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Cannabis and water rights


Well-known member
So hemp is legal here an license regulate but one hurdle to coming federal legalization is to be water rights and thc laden plant resin surrounding its water use.

To keep a globalist perspective why this the carbon offset key is keeping the oxygen moving uptake of carbon so oxygen. The stuff that allows us to flame.

Cannabis may consume both carbon and re-emit oxygen: carbon rich dioxide (just a stab at a guess) it can be expensive production antioxidant resin. on the other hand it keeps the carbon limit moving. Hemp/Marigg'uana aka cannabis plant farms may receive carbon credits for moving the atmosphere albeit may seemingly significant inconsequential; I think about the consequences every time i lit up a flame, hemp farms could be moving the flame in regions of the country; other country. THC is quite benign to nonsensitive individuals as is well to know with cannabinoids to settle that creativity. it is the future for burn treatment victims and healthy individuals wishing to oxidate their body to cleanse and renew bad tissues and poisonous molecules.

Yes, it spaces me out sometimes it feels weird or greens me out with nausia given dosage/momentum but black holes are condensed space matter and manipulates time. :) its only serving to make me stronger;/ increase life expectancy and neuroplasticity//\ concussion implosion bounce back ability may be reinforced with healthy consumption of cannabis./ quite probable.