Malawi is already being preserved by Afropips
who has the most experience with Malawi Phenos.
I hope you will be donating proceeds of the profits to
the Malawi Growers.

(Malawi from the 70's , LOl )

Zikoma Kwambili...........

You have your own room to talk about your products. But your spamming and attacks to our collective are not tolerated here.

You should be proud to offer your 'A+ grade malawi' to the public and we respect it. But attacking other breeders and other peoples' work is not the best way to promote your products.

We dont know you personally, but it looks like you are doing some kind of agressive marketing game against us or maybe you are suffering of egocentric paranoids.

But you should know that when we are working, we focus our attention on our plants and our way, and not in afropips or others plants.

You didnt understand correctly what i explained about our malawi. She was bred by a spanish grower in the 90s. He grew and crossed different malawi lines in Spain and developed an incredible pure sativa hybrid composed only by malawi lines.The malawi clone we have been working on the past 5 years it's the pure sativa with the highest trichome size and trichome density we've seen. Her potency is overpowering.

If you read correctly, our malawi was not developed in the 70s (lol!). Oldtimer's haze is the old thai/columbian line which was bred in the 60/70s.

We are a small company and we dont get any profit for our work. We risk our family, home and freedom to work in what we love. And that's why we respect other breeders' efforts.

The money we can get is totally reinvested in preservation projects and developing of new hybrid varieties, for the continuity of our passion.
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Active member
I am neither spamming & the perceived attack on the collective will
have to be tolerated as I have to tolerate the attacks from the collective.

I don't know you personally, but it looks like you are doing some kind of agressive collective marketing game against Afropips.

So it is a Malawi Hybrid named Malawi!
Your naming procedure does not gel with me.
If you respect Afropips work
& If it is a Malawi Hybrid - Please rename it clearly to what it is otherwise
it is misleading & clashes with Afropips Stock.
Your Collective is making a play to gain Dollars from the Malawians
Pockets & 5 years of promoting the Malawi Gold Variety otherwise.

Cool Runnings..........


i have some gifted malawi from Dman...he is the shit....was told these came from a friend off the cob. Jim dont have all the malawi:D

raco/Bopper hola brothers....Bopper have you popped those haze4 X c99 from wolfman yet? im still sittin on mine, lol

Dubi.....i would sure like to get hold of some of OT1s haze bro. as ive said before, please keep me in mind when ya let some out. not a single bean or cut will ever leave my sight, scouts honor:D


ACE Seeds Breeder
afropips said:
I am neither spamming & the perceived attack on the collective will
have to be tolerated as I have to tolerate the attacks from the collective.

I don't know you personally, but it looks like you are doing some kind of agressive collective marketing game against Afropips.

So it is a Malawi Hybrid named Malawi!
Your naming procedure does not gel with me.
If you respect Afropips work
& If it is a Malawi Hybrid - Please rename it clearly to what it is otherwise
it is misleading & clashes with Afropips Stock.
Your Collective is making a play to gain Dollars from the Malawians
Pockets & 5 years of promoting the Malawi Gold Variety otherwise.

Cool Runnings..........

Of course you are spamming. You are talking everytime about your products in others forums and threads.

We are not selling any malawi seeds by now, it's only a breeding project. You are the one who has been selling malawi seeds for years. I dont mind what you are doing with your money but we are not taking any profit of african people or other peoples' work.

The malawi line we have been working is not related to your genetics. And seeing your plants, i'd never use any of your genetics to my breeding projects.

Please, stop with this game. Im trying to pass a calm and relaxed weekend. I dont wanna spend energy or time in your negative attacks.


Active member
Hey Dubi,
These Internet Cannabis Forums are for the discussion & the spamming as you put it
or promotion of Cannabis Varieties as I see it.

Dubi States - "The malawi line we have been working is not related to your genetics. And seeing your plants, i'd never use any of your genetics to my breeding projects."

So you are saying you can realise the potential of Malawi Phenos just by a photo!Lol
This is the usual attempt to attack Afropips as per usual.

You might not be taking profit but you will be Affecting the pockets of Afropips & African Malawi Growers By Selling a Malawi Hybrid named Malawi.

I would seriously reconsider the release of Malawi Hybrids named Malawi -
It is misleading & is a conflict of interests otherwise you will have to put up with the "game" & spend energy & time for the "attacks" as I have to do with Ace & Supporters since the beginning of Afropips Forum promotions.

Cool Runnings..........
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Well-known member
dubi said:
He grew and crossed different malawi lines in Spain and developed an incredible pure sativa hybrid composed only by malawi lines.

Afropips, maybe english isn't your first language or you missed this, but when it is just made of Malawi lines and hybridized with Malawi lines and he says that is how it was made, you should realize that he is giving all the information, not misleading anyone.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor


Boy, I'd love to grow those 2 side by side! As it is, I'll be running Ace's 'Congo' and Afropip's 'Malawi Gold' outside next yr.

Jim, you really need to mellow out. Definately not presenting a "cool runnings" vibe. Just how much are YOU donating to the Malawi Growers?

With the recent coverage of Malawi in the Cannabible 3, I'm sure you'll be seeing a spike in sales. Jason gave it a very favorable review:
"Malawi produces some of the finest cannabis on the planet. This phenomenal sativa can stand up to any of the finest herbs being produced in the U.S.A. or Europe."
"This variety of malawi has a golden honey-carrot flavor with a spicy haze undertone. The high is soaring cerebral sativa goodness, always edging you higher with every toke but with no burnout or cloudiness. Some people find the Malawi to be too much, causing them to feel paranoid and disoriented."

Jim, please chill. Your persona is not coming off well. If I'd read these recent posts of yours before ordering the Malawi Gold, I just might not have ordered them. You're doing your business a disservice.
Peace, for the LOVE of the plant. :canabis: -Resin

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
.....this negative interchange does none of us any good....

....If a breeder takes a plant from a certain country and works with it to stabilise/secure a seedline he/she has every right to call it by the name of the country that it originated from....


Hola dubi :wave:

releasing some of those landraces sounds wonderful. Which ones are you thinking of distributing? Keep us informed. If you need some help editing the landrace strainbase pm me. Sorry to hear about the robbery, cabrones :mad:



Active member
Malawi Gold is already a stabilised Landrace Sativa from Malawi
that belongs to Malawi. Afropips has been tirelessly promoting Malawi putting up with ACE attacks along the way while they promote there African Varieties.

I just get mightily pissed when I see "Westerners" benefiting from African
Landraces without giving back to Africa.
These are the companies that Afropips compete with to gain what is rightfully African!

Smokin a Dubi......Hasta La Vista ..........Lol.......

PS: I Hope we are Square Now?
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
afropips said:
Malawi Gold is already a stabilised Landrace Sativa from Malawi
that belongs to Malawi. I have been tirelessly promoting Malawi putting up with ACE attacks along the way.

I just get mightily pissed when I see "Westerners" benefiting from Africas
Landraces without giving back to Africa.
These are the companies that Afropips compete with to gain what is rightfully African!

Cool Runnings...........

......so if I buy some seeds from a Mongolian in Mongolia and take the time, risk and effort to breed with them so creating a Mongolian variety..... then I should put all the profits back into some Mongolian relief fund?


Active member
Hiya Gypsy,
I see it more like:-
If you & your Mongolian brothers take the time , risk & effort
to preserve the Mongolian Landraces & some Westerner buys some seeds then makes profits from those seeds , some profits should than be returned IMO.

Cool Runnings..........


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Give back to the world. Its world genetics not African. Lets get a look at the bigger picture. Its all here for the whole world to share. How much has been given back to the far eastern genetics. Or the mexican genetics , or the thai genetics. What makes Africa so special.

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