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Killer a5 Haze (First grow ever)


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Killer a5 Haze 59 days old, first day in a long while where I haven't watered it at all


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Active member
If you are in an area where you cannot order a bigger fabric pot, you can use a fabric reusable shopping bag, I have done it several times and it works the same, just not as durable. You can probably get a big, regular plastic pot in the trash somewhere for nothing.
If you cannot order fertilizer, a tomato fertilizer should do fine and any garden center or store nearby should have something that would work. you can top dress it, easy.

Watering from the top will not hydrate the dry spot on the bottom if it hasn't already. Dry soil repels water like a dry sponge.

If that spot is still dry after all this time you should let the pot sit in a little bit of water until that spot is wet. you can put a few inches of water in the bathtub if you have to.

Keeping the surface of the soil wet all the time is not good either.

You should water until all the soil is moist and then wait until it feels dry before you water again. Unless your closet is very hot or you have a huge fan running, you probably should not have to water every day.

Really helps to stick your finger in the soil, down to the second knuckle. If it feels moist, don't water.


Well-known member
I haven't yet watered today, but only got it ready just in case, I normally lift up the fabric pot and hold it in the air several or more times a day so that the lowest roots get air, or wait it's still a bit moist so maybe I should wait until tomorrow? Edit: I put in more soil, apperantly the upper soil in the fabric pot is still moist but on the inside and the bottom soil in the bucket is almost completely dry mainly on the bottom part where so many white healthy looking roots are hanging out as I added more soil beneath them but not too much and the soil around the fabric pot was only moist at certain points, like a moist wet but some of it is also dry, also a higher fan leaf now has a small yellow brown spot still being small though but the rest if it is pure normal green, the sugar leaves are all dark green and the higher fan leaves are a bit lighter green but perfect color and the lower fan leaves are the yellow drying out brown ones, so therefore I don't know: Do I water today maybe just another bottle of that spray bottle or do it tomorrow?
I’d wait if the top is moist. The Moto to go by is… less frequent deeper watering cycles. That goes for a lot of plants including turf grass in your yard. This allows the soil profile to become relatively saturated, which supports even moisture for all the roots to have a chance to drink and will train the roots to fill out the whole area. If you just water a little bit more frequently the roots will look for that water and stay there. So maybe try two bottles and wait two or three days. Unless she’s drinking a ton which will happen at times, sometimes drinking up that water fast if the light intensity and room temp is high enough. But that’s a result of rapid growth and does need to be pretty warm, like 80-85 degrees and ample light intensity. In that situation she’s drinking the water and transpiring the moisture through her leaves. Pretty neat! The yellowing lower leaves are typical in this phase for soil growing. I generally experience some and I don’t generally lay off the nutrition until I have about 2-3 weeks left. I feed very lean though because I like the way the buds taste and smoke when grown with a lean style. I also use a lot of Lacto Bacillus and other ferments… and those things really help the roots find every last bit of nutrients in the soil.
My main objective with this style is for bud taste and smoke but also bc I re use my soil thus try to stay away from too much nutrient accumulation, or unused shit in the soil as much as possible. I re amend lightly after each run or based off what the plants looked like throughout that previous cycle. Cultivar dependent as well.
You’ll find some plants just can’t get enough and some are very light eaters. All need ample calcium.


Well-known member
Interesting photo here:

If anyone wants to have a go at letting me know which stage mine's or theirs it at, it'd be fun.... It'd be a great game/discuss as well, however this pheno might be different, as it has re-flowerings and so on, even though mine probably won't with the 9 hours I've been going this whole run, or most of it that is.... Yes I know, different strains different rules, but I'd like to try this as a how far it's gotten "thing" (game maybe) idk... just trying out something fun...


Well-known member
Interesting photo here: View attachment 18983309
If anyone wants to have a go at letting me know which stage mine's or theirs it at, it'd be fun.... It'd be a great game/discuss as well, however this pheno might be different, as it has re-flowerings and so on, even though mine probably won't with the 9 hours I've been going this whole run, or most of it that is.... Yes I know, different strains different rules, but I'd like to try this as a how far it's gotten "thing" (game maybe) idk... just trying out something fun...
Yours is at the "don't harvest" stage


Well-known member
Yours is at the "don't harvest" stage
I knew I was good at predicting what people might say next... 😂 I will have to argue though that despite the uploaded pictures showing one thing, in reality mine look like between level one and two (stage) more like a two.... My trichomes in real life definitely don't look that freakishly clear like they do on the uploaded photos here or especially on the "when to harvest post" on the first stage.... However... the pistals on mine do look a lot more like stage one I'll agree with that... And this being Killer a5 Haze it usually I would guess maybe has a different rule on how far it has to go to consider on what stage it is on, so that part I'd have to agree, but still I find this to be an interesting topic... For all readers, just so it's clear, I don't want to have to harvest it early, time is pushing me, which yes I still have ... I haven't fully explained about what my travel is about for anonymous reasons, but that's why I was so irritated and agitated when my order lagged back when I was still "spamming" on the original Killer a5 Haze thread... Because I wanted to start as early as possible due to exactly what I'm talking about....
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Well-known member
Killer a5 Haze 60 days old

Never in my life have I ever had such a hard time taking pictures, my hands are shaking, but there's another reason for that, I tried my best to take a picture of the trichomes, and every time I wasn't successful somehow I started shaking more due to holding up the camera for so long... I'm still disappointed that I didn't really manage to capture the trichomes as well as I wanted to that is, in certain pictures I even supposedly zoomed in the camera and it glitched or something....
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Well-known member
Killer a5 Haze 60 days old View attachment 18983351 View attachment 18983352 View attachment 18983353 View attachment 18983354 View attachment 18983355 View attachment 18983356
Never in my life had I had such a hard time taking pictures, my hands are shaking, but there's another reason for that, I tried my best to take a picture of the trichomes, and every time I wasn't successful somehow I started shaking more due to holding up the camera for so long... I'm still disappointed that I didn't really manage to capture the trichomes, in certain pictures I even supposedly zoomed in the camera and it glitched or something....
Exactly the reason why I bought a tripod hehe


Well-known member
Exactly the reason why I bought a tripod hehe
Bro honestly it's also disappointing because these pictures could've been so amazing and actually show the real thing as it is (even though it's really early I know), and instead it turned out extremely blurry, and even the pictures with the light on (the first ones) also don't show the trichomes as well as they are in reality....
Yup, a real pain in the ***.
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Well-known member
You can take all the pictures you want but it doesn't change the reality its nowhere near ready.
The article you posted says all you need to know.
The buds are still growing.
I knew you were gonna say that.... But yeah well no, I wanted more accurate pictures so it's clearer for example at which stage it's at, because the trichomes look like at stage two but the pistals at stage one, and some people harvest Killer at stage 4.5.... And since I'm still here, not on my travel thank God for that... I felt like this could give me better insight, but then again I see that you're helping me not harvest too early just in case I decide to which I do actually appreciate.... No I didn't mean to say that it's ready to harvest lol, I'd have to be gullible to believe that... I was just saying that the pictures don't show accuracy as much as real time does.... Pictures shows a stage one, reality shows a mix of two and one.... Out of those four... However I do agree that it needs to look white and big with buds all over and red pistals everywhere, I've seen it before on others .. And even then people wait longer, so no I know that it still has more ways to go don't worry...
Okay so does taking an early sample really slow down the rest of the plant's development? Or does that depend on how how early and how it's taken? I'm talking about two early samples, one earlier than the other... Not now of course but yeah.... Wait you told me that most people (meaning in the world) harvest their weed way too early which is the reason why most people get stoned instead of high, you didn't actually mean that they harvest nearly this early did you? I've smoked Sativas and Sativa dominant strains in the past that were missing the complete spectrum of trichomes everywhere on them and the Amber pistals around them which weren't even there probably chopped another week after this stage... That would be freaky if they were harvested that early.... Because yes they were very Racey and energetic indeed.... No sleep for three days lol 😆 That's scary actually if it's also true that commercial growers chop Sativas that early because I've heard that too. 😬 Not saying it's true everywhere though but, not good for the people who buy you know...
Edit: I've seen many a strains that have had no resemblance of harvested when ripe being sold in the past, so if they were Sativa dominant then that explains why some people would freak out from them, meaning they were too Racey... And probably would've been a lot trippier and dreamy if they had been harvested much later on time which I think is a global issue because how then will people who don't grow weed, grow up enjoying it properly... Honestly though in my country unfortunately there are many people who sell useless hemp like Indicas slash Ruderalasis (idk how that's spelled) that actually infact were harvested at around week two or three of flowering or earlier, and they're not cheap either, US was 10 bucks for a gram, now that's extremely cheap, no we're talking twice that price for 0.25 of a gram if you're lucky... And if you're even luckier you could find certain people (assuming that they're not locked away already) for even more expensive prices, a decent gram of 60% Indica and 40% Sativa, and some may or may not have been harvested on time which is even more rare but that's sad.... There are cities however or towns where I fortunately no longer live at where they'd have these extremely shitty Indica type hemps with probably 3% or 5% THC if luckily maybe 1% CBD give or take, harvested extremely early, not dried probably, not cured properly and sprayed with all of these chemicals that basically make you hallucinate some real shitty images and sounds, instead of blasting you off into time and space oneness with the universe and the soul and mind with trippy psychedelic cartoony visuals and auditory distortions which become as one like real Cannabis (especially Sativa) actually does, and where you don't hallucinate, unless it's just your own vivid thoughts but rather you see the universe and world around you much more as it is, on a higher level, in a much more colorful, psychedelic and altered magical but cartoon like way, but without the stupid hallucinatory images of dancing dolls made out of people you hate or hearing them say pathetic insults and jokes because that's what laced shitty weed would do in those places I've lived before from the dealers that also sold them very expensively, I mean seriously what's the point of paying a lot of money for a tiny amount of non psychedelic weed, that's neither trippy or magical or consciousness expanding but instead makes you see things or hear things that not only aren't there but are stupid as well 😡 Like that shouldn't even belong in this world, I'm sorry for this rant but I hate what some people sell in those places, luckily our city ain't that that bad, but it's still mostly low quality 😡
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Premium user
You got a microscope bro?


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Well-known member
You got a microscope bro?
I've been looking for one thinking that we had one but then remembered that it was at another place where I no longer live, actually one out of the two that I used to, wasn't really mine but yeah.... I need to find the time to search for one.... Meaning like actually go far from here to find one somewhere in the city maybe... What kind would I need though?


Well-known member
I knew you were gonna say that.... But yeah well no, I wanted more accurate pictures so it's clearer for example at which stage it's at, because the trichomes look like at stage two but the pistals at stage one, and some people harvest Killer at stage 4.5.... And since I'm still here, not on my travel thank God for that... I felt like this could give me better insight, but then again I see that you're helping me not harvest too early just in case I decide to which I do actually appreciate.... No I didn't mean to say that it's ready to harvest lol, I'd have to be gullible to believe that... I was just saying that the pictures don't show accuracy as much as real time does.... Pictures shows a stage one, reality shows a mix of two and one.... Out of those four... However I do agree that it needs to look white and big with buds all over and red pistals everywhere, I've seen it before on others .. And even then people wait longer, so no I know that it still has more ways to go don't worry...
Okay so does taking an early sample really slow down the rest of the plant's development? Or does that depend on how how early and how it's taken? I'm talking about two early samples, one earlier than the other... Not now of course but yeah.... Wait you told me that most people (meaning in the world) harvest their weed way too early which is the reason why most people get stoned instead of high, you didn't actually mean that they harvest nearly this early did you? I've smoked Sativas and Sativa dominant strains in the past that were missing the complete spectrum of trichomes everywhere on them and the Amber pistals around them which weren't even there probably chopped another week after this stage... That would be freaky if they were harvested that early.... Because yes they were very Racey and energetic indeed.... No sleep for three days lol 😆 That's scary actually if it's also true that commercial growers chop Sativas that early because I've heard that too. 😬 Not saying it's true everywhere though but, not good for the people who buy you know...
Edit: I've seen many a strains that have had no resemblance of harvested when ripe being sold in the past, so if they were Sativa dominant then that explains why some people would freak out from them, meaning they were too Racey... And probably would've been a lot trippier and dreamy if they had been harvested much later on time which I think is a global issue because how then will people who don't grow weed, grow up enjoying it properly... Honestly though in my country unfortunately there are many people who sell useless hemp like Indicas slash Ruderalasis (idk how that's spelled) that actually infact were harvested at around week two or three of flowering or earlier, and they're not cheap either, US was 10 bucks for a gram, now that's extremely cheap, no we're talking twice that price for 0.25 of a gram if you're lucky... And if you're even luckier you could find certain people (assuming that they're not locked away already) for even more expensive prices, a decent gram of 60% Indica and 40% Sativa, and some may or may not have been harvested on time which is even more rare but that's sad.... There are cities however or towns where I fortunately no longer live at where they'd have these extremely shitty Indica type hemps with probably 3% or 5% THC if luckily maybe 1% CBD give or take, harvested extremely early, not dried probably, not cured properly and sprayed with all of these chemicals that basically make you hallucinate some real shitty images and sounds, instead of blasting you off into time and space oneness with the universe and the soul and mind with trippy psychedelic cartoony visuals and auditory distortions which become as one like real Cannabis (especially Sativa) actually does, and where you don't hallucinate, unless it's just your own vivid thoughts but rather you see the universe and world around you much more as it is, on a higher level, in a much more colorful, psychedelic and altered magical but cartoon like way, but without the stupid hallucinatory images of dancing dolls made out of people you hate or hearing them say pathetic insults and jokes because that's what laced shitty weed would do in those places I've lived before from the dealers that also sold them very expensively, I mean seriously what's the point of paying a lot of money for a tiny amount of non psychedelic weed, that's neither trippy or magical or consciousness expanding but instead makes you see things or hear things that not only aren't there but are stupid as well 😡 Like that shouldn't even belong in this world, I'm sorry for this rant but I hate what some people sell in those places, luckily our city ain't that that bad, but it's still mostly low quality 😡
Dont worry by the end of this month yours will be ready for an early harvest before you leave.
of course if you can wangle an extra week or two in May it will get into the 60 to 80% red hairs window and thats when things start getting real good.
I personally go by the calyx size and resin coverage along with 70% plus red pistals. I never look at the resin.
Just the look and aroma I can mature the resin more during the cure if I need to.


Well-known member
It’s at the, don’t touch it stage. Let it grow. Let her mature. You don’t touch 12 year olds right?
I guess that's to motivate me to not harvest her yet, don't worry I'm not about to do it yet... No I'm not like Joe Biden 😂 😆
What pheno is mine anyway? By the way I put this delicious smelling bubble gum freshener that's hanging right where air's coming through, it's so strong and so sweet... Not that I have any smell coming from my plant but my neighbors are smoking up another skunky strain and I thought it was coming from mine but once I checked it wasn't because it's in a whole different part of the place (many rooms away) but I just thought about keeping the bubble gum one just for fun 😊
Very low odor plant at the moment (Killer a5 Haze), we went out earlier came back and no smell anywhere not even near the plant or in the area with the room .... Sometimes it just decides on it's own when to smell... I guess...
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Killer a5 Haze Day 61

I don't know, some look milky others not as much, the trichomes I mean, but hey no worries I'm not harvesting yet, I never said that I'm about to, I'm only asking for opinions that's all...
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