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Were you ripped off by an Dispensary or Weed Industry employee in Southern Cali.?


New member
A group of Expats living overseas have recently discovered that an American Expat (white) who relocated in our area and is causing some issues with other Expats claims that he was employed in The Cannabis Industry in Southern California. It recently came to our attention that he may have ripped his Cannabis employer off and fled to our location and is surviving on the stolen money. We're not snitches we just don't want a thief around us so we'll notify authorities if it's true, especially if his money runs out in the future, we don't want troubles. If you know of anyone in the Southern California area maybe like 6 months to 1 year ago in the industry who was ripped off by an employee have them send me a PM and !'ll discuss it with them to see if this is their guy and we will notify the authorities. Thanks
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A group of Expats living overseas have recently discovered that an American Expat (white) who relocated in our area and is causing some issues with other Expats claims that he was employed in The Cannabis Industry in Southern California. It recently came to our attention that he may have ripped his Cannabis employer off and fled to our location and is surviving on the stolen money. We're not snitches we just don't want a thief around us so we'll notify authorities if it's true, especially if his money runs out in the future, we don't want troubles. If you know of anyone in the Southern California area maybe like 6 months to 1 year ago in the industry who was ripped off by an employee have them send me a PM and !'ll discuss it with them to see if this is their guy and we will notify the authorities. Thanks
Your not snitches, but will notify authorities???? Ya kinda contradicted yourself on this one dude lol.


Well-known member
Doesn't work that way,the person has to be proven to have done what their accused of and then the person they have wronged should deal with them accordingly,why would a stranger get in trouble for another stranger?,there is a few crazys around right enuff.but even so.suppose u could let them get away with it.76
Other ways to deal with folk than snitching,find his old employer he ripped of and invite him over.or grab him up in a transit van and deal with him at ur leisure.,76
The only thing with that, is theres cameras EVERYWHERE now. The good old days are over. Lets face some facts here. Street justice is the only type a piece of shit will learn from. I bet he wont do this again if he gets whats coming to him. What goes around, comes around.


New member
Is his name drew?
He's using the name of a cartoon character so we suspect he's not using his real name.

There will be no old style street justice! If notified and this person is a match, The U.S. Embassy will be notified and the Police where the theft occurred will be notified. The one who got ripped off will not be notified where this guy is. Only the police will know. Then the one who was ripped off will have to contact that police station.

The Expats in my area are all older with some type of pension, this guy is a trouble maker & neither. He allegedly bragged to another Expat at a bar that he stole a large sum of money from his partner or employer involved in the Cannabis Business in the Southern California area in the past 6 months to 1 year.

moose eater

Well-known member
If he's positively ID'ed as the doer, then he gets what he gets, whether from LEO or Ms. Karma of another Order..

Turning in someone for being a thief or unjustifiably harming someone is -far- different, imo, than turning in someone for growing some plants, selling some consensually agreed upon contraband, or snorting something. Apples and oranges of the extreme variety.

Just make -absolutely- sure you're correct in the ID, as folks might have -numerous- reasons to go by an alias. Or maybe his parents had a twisted sense of humor when he was born, and named him (whatever).

Thieves and other low-rent opportunists should burn in hell, whether here on Earth, or in the hereafter. Which ever.

Edit: I've also known many persons over the years in the Dead Head and Rainbow Family communities who went by assumed names, sometimes comical, and acquired in what ever manner, for what ever reason. Not always a suspicious circumstance.
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Well-known member
Think think think before action..... Maybe the dude has a trust fund and didn’t want anyone targeting him so he came up with a wonky story. Or maybe he really did rip someone off. Who knows what his story really is. Asking is a good idea but if he has half a brain you’ll get the practiced answer. Ask correctly. A few or more rounds on you and your expat buddies might loosen your new friends tongue enough to hang himself. A number of creative ways if you really want to inject yourself into the situation.


Well-known member
Premium user
I'll bet it's the same guy that ripped me off for a nickel bag back in '68. Would he have looked like a hippie version of John Denver 55 years ago? Because that's what that guy looked like. I'll never forget his smile as he walked off with my $5 and left me with a bag of dirt weed.

Yeah, probably the same guy.

Tell him I want my 5 bux back.

moose eater

Well-known member
I'll bet it's the same guy that ripped me off for a nickel bag back in '68. Would he have looked like a hippie version of John Denver 55 years ago? Because that's what that guy looked like. I'll never forget his smile as he walked off with my $5 and left me with a bag of dirt weed.

Yeah, probably the same guy.

Tell him I want my 5 bux back.
It's nice to see your classic humor here, ringo!! If that humor is still shining like it is, you must be doing pretty well on the West Coast!!

The personna of the scantily-clad hooker in Chicago having a tough time figuring out how to carry concealed was an all-time high. :)

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