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moose eater

Well-known member
Persons with mental illness are not more likely than anyone else to be violent (*Note, there is a distinction between those with mental illness and those with a personality disorder; apples and oranges. Though not necessarily well pronounced or defined at this link.

Yes, guns make it easier, but that doesn't interpret or properly explain the difference in frequency of death by firearms per capita between the US and other countries where guns are available.

I was in Canada when their initial prohibitions and restrictions took effect in Fall of 1978, and there were folks there at that time with already-banned weapons (selective fire, etc.) who didn't turn those weapons in. As well as handguns that weren't surrendered. Yet their frequency of violent firearms offenses is far lower than ours, especially back then.

So I'll stand by my assessment that it involves attitudes, and respect for others in general.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Gun violence occurs more when there's more guns.

If someone wants to kill someone they can do it without guns, but usually not as easily.

Suicide bombers can get their count up pretty high but not very many happen here.

Remember that guy in Canada that went for a killing spree? I bet he passed background check and psych eval and jumped through more hoops than it takes here.

The white supremacist in Oslo that targeted the youth camp?

I'm just saying that it can happen anywhere but guns do make it easier.... usually.
I think that's the whole point, It's easy to just buy a gun to kill someone. Prob the easiest method in the USA. Canada changed their gun laws after that mass murder in 1989. In 2020, shortly after a gunman shot and killed 13 people in Portapique, Nova Scotia, Canada banned more than 1,500 models of "assault-style" firearms and components, and set limits on how destructive bullets could be.

Canada's rate of firearm homicides is 0.5 per 100,000 people, versus the United States' rate of 4.12, the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) said in a 2021 analysis.

The USA doesn't do anything no mater who or how many.


Well-known member
I'll weigh in with my worthless .02. As armed to the teeth the general population is I don't think the government and/or the elite ruling class are concerned. They would be happy to watch us turn on each other while they take control of all the technology, hide in their elaborate bunkers, and come back as gods to rule over who is left by force.

There are obviously advanced weapons not in the hands of the common soldier that will make you fall to your knees and poop your pants. Any AR's and whatnot that you think is a good weapon would be useless.

As for mental health and problems of instability facing our nation, I worry what would happen if the supply of anti-depressants was suddenly shut off. Serotonin is a strange thing and you cant just stop taking SSRI's. You want to see a lot of folks flip their switch, China can stop sending the base chemicals that make up these drugs and really mess up our society (more than it already is)

I think everyone agrees we have a culture that is more and more divided and devoid of morals. But no one can agree on what work is required to make things better. We have sold ourselves out because people are products now. We are bred to be taken advantage of and we are doing this to each other. An honest living is harder and harder to come by. We are mostly removed from the essential earthly tasks that are needed for our basic survival (food, shelter, water, etc) This disconnect combined with selfishness and breakdown of the family, nuclear families, and loss of trust in community, is over time quite harmful. Parents hardly engage their own children and leave them to grow up on the internet, because its easier, and I am guilty of this as well. We need to start questioning the direction we have been going and reflecting on what is required for healing. We have to do this as citizens, we need to talk and find our common ground again.

Politics, in my opinion, have completely hijacked culture. It used to be the everyday people vs the government because the government sucks. Now everyone thinks their team is that much better, which is crazy to me, and we are at each others throats not even realizing who and what is really hurting our liberty, individualism, and self actualization. It feels like everyone is acting like all these sociopolitical issues are so black and white when in reality everything is so much more nuanced. And they use this just to harvest votes, its a social media statistical AI contruct, its a sham.

If everyone bugs out and starts shooting up the community - labeling every conservative a fascist and every liberal a commie I'm probably just going to die. I do have a bug out bag but don't have much hope in humanity or life after such a fall out. Nor do I think I can survive too long without a stable society to support me, infrastructure, etc. Obviously I don't want this for my children, its depressing and causes anxiety, but is starting to feel inevitable. Anyone all excited and trigger happy to have a new "Civil War" in my opinion are not really understanding just how horrible and uncomfortable such a thing would be. As bad as the government is many people rely on that structure. Most people that believe they are self sufficient and can "live off the land" are probably overestimating their capabilities. Its extremely difficult and grueling. Sorry...I enjoy modern day comforts of supermarkets, running sanitized water, and access to medicine when needed. Thats kind of what makes us civilized.

That said, we should be coming together - not tearing each other apart, that is how change can occur. I get that people are very passionate and angry and mistrustful right now, that makes sense. I do think a lot of the anger is misdirected though, and that outside forces are stoking the flames of this tinder box and will look to benefit from our implosion.

Lets get back to regular people against "The Man" not against one another. my pointless $.02 - Peace!


Well-known member
Most of the gun violence is black on black. War on guns???????
only in big cities, mostly turf wars for drug dealing. race is happenstance. if you jammed all of the poor white tweakers together under that much pressure, they'd be killing each other too. the only thing that lives in densely packed circumstances without killing each other are much lower forms of life- bees, ants, etc. even "friendly" critters like squirrels will invade each others nests and kill young if population hits certain levels. guns are the tools being demonized because society does not want to solve the real problem we face. "stick a bigger band-aid on that skin cancer, it'll go away if you can't see it..."

Three Berries

Active member
Believe what you like.

You aren't going to get outside of your box today.
Going to town soon. I think the last shooting in my county was a couple years ago, last murder maybe 5. It's usually the meth heads though in twon. Us rural folk are well armed and it seems to keep the riff raff at bay.

If you refuse to see the urban problems like Chicago or Baltimore and cannot see that they are Dem controlled then it may just be Cognitive Dissonance. I'm sure more money will fix the problem.....

Seems living in a box is an urban/Dem problem too


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It all leads back to a mental breakdown of our population. Anyone that thinks politics or party is good has mental issues. We might like one side better than the other but that doesn't mean shit. They're both really really bat shit crazy bad. I can't say it any louder. They caused millions more to be mentally unstable. Anyone that thinks a Civil war is an answer is brain dead. The largest problem by far is the mental state of our country.

Three Berries

Active member
The only thing I'm focusing on at present is your obsession with blaming our entire gun violence problem on one political party and a single city.

You are blinded by propaganda and it appears to be deeply ingrained in your reasoning abilities.
Sorry Chicago is local and sucks up Illinois taxpayer money like a vacuum and is a prime example of all Urban Progressive areas around the US. Though I have not named any other cities I have indeed multiple times said Dem ran urban areas, Which are run by Dems and they have generations of welfare families that know nothing else. Sooner or later they will wake up till then it's just more plantation time. And Chicago is not the worst of the blight. Take your pick.


Well-known member
Hipsters are a far greater threat to our democracy than gun violence. Gentrification. Arrogance. Peter pan syndrome. Far scarier than that AR-15 i keep hearing about



Well-known member
Sorry Chicago is local and sucks up Illinois taxpayer money like a vacuum and is a prime example of all Urban Progressive areas around the US. Though I have not named any other cities I have indeed multiple times said Dem ran urban areas, Which are run by Dems and they have generations of welfare families that know nothing else. Sooner or later they will wake up till then it's just more plantation time. And Chicago is not the worst of the blight. Take your pick.

Funny... I always though Chicago was a top US city.

You scared to go check it out for yourself?

Watch out for this gentrified person. I hear they're scary

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