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When the assholes get busted, its pretty funny.


CalcioErba2004 said:
HAHAHAHA oh man some kid in a 4 door accord with a cheap muffler on it. I heard him coming up behind me and he rode my ass like really close. We got to the light and I told the girl that was with me to buckle up we are about to go. I have a VW R32, so anyway i revved the engine and he did too. I held it at 5 grand and dumped the clutch when the light turned green. I darted off leaving him there and pulling away quick. I slowed down because up the road is a cop station. I put my hand out and motion him to pull up next to me. I told the girl watch this im gonna get him so fuckin busted. He pulled up next to me and he looked at me like he was going to shoot me or something. :biglaugh: A 17 year old kid that thought he was hard. I stepped on the gas peddle but i was in 5th so i didnt really go anywhere and he took the bait and took off. I pulled in behind him and noticed a cop leaving the cop station when we passed it...the kid didnt see him. He was sitting in front of me revving his engine at the light right past the cop station. The cop turned and came up behind us and went to turn right at the light. Well the cop hears him and kinda takes his time to turn. The light turns green and this kid floors it and takes off. I inched up and looked at the cop who looked at me and i motioned with my hand go on ahead man. The cop takes off after him and i go after the cop normally and watch it all go down. We laughed our asses off. Oh did I mention I had a few drinks and was going to a party and I had a fat sack in my pocket? :biglaugh:

R32 :yes:

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