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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
I was thinking more along the lines of a teacher shooting a student unintentionally or a student getting a hold of a teachers gun.

I've never been more glad I don't have school aged children.
every teacher i know (several!) are utterly terrified by this scenario. schools USED to back a teacher up against kids/parents and bullshit claims. nobody wants to have to rely on local school board defending them in something like this... easier and safer to stock shelves at the grocery store.


ICMag Donor


Well-known member
every teacher i know (several!) are utterly terrified by this scenario. schools USED to back a teacher up against kids/parents and bullshit claims. nobody wants to have to rely on local school board defending them in something like this... easier and safer to stock shelves at the grocery store.
School teaching has been economically disincentivized to the point now that only people with a strong desire to be around kids do it anyway.

Most of them just want to brainwash, but others are even worse.


Well-known member
School teaching has been economically disincentivized to the point now that only people with a strong desire to be around kids do it anyway.

Most of them just want to brainwash, but others are even worse.
i know several teachers, and NONE of them are trying to "brainwash" kids. there is growing burnout problems though. lots of folks go into teaching with idealistic stars in their eyes, and grow disillusioned in a few years. low pay, poor supervision, unrealistic expectations, and the paperwork has gotten to the point that they spend more time with that that the children they are supposed to be teaching. having idiots "supervising" them that have never BEEN teaching in a classroom full of kids doesn't help at all...talk about demoralizing.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
School teaching has been economically disincentivized to the point now that only people with a strong desire to be around kids do it anyway.

Most of them just want to brainwash, but others are even worse.
This is perhaps true but the morality you attempt to imply is false. Sure in an environment where only people with a strong desire to be around kids are willing to be teachers you would likely find more perverts looking to take advantage. However it's wrong to believe that all people who have a strong desire to be around kids are perverts or desire to brainwash kids. Some recognize kids as the worlds most valuable resource (since they are society''s future) and just want to help them to be all they can be in order to have a positive impact on the future. As poorly as teachers get paid, there are more then a few to sacrifice whatever they can afford to buy out of their own pockets the school supplies that the kids need and the school no longer supplies. Still others who can't afford any money out of their own pockets spend their free time looking for ways to get others to supply the things kids needthru corporate sponsership and fund raising.

You also ignore the brainwashing that the government does thru the department of education by supplying study materials that selectively removes things that they seek to hide from students. That history books that don't teach a lot of the history that was taught when we were chldren in school.


Well-known member
You also ignore the brainwashing that the government does thru the department of education by supplying study materials that selectively removes things that they seek to hide from students. That history books that don't teach a lot of the history that was taught when we were chldren in school.
bullseye !:good:


ICMag Donor
i know several teachers, and NONE of them are trying to "brainwash" kids. there is growing burnout problems though. lots of folks go into teaching with idealistic stars in their eyes, and grow disillusioned in a few years. low pay, poor supervision, unrealistic expectations, and the paperwork has gotten to the point that they spend more time with that that the children they are supposed to be teaching. having idiots "supervising" them that have never BEEN teaching in a classroom full of kids doesn't help at all...talk about demoralizing.
You can only expect teachers do so much of the job that parents did not do.

On the reality side, many families have both parents working just to survive. This takes away valuable parenting time.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yeah it's no surprise given the way he treats his supporters. I heard a report today about a fundraiser he held at Mar-A-Lardo over the weekend. He was in a particularly bitchy mood and along with the typical lies he spews at these events it was reported that he was complaining that his donors weren't coughing up nough money (this was an event where it cost $40,000 to get in sccording to the report). Supposedly he was refusing to take pictures with people saying they didn't give enough to have him take pictures with them. It kind of makes you wonder what hes doing with all the money, I mean supposedly everything the RNC brings in is going to him and there was that fund raiser not too long ago where he claimed to raise $50 Million in one day.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I get what you're trying to say and compared to his lawyers this statement seems true. The only problem though is that if her testimony is true she was never hired for anything. It started with him inviting her to have dinner with him in his hotel suite and alledgedly her initial instinct was to refuse. Then her publicist or agent encouraged her to just go ahead and have dinner with him. So she agreed but just as her instincts were warning her, he greeted her in a robe and PJ's obviously wanting something other then dinner. She said she was uncomfortable with dining with him dressed like that and asked that he get dressed, which he did. Then they had dinner and afterwards she excused herself to the bathroom. When she came out he had stripped down to his boxers and when she tried to leave he blocked her way and proceeded to entice her into having sex in exchange for him putting her on his show the apprentice. She finally gave in and had the 3 minutes of sex on the hopes he would keep his promise about getting her on his show. Since he never held up his end of the deal he never hired her or paid her. Instead he detained her against his will and then convinced her to give into his wishes by offering her an enticement he never followed thru with. Which doesn't really fit the definition of hiring her. Also at the time she was not working as a prostitute but rather a porn star. So to hire her he would have had to offer her a role in a porn movie. Of course being that she wasn't a prostitute nor did he pay her for services rendered, she was under no obligation to remain discreet about it like some people apparently think she should have been.


ICMag Donor
Let's try not to overcomplicate and overlook the obvious.

She stated that the was a stripper and that strippers who had a porn rep made more money, so she got into porn. The routine was after hours work as an adjunct and Chump was the big fish. I have not seen any court transcripts published.

Indiscrete? We're talking about a girl banging stinky old geezers to pay the bills. Not exactly "Pretty Woman".



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Let's try not to overcomplicate and overlook the obvious.

She stated that the was a stripper and that strippers who had a porn rep made more money, so she got into porn. The routine was after hours work as an adjunct and Chump was the big fish. I have not seen any court transcripts published.

Indiscrete? We're talking about a girl banging stinky old geezers to pay the bills. Not exactly "Pretty Woman".

Well I haven't seen the court transcripts either but what I stated above came from a reading of her testimony recorded by a one of several reporters they allow into the courtroom, since they don't allow TV cameras. For the sake of argument though it doesn't matter whether she's a stripper or a porn star. She didn't agree to go strip for Trump nor did she go to have dinner with him with the understanding she was going to have sex with him. Now as far as I know she hasn't established a reputation for banging stinky old geezers either. She was invitd to dinner, an offer she intially was inclined to turn down but her agent talked her into accepting. Then after finishing dinner she ducked into the bathroom and when she came out she tried to leave but Trump blocked her Now this wasn't part of what was reported but I'm guessing that because of the offer to appear on his show, she decided it was best to just give into Trump figuring it would be over quickly and maybe she would get an appearence on the Apprentice for her troubles. Now it was also reported that just before they had sex Trump started talking to her about how much she reminded him of his daughter Ivanka. I'm sure Trump felt that was a great compliment but according to the reporter she testified that she found it to be really creepy. She probably figured Trump was using her to live out a fantady of having sex with his daughter. It still stands however that Trump did not hire her to do either of the things she is known to do as work, act in a porno or strip and according to her testimony he didn't offer any money. She went on to testify that as soon as Trump was done she got dressed and left. Then several times over the next few weeks he tried to hook up with her but she either brought a friend with her as she did on one occasion or she just declined to meet him on the others. After 3 or 4 attempts he gave up and of course the offer to appear on the Apprentice never materialized.

None of that is me overthinking anything it's all based on what she testified in court and you can confirm that with the court transcripts when and if they become public. My guess is Trump thought of her as not much better then a prostitute and that she would gladly give him anything he wanted just for an attempt to appear on his show and when she didn't he gave up on her and never kept his original promise that he would have her on his show. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say that any of this somehow makes her a much more virtuous woman. Clearly they were each trying to use the other for their own wants and desires and neither of them really got all that they wanted but of the two Trump came closer to getting what he wanted then she did, IMHO.


ICMag Donor
This is an accurate representation of the public version as it stands. Just one exception, The photo which I posted (half joking / half serious) makes the assertion that there was a quid pro quo transaction. This must be true. The sex was not because he was handsome, dashing, or charming. Certainly it was not charity. It was because she was led to believe that it would get her on the show. As to weather she engaged in prostitution, she did porn and she danced in strip clubs. Is it a stretch to think that she got paid to fuck in front of a camera for money but then drew the line when dancing for a bunch of horny men throwing money at her? Would you expect her to confess this in court? Of course not.


Well-known member
has the prostitute paid trump his half million yet ? the half million the judge ordered her pay some time back .


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
This is an accurate representation of the public version as it stands. Just one exception, The photo which I posted (half joking / half serious) makes the assertion that there was a quid pro quo transaction. This must be true. The sex was not because he was handsome, dashing, or charming. Certainly it was not charity. It was because she was led to believe that it would get her on the show. As to weather she engaged in prostitution, she did porn and she danced in strip clubs. Is it a stretch to think that she got paid to fuck in front of a camera for money but then drew the line when dancing for a bunch of horny men throwing money at her? Would you expect her to confess this in court? Of course not.
I have no problem believing that she was a stripper as wll as a porn star, all I'm saying is that being a stipper and/or a porn star does not automatically mean a person is willing to be a prostitute. While porn stars don't make anywhere near what regular movie stars make they still make a pretty good chunks of change per movie, far more then the typical prostitute makes. Also even though a porn star is still engaging in sex, it's in a controlled environment with other actors who typically have no expectations beyond whatever is in the script. When a woman prostitutes herself she never knows for sure what she's getting herself into until it's happening. Often times men who seek out prostitutes have some strange ideas as to what is considered acceptable when getting down to the act. Similarly men who meet porn stars and/or strippers tend to think of them as being the same as a prostitue because in each case they are getting paid casssh in one amount or another. I feel pretty confident that Trump made that sort of assumption about her and that's why he felt it was okay to strip down to his boxers while she was in the bathroom.

Now in the case of strippers, porn stars or even prostitutes I'm sure any of them would consent to having sex for the right Quid Pro Quo. I'm confident because there are plenty of women that aren't working in the sex industry that will also agree to having sex with an unattractive stranger for the right Quid Pro Quo. Now I have not personally known any porn stars to speak from experience but I have worked at strip clubs as a bouncer in my youth and thru that got to know a fair number of strippers (just as people not in the carnal sense) and as a result of my drug using in my youth (beyond just cannabis) I've even known a few prostitutes (again just as people but not in the carnal sense) and from that I can say without hesitation that strippers and prostitutes are two very different types of women (for the most part, I'm sure some engage in both activities). Since a porn star can achieve a level of fame higher then a stripper and since they get paid more it's not hard to believe that a porn star would be less likely to also be a prostitute. I'm not saying it's impossible but if a porn star was truly a "star" it would be a big step down to also be a prostitute.It's far more common from what has been reported in tabloids that a porn star will go in the opposite direction and become a regular movie star. Quite a few well known actresses started out in the porn industry.

Today there will be more cross examination and then redirect from the prosecutor with Stormy Daniels and so we may learn even more about what kind of woman she really is and what kind of person Trump is. I would say in both cases neither of them are paragons of virtue.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
has the prostitute paid trump his half million yet ? the half million the judge ordered her pay some time back .
Since there are no prostitutes involved in this case or this discussion I have no idea of what you're talking about.


Well-known member
I have no problem believing that she was a stripper as wll as a porn star, all I'm saying is that being a stipper and/or a porn star does not automatically mean a person is willing to be a prostitute. While porn stars don't make anywhere near what regular movie stars make they still make a pretty good chunks of change per movie, far more then the typical prostitute makes. Also even though a porn star is still engaging in sex, it's in a controlled environment with other actors who typically have no expectations beyond whatever is in the script. When a woman prostitutes herself she never knows for sure what she's getting herself into until it's happening. Often times men who seek out prostitutes have some strange ideas as to what is considered acceptable when getting down to the act. Similarly men who meet porn stars and/or strippers tend to think of them as being the same as a prostitue because in each case they are getting paid casssh in one amount or another. I feel pretty confident that Trump made that sort of assumption about her and that's why he felt it was okay to strip down to his boxers while she was in the bathroom.

Now in the case of strippers, porn stars or even prostitutes I'm sure any of them would consent to having sex for the right Quid Pro Quo. I'm confident because there are plenty of women that aren't working in the sex industry that will also agree to having sex with an unattractive stranger for the right Quid Pro Quo. Now I have not personally known any porn stars to speak from experience but I have worked at strip clubs as a bouncer in my youth and thru that got to know a fair number of strippers (just as people not in the carnal sense) and as a result of my drug using in my youth (beyond just cannabis) I've even known a few prostitutes (again just as people but not in the carnal sense) and from that I can say without hesitation that strippers and prostitutes are two very different types of women (for the most part, I'm sure some engage in both activities). Since a porn star can achieve a level of fame higher then a stripper and since they get paid more it's not hard to believe that a porn star would be less likely to also be a prostitute. I'm not saying it's impossible but if a porn star was truly a "star" it would be a big step down to also be a prostitute.It's far more common from what has been reported in tabloids that a porn star will go in the opposite direction and become a regular movie star. Quite a few well known actresses started out in the porn industry.

Today there will be more cross examination and then redirect from the prosecutor with Stormy Daniels and so we may learn even more about what kind of woman she really is and what kind of person Trump is. I would say in both cases neither of them are paragons of virtue.