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Very quick, quick dry method


New member
I just wanted to add I'm on my first grow, just about to chop and couldn't resist a taster!

The steam microwave method is by far the best - I tried oven(too difficult to control heat), a hot bulb/foil (not bad) etc I'd say it's critical to reduce the power of your micro and do it in short bursts.

Looking forward to some proper cure though, patience is important!
I agree the method works, too well, but the wait is so worth the taste and potency, I find quick dry bud makes me feel all tripped out, everytime, which isnt a problem id simply like to get high as well some times :) but maybe its the bud I gorw,

Tops thread,

Namaste :joint:


Haha Just gave this a try and it worked! Though I wouldn't recommend u do a whole crop, more like a few small nugs and less than a minute later it should be smokeable. Thanks to this thread, I think I'm going to go microwave me another bowl. :headbange


Senior Member
wow i just tried it and i'm amazed! it literally took 3 cycles of 45 seconds each and i have a joint of bone dry herb! i had just clipped it from the plant 2 minutes before. i don't know if my power settings work, so i cut the time down to be safe. Doesn't smell like my old method either which is nice, i used to just wrap a bud in like 4 tissues and stick it on a light bulb for an hour. the buds start to vaporize with the heat though and make it smell funny. this microwave method doesn't seem to affect it at all!

one helpful hint: when you are doing this process, rather than using paper towels on the bottom of the tuppaware you can use a recycled country crock or sour cream dip container or something similar sized, and instead of a paper towel on the bottom you just use a coffee filter, they slide right in nice and snug, and seem to do a nice job! i only say "seem" because this is the first time i've tried it and it worked so well i don't see any reason to try another method...if i can dry a bud and get high from it less than 5 minutes later that's a win in my book! now i am off to try the finished product...time to see how much vaporized and how strong chem ibl is at only 6 weeks...

*edit* wow, it works! the taste is blah but hell that's basically what it would taste like if it were dried slow because it's an 11 week strain and only at 6 weeks, but wow, already it's better than most street nugs, and i know because i actually just smoked some street junk this past weekend(so gross!). i don't smoke street weed often so when i run out i basically just stop smoking till i harvest again. so that said, my tolerance is pretty low, but the fact that i am this high after only 2-3 hits so far, i gotta think this steaming isn't really vaporizing the weed at all! I haven't been this supremely impressed with something i've learned online since overgrow! come to think of it, this method was on overgrow, ten years ago, but i never tried it. it's really crazy how the shutdown of that site setback the growing scene so much. it was like the wiki of pot growing...this place ain't to shabby either but that place was just a gem...kinda lends toward the idea that's been placed forward about ancient civilizations being much more technologically advanced than we thought they were, a few pillaging hoards back then could set the whole world back a couple hundred years pretty easily if they pillaged the right cities you would think...


Senior Member
well i guess i'm gonna chime in yet again...this method has been so helpful to me! it doesn't affect the potency at all it seems and the flavor is fine too, tastes just like it would if i slow dried it for 5 days...

thanks to the speed it dries and the fact that its always the same even texture and potency retention, ive been able to try out all of my new plants early to get an idea of what i'm going to deal with. this could be helpful weeding out new mom's and whatnot i'm thinking. my only problem is its so quick and easy i'm having a hard time putting the breaks on it lol i think this is going to be the last time....we'll see;)


New member
Just tried your method on some Ak47's I have growing.....unbelievable quality still and just a little loss of flavor/taste! An excellent idea for those, like me...that just "had" to sample the grow and didn't want to wait the last 2 weeks!
never microwave medicine!!!! lay buds flat on a magazine or piece of cardboard then prop it up directly in front of a small electric space heater. I have dried an ounce in less than an hour with this method and you can even use scissors to cut the buds in little pieces so it dries quicker if you are really in a rush


wow i just tried it and i'm amazed! it literally took 3 cycles of 45 seconds each and i have a joint of bone dry herb! i had just clipped it from the plant 2 minutes before. i don't know if my power settings work, so i cut the time down to be safe. Doesn't smell like my old method either which is nice, i used to just wrap a bud in like 4 tissues and stick it on a light bulb for an hour. the buds start to vaporize with the heat though and make it smell funny. this microwave method doesn't seem to affect it at all!

one helpful hint: when you are doing this process, rather than using paper towels on the bottom of the tuppaware you can use a recycled country crock or sour cream dip container or something similar sized, and instead of a paper towel on the bottom you just use a coffee filter, they slide right in nice and snug, and seem to do a nice job! i only say "seem" because this is the first time i've tried it and it worked so well i don't see any reason to try another method...if i can dry a bud and get high from it less than 5 minutes later that's a win in my book! now i am off to try the finished product...time to see how much vaporized and how strong chem ibl is at only 6 weeks...

*edit* wow, it works! the taste is blah but hell that's basically what it would taste like if it were dried slow because it's an 11 week strain and only at 6 weeks, but wow, already it's better than most street nugs, and i know because i actually just smoked some street junk this past weekend(so gross!). i don't smoke street weed often so when i run out i basically just stop smoking till i harvest again. so that said, my tolerance is pretty low, but the fact that i am this high after only 2-3 hits so far, i gotta think this steaming isn't really vaporizing the weed at all! I haven't been this supremely impressed with something i've learned online since overgrow! come to think of it, this method was on overgrow, ten years ago, but i never tried it. it's really crazy how the shutdown of that site setback the growing scene so much. it was like the wiki of pot growing...this place ain't to shabby either but that place was just a gem...kinda lends toward the idea that's been placed forward about ancient civilizations being much more technologically advanced than we thought they were, a few pillaging hoards back then could set the whole world back a couple hundred years pretty easily if they pillaged the right cities you would think...

you may not realize it but you just spoke what my heart still feels to this day. i really really miss that site man.

anyway, im gonna give this a try again with your 45 sec. method. went bumpin' around the flower cab and knocked the very tippy top bud off of the smaller NORTHERN LIGHTS plant i have in DWC, plants are 6wks in so i hope i can get the same results you got.

had to reach over it to get to the plants in the back yesterday, i thought it just bent over but i went into the cab a lil while ago and it surely was snapped off. :comfort:, sigh, but alas i guess i will be ok.

i too take sabbaticals from the shitty street pharmaceuticals whilst i have a grow going on, so with my tolerance being what it is and having not smoked good herb in so long im praying i see at least a couple stars! lol


Senior Member
lol this has been a scourge to me lately, whenever i run out of buds i'm tempted to dip into my perpetual grow...i find myself preferring to dry buds for 3 days then wrap them in a black towel and put in the back seat of my car for a day...i guess i like it better because in the microwave you lose a lot of visible trichomes, i have experimented with it over a hundred times in the last few months, and i have taken a bud that was almost dry the traditional way, and only zapped it once for 20 seconds on power 4 but even then the bud was noticeably darker green than a similar bud dried traditionally and it had much less visible trichomes...the smell also was gone, which always happens, but it's interesting to know that it happens right away after just a few seconds...

all in all it's fast and better than most methods, but if you have a day or two do quick dry there are much better ways...and even still your better off waiting till it's dried a full 7 days, no point picking so much pre harvest, and microwaving it, you end up with less of a harvest and a a tolerance to the strain before it's even finished, so you never ever get as high off your own weed as your friends will...


wish i would have found this earlier today! but there is always tomorrow lol. hoefully like senorsloth said this wont have me dipping in every couple days.

im tempted to go in now and take a bud. its the dark period and the girl is on week 6 flower. tried to smoke some earlier that i cut this morning and it wouldnt stay lit, tasted a lil grassy but wasnt the worst ive tasted. dont wanna disturb the ladies so i might just wait 7.5 more hours....maybe


:shucks: well. due to other problems i slid into the flower box and took a lil sample. thought this would atleast be interesting. turned out 10 times better than earlier. im actually high. so high i forgot i still had some left in the tupperware for about 30 minutes or so. smoked that as well and pretty pleased with the high. i smoke reggie miller/loud i get on the streets. and compared to the reggie its a cleaner high and didnt taste much worse then some of the shit ive smoked. taste wasnt the best but the high makes me more eager to cure it correctly and see what it wil be like then. suppose to be a 7-8 weeker. this is mid week 6 and im impressed. would like more of a body stone but cant complain.

:woohoo: ill see how it compares to the trash im gonna end up smoking on tonight. blessings for the info. stay safe.


Active member
I have to agree that the best method for speed and taste that I've seen on here is the hair dryer method. That's an old classic, but I'm surprised no one has mentioned an old favorite of mine. The computer monitor method. Put a few grams of bud on top of a computer monitor while its on (ex. say while you're browsing ICMag), or even an older TV that gets hot on top around the back and in 2-5 hrs you'll have the best quick dried bud ever. Be sure to flip the buds once or twice for even drying. It's slightly longer but you'll be thankful taste wise. You spend all that time growing the good, what's two or more hrs to get better tasting smoke. Hope this helps someone out. Happy toking and stay safe!


Wow, this thread is still alive & kickin! Every few months it seems, some1 gets in a weed pinch & does a search & pulls this one up. Thanks for keepin it alive fellas & glad I could be of help to those in need....

I must agree, the hairdryer works awesome also but takes about 10 to 15 minutes & will burn out a hairdyer....found out the hard way on that 1.

The microwave is by far the quickest method & will, mos def, put a smile on ur face when in need...


New member
the best method..if you have 2-3 hours...take fresh bud..place on a piece of tin foil, hover a desklight with a 70 watt bulb above it 2-3 inches...turn every 30 minutes or so...almost all of the taste remains as you are not cooking it, but it does dry, no potentcy is lost really, the buds look like they were dried proper they just burn a little funny at the very end but who cares, dry till they feal dry enough to spark a bowl. i shit you not, this is THE best method i have come accross, and i yoused to be a ferm beileve of the steam dry method, no green taste at all with this method.
Done this same method for years it works and taste is not effected much and the high is good.


microwaved weed tastes like shit.

does the job but the taste is gnarly chlorophyl

better way to quick dry is put a bud on top of your monitor, laptop ac/dc adapter, or something else thats mildly warm for a day or two.

microwave drying is the bottom of the barrel "i have to get high right now" method.