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What Must Be Done With China



Manufacturing here wouldn’t be so expensive if maybe the executives and CEOs didn’t have exorbitant salaries and bonuses. Or if the companies weren’t so concerned about profits due to pressure from their shareholders.

Also, if the stuff was made here then we wouldn’t have to ship China raw materials and then pay again to ship back the actual finished products.

Let’s be real, Companies could afford to pay their employees a Living wage - they just don’t want to because it would cut into their MILLION$.

Who knows even how many small businesses have completely gone under.

We pretty much need to rebuild the USA.

It has been this way for a while though, this Virus and Lockdown and resultant Economic Disaster has just made it more obvious to more people.
You have valid points for sure. However would your new America mean scrapping the constitution or some type of socialist utopia? There are many fucked up things with this country but compared to the rest of the world I will still take it over any other. Lots of other countries I could live in Im sure. Just not ones like china, you know the country some here and elsewhere defend and place blame at the feet of the United States and the rest of the world gets a pass. This has already deteriorated into a bash Trump thread for all this countries problems. Its the usual suspects and I have used this analogy before but its like the loons who are anti-abortion and no matter what happens even if its just a rainy day they will turn any and every discussion into an anti-abortion fanatical, rabid diatribe. You have all seen it but its spot on with some of the dumbass members here who cant discuss ANYTHING without obsessively redirecting the topic to their subject that causes their illness. Hell some of these folks have not probably posted a though or opinion cannabis related in a very long time. Having a discussion on this site related to any current event or topic is basically impossible due to a handful of pathetic knuckleheads.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah - over the years I have talked to a few people that are truly self-sufficient - and can exist well on the products and services/skills they can produce themselves - and I think that is a very good thing to achieve - whether we can do it individually, or as families - or as nations - being independent and able to supply/grow or engineer and manufacture what we need to live well should be at least an ambition -

- If it wasn't for these global corporations wiping out small family run local businesses - there would be more wealth about for most people - but they have the power and control to undercut the price of any product - so wiping out any competition - and having the product made by workers in some far-off nation - doesn't help the local economy at all - it decimates it - and turns the urban spaces in to huge shopping malls - that the corporations own -

- and you are right Charlie - this global lock-down is just making it worse - with many thousands of small businesses going under because of it - and most of the big corporations actually increasing their profits - or getting baled out by the government if they happen to lose some -

Manufacturing here wouldn’t be so expensive if maybe the executives and CEOs didn’t have exorbitant salaries and bonuses. Or if the companies weren’t so concerned about profits due to pressure from their shareholders.

Also, if the stuff was made here then we wouldn’t have to ship China raw materials and then pay again to ship back the actual finished products.

Let’s be real, Companies could afford to pay their employees a Living wage - they just don’t want to because it would cut into their MILLION$.

Who knows even how many small businesses have completely gone under.

We pretty much need to rebuild the USA.

It has been this way for a while though, this Virus and Lockdown and resultant Economic Disaster has just made it more obvious to more people.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You have valid points for sure. However would your new America mean scrapping the constitution or some type of socialist utopia? There are many fucked up things with this country but compared to the rest of the world I will still take it over any other. Lots of other countries I could live in Im sure. Just not ones like china, you know the country some here and elsewhere defend and place blame at the feet of the United States and the rest of the world gets a pass. This has already deteriorated into a bash Trump thread for all this countries problems. Its the usual suspects and I have used this analogy before but its like the loons who are anti-abortion and no matter what happens even if its just a rainy day they will turn any and every discussion into an anti-abortion fanatical, rabid diatribe. You have all seen it but its spot on with some of the dumbass members here who cant discuss ANYTHING without obsessively redirecting the topic to their subject that causes their illness. Hell some of these folks have not probably posted a though or opinion cannabis related in a very long time. Having a discussion on this site related to any current event or topic is basically impossible due to a handful of pathetic knuckleheads.

Kind of like when I was trying to explain Dumpster origins to you?

You started babbling about Trump. And my penis.

I just pointed out that your lingo is verbatim AM radio propaganda.

I also pointed out that most of the people you accuse of hating America do no such thing in reality.
I don’t support full socialism and definitely not communism.

I also don’t support the radical right, but I can see how some of Trumps policies are actually good for getting us going towards self-sufficiency.

I lean towards the “middle” like most people.

The main question is how can we get back to small local businesses when all that is left now are mostly huge/practically monopoly Corporations?

Some Bailouts were given to small businesses but not nearly enough in my opinion.

Also, if you are going to Bailout the huge Corporations with tons of money then make the Bailouts for small businesses and the middle/lower classes proportional.

I also believe that these large investors that keep making bad investments and keep getting Bailouts should deserve to Fail.


I don’t support full socialism and definitely not communism.

I also don’t support the radical right, but I can see how some of Trumps policies are actually good for getting us going towards self-sufficiency.

I lean towards the “middle” like most people.

The main question is how can we get back to small local businesses when all that is left now are mostly huge/practically monopoly Corporations?

Some Bailouts were given to small businesses but not nearly enough in my opinion.

Also, if you are going to Bailout the huge Corporations with tons of money then make the Bailouts for small businesses and the middle/lower classes proportional.

I also believe that these large investors that keep making bad investments and keep getting Bailouts should deserve to Fail.
I think we probably agree on many things. And disagree on others but the middle ground is where people meet to find new thoughts and friends.


Kind of like when I was trying to explain Dumpster origins to you?

You started babbling about Trump. And my penis.

I just pointed out that your lingo is verbatim AM radio propaganda.

I also pointed out that most of the people you accuse of hating America do no such thing in reality.
Id be happy to talk growing with anyone who has info that I can use.

And Id be willing to bet the farm you and a few others simply are genetically incapable of going more than a few hours without blaming you know who for anything that you find wrong in the world. PS I havent listened to AM since FM came out, but I still like Rush even though I havnt heard him for a long time. Do you ever watch anything other than CNN ??

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Stop spreading propaganda.

When you say people hate America because they know Trump's a moron and shouldn't be in office is beyond ridiculous.

People who hate this country are loving how bad he's fucking it all up.

It's for my love of this country that I despise the man.

No I don't watch or listen to news. I read a multitude of sources from various bias to get my own picture of what is going on.

How do you think I called you out on "chicom"?

You want to believe that I am some prefabricated drone and my politics are spoon fed.

So be it.

You are definitely in the dark far more than you understand.


Stop spreading propaganda.

When you say people hate America because they know Trump's a moron and shouldn't be in office is beyond ridiculous.

People who hate this country are loving how bad he's fucking it all up.

It's for my love of this country that I despise the man.

No I don't watch or listen to news. I read a multitude of sources from various bias to get my own picture of what is going on.

How do you think I called you out on "chicom"?

You want to believe that I am some prefabricated drone and my politics are spoon fed.

So be it.

You are definitely in the dark far more than you understand.
And just like a fly to shit you cant stop. I would love to see how many posts you and those like you post on crap like the election thread and the other fluff, useless hair on fire threads by a small cadre of people who have some kind of OCD. Time for you to go to the ignore list.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Small cadre?!!

Most people know that he's a dimwit.

The term "small cadre" is best applied to his supporters.




well, true to form, it only took 5 pages to turn a thread into a shitfest.

when a country comes out publicly comes out and says they want to be the sole superpower in the world, that tells me they don't exactly want to play nice in the global sand box.
And yes, indeed, China has publicly said this; and all their actions are proving they mean what they say. They didn't even HAVE to fire a shot.....they did it patiently, and effectively.
And to blame a certain political entity is a waste of time and, simply, a deflection;

when its the major corporations and their quest for profits at all costs, that has gotten us in this situation.

stay safe out there, folks.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Wont be long now before Anarchy spreads the globe.
Soon countries will close their borders to visitors from abroad.Think we may see it happen sooner than later.


Chemon 91
Wow...deliver a virus through brave chinese CCP touists with yaun converted to whatever countrys paper..

Tourism supports the economys while giving the gift that keeps giving one way or.....

So..bailout the airlines to finish the job.


How do you think the world looks at the USA?

"the world?"

or just China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.
(and a host of other irrelevant America-haters whose population wants freedom like ours but their government has a strangle hold on the population?)

Its my understanding that aside from a handful of "the world" the majority would much rather have our system than to be under the fist of tyrants.

Its due time to stop letting the stupidity of Bush's and Clinton's to speak for the whole history of America.

Just my take on it. Don't wanna get into any pissing contests.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
"the world?"

or just China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.
(and a host of other irrelevant America-haters whose population wants freedom like ours but their government has a strangle hold on the population?)

Its my understanding that aside from a handful of "the world" the majority would much rather have our system than to be under the fist of tyrants.

Its due time to stop letting the stupidity of Bush's and Clinton's to speak for the whole history of America.

Just my take on it. Don't wanna get into any pissing contests.

Nothing wrong with a pissing contest when it's the right thing for the 'world'.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
"the world?"

or just China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.
(and a host of other irrelevant America-haters whose population wants freedom like ours but their government has a strangle hold on the population?)

Its my understanding that aside from a handful of "the world" the majority would much rather have our system than to be under the fist of tyrants.

Its due time to stop letting the stupidity of Bush's and Clinton's to speak for the whole history of America.

Just my take on it. Don't wanna get into any pissing contests.

The world... yes.

Many people want to be free. Most see that we are living under the fist of tyrants here.

Ask around.

Many Americans are beginning to venerate their Great Leader.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Most people in the world are actually free, only takes actually getting out and seeing the rest of the world to get this. Try it guys, the world is actually a pretty wonderful place, especially when you don't care about whose 'in charge'.


Well-known member

"During WWII the US was instrumental in the allies victory, not just because our soldiers or equipment was superior."

This is incorrect. The US was instrumental but the equipment was not superior at all. German weaponry was far superior to any the allies held. Their capacity to produce became limited because they chose to invade too many territories and bit off more than they could chew. They ran out of raw materials. It took four US made Sherman tanks to take out one German tank so the US built them at at a rate of five to one which means the next sentence is correct.

That victory was due to the US manufacturing capability being superior.


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