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The traitor within?

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They founded the Klan then, and founded Antifa today.

Same violent criminality, if I can't have what I want, you're gonna suffer violence,

same need for the people to be vigilant of these criminals who think if rule of law and scientific truth don't say what they want,

they're an obstacle not a feature in civilization.

Like when they tried to violently overthrow the constitution in the 1860s.

Like when they were violently overthrowing the constitution in the 1960s.

Like when they were violently orerthrowing the rule of law in the 2010s burning peoples' property, burning down entire towns, defying the law to put a stop to their overthrowing of the constitution locally.

Lol, quite the nuanced view from the democrats=kkk guy. Good luck in that world you exist in.


The military had to go into Democrat areas in the 1960s to force them to let people go to school. They were literally, violently ejecting children from the schools, overthrowing the Constitution.

F*** that Constitution.

Till the entire nation banded against them and marched all over their cities and states, arm in arm, because we'd had enough of


overthrowing the rule of law and the Constitution whenever it just seemed to inconvenience their

insufferable urge to destroy all law and simply rule by their own decrees of whim.


Well-known member
I do not know any antifa. But if their point is to call out and eliminate fasism then I probably support them. I try to not identify with any one group, especially if it separates them from other people. Creates hate and fear and violence and then the children of the hateful and violent get to sort it out. Probably with some fear based violence and hate.

My dad was bit by a german shepard once about 30 years ago. Why dont we get together and eliminate all germans and shepards and their grandkids too.


And now, we've just caught another nest of them having rotted out every semblance of


and of

obeying the law,

by conspiring together to o v e r t h r o w the e l e c t i o n.

It's hard to get a good rap when your entire infernal history has been the wholesale destruction of medical science - making pot illegal in the US in 1937,

are the party of armed masked terrorist groups

and wholesale overthrow of legal and constitutional law whenever it just seemed like you aren't tired of lying, and stealing the people blind.

'We awl gotta git on thim opiates cause thay's purgressive!'' in 1937.

'We awl gotta stop yewsin us sum fire cawse a magical gassiness makes more light come out of a rock evur time it makes less go in!''

The debacle of the 1960s with entire sections of cities burned to the ground

The debacle of the 2010s with millions of completely unvetted illegal criminals robbing, raping, destroying scholastic standards even further than they've been, sapping the social infrastructure created for America's poor.

Democrat cities, the very height of the nation's crime waves that have blotted out the livability of entire regions for many real Americans who value the law and the Constitution they've dealt with having tried to be overthrown for over a 150 years.

By criminal Demonic Rats.


That's because you don't pay attention to the parties you join who found masked violent hate filled terrorist groups.

You're inane lack of knowlege of one of the most news mentioned violent masked groups from your party reveals you a shameless,

morals-less liar.

Which is what I said it generally takes to be a Democrat.

I do not know any antifa.


The "what it takes to be a Democrat" is a rhetorical statement that needs some refining.

"Usually takes to be a Democrat" is more accurate there have in fact been some good Democrats.

I was trying to get out of here we're going someplace, and I made too general a statement my bad there.


As you were

with your lying,


and intimidation attempts, liberals,

My wife and I are going to be taking the long drive back from our son's house and I won't

be able to be with you, and work it all out together in open, and free debate.

As bad as that enrages the science hijacking,

humanity contempting,

rule of law and constitutional loathing


Hey by the way, thanks for the Illegal pot.

And for black people having to march en masse and endure your murderings of them for the past 150 years.

Even today - who runs America's murderous police unions, the ones known WORLD WIDE

for murdering you for blinking your eyes?

Democrats. Those are Democrat police unions that

won't enforce the law,
won't obey the law,
have murdered their way to global renown
for being a self protecting, law-breaking bunch of parasitic sociopaths,
punking the citizens,
angry they can't disarm them more,

with reputations for standing around trembling at the thought of facing ONE armed mass murderer.

How wonderful it must feel to be one of you.

Thanks Democrats for murderous police unions dragging America's reputation into another sewer full of dead bodies, of the innocent people you've systematically euthanized because they simply crossed your paths.


Well-known member
As you were

with your lying,


and intimidation attempts, liberals,

My wife and I are going to be taking the long drive back from our son's house and I won't

be able to be with you, and work it all out together in open, and free debate.

As bad as that enrages the science hijacking,

humanity contempting,

rule of law and constitutional loathing


Hey by the way, thanks for the Illegal pot.

And for black people having to march en masse and endure your murderings of them for the past 150 years.

Even today - who runs America's murderous police unions, the ones known WORLD WIDE

for murdering you for blinking your eyes?

Democrats. Those are Democrat police unions that

won't enforce the law,
won't obey the law,
have murdered their way to global renown
for being a self protecting, law-breaking bunch of parasitic sociopaths,
punking the citizens,
angry they can't disarm them more,

with reputations for standing around trembling at the thought of facing ONE armed mass murderer.

How wonderful it must feel to be one of you.

Thanks Democrats for murderous police unions dragging America's reputation into another sewer full of dead bodies, of the innocent people you've systematically euthanized because they simply crossed your paths.

Bye! Dont let the door hit you


Go get the evidence you have indicating you're not a shameless morals-less liar

when you claim you don't know of antifa.

And how you know to remark of them as anti-Fascist in the very same post.

The problem with being a lying, truth-loathing, humanity-contempting, hate-filled Democrat,

is people keep remembering you're just a lying truth-loathing humanity-contempting, hate-filled Democrat.

What's that feel like?

To go down that checklist of things you want before you join an organization,

and then go crow to everyone you're the party of all that?

Really proud?

Like destroying an entire education system till children are graduating 30% behind



fundie Pentecostal kids in the Ozarks

who don't even have cable?


Founding masked, violent constitution & law usurping groups of violent terrorists?


Taking over the medical judgement of every Dr in America to declare ''We awl gotta git on thim purgressive opioids thay got down to the hospitals yaw!'' and simply

sentence millions upon millions upon millions

to criminalization, ruination, murder, Democrat police union-sanctioned violence, and simply X'ing out entire classes of humanity from participation in the due process of being a citizen and going around unmolested by science hijacking and destroying police union thugs.

"We cain't do nuthin abowt it, it's tha law, so we shot thim kids fur pot!'' How Democratic.

Just like you just had to shoot those slaves who were tying to escape when you were telling the world that ''tha signts dun sed thim colurds ain't evun hewman!'' How Democratic.

Now, you've changed tacts because those poor black minorities aren't so non violent any more,

after they rebelled in the 1960s and marched en masse everwhere Democrats had eroded rule of law till it was like Mississippistan.

Today the apparently least violent, most likely to tolerate being stripped of any constitutional protections, or protections by rule of law,

like the FBI and DOJ and IRS

are working white Christians so it's open season on THEIR existences today.

There's always gotta be somebody to rub out,

someone ''sub hewmun''

so you can justify your psychological disorder of loathing for order and for law and respecting other's constitutional rights.

And tomorrow when the white working Christians rebel,

it's gonna be another minority who seem to be ripe for your criminals to

and debase
and put in cages,
like we caught Obama doing with little South American kids.

Bye! Dont let the door hit you


Well-known member
Go get the evidence you have indicating you're not a shameless morals-less liar

when you claim you don't know of antifa.

And how you know to remark of them as anti-Fascist in the very same post.

The problem with being a lying, truth-loathing, humanity-contempting, hate-filled Democrat,

is people keep remembering you're just a lying truth-loathing humanity-contempting, hate-filled Democrat.

What's that feel like?

To go down that checklist of things you want before you join an organization,

and then go crow to everyone you're the party of all that?

Really proud?

Like destroying an entire education system till children are graduating 30% behind



fundie Pentecostal kids in the Ozarks

who don't even have cable?


Founding masked, violent constitution & law usurping groups of violent terrorists?


Taking over the medical judgement of every Dr in America to declare ''We awl gotta git on thim purgressive opioids thay got down to the hospitals yaw!'' and simply

sentence millions upon millions upon millions

to criminalization, ruination, murder, Democrat police union-sanctioned violence, and simply X'ing out entire classes of humanity from participation in the due process of being a citizen and going around unmolested by science hijacking and destroying police union thugs.

"We cain't do nuthin abowt it, it's tha law, so we shot thim kids fur pot!'' How Democratic.

Just like you just had to shoot those slaves who were tying to escape when you were telling the world that ''tha signts dun sed thim colurds ain't evun hewman!'' How Democratic.

Now, you've changed tacts because those poor black minorities aren't so non violent any more,

after they rebelled in the 1960s and marched en masse everwhere Democrats had eroded rule of law till it was like Mississippistan.

Today the apparently least violent, most likely to tolerate being stripped of any constitutional protections, or protections by rule of law,

like the FBI and DOJ and IRS

are working white Christians so it's open season on THEIR existences today.

There's always gotta be somebody to rub out,

someone ''sub hewmun''

so you can justify your psychological disorder of loathing for order and for law and respecting other's constitutional rights.

And tomorrow when the white working Christians rebel,

it's gonna be another minority who seem to be ripe for your criminals to

and debase
and put in cages,
like we caught Obama doing with little South American kids.

You dont know shit about me. I know plenty about antifa. I just dont know them personally. I am not a democrat. I am more of a tree hugging acid sharing anarchist teaching his kids to grow food and not recognize the failed system you love. But thanks.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Bush killed a million civiliions in a war he started with lies.

History will not be kind to him.

Trump will be known as a buffoon but the Bushes and Clintons orechestrated mass murder.

Im not defending Trump as a human being or his military action record so far. I know he is scum.

I just think the Bushes are getting a free ride by the corporate media and their backers that benefited from all their wars.

G `day W

Trace it back .
Ronnie Ray Gun Iran / Contra . coke and missiles , George H the coke connect CIA boss Bush had to invade Panama Noriega knew too much . Bill the Rapist funded by coke flying into his back yard , George Dubya fool me twice Bush and bro Jeb ,lots more coke [and a rigged election ], Barrak the Nobel prize winning Drone Master and now the hore loving , bankrupt real estate man .

At least the last two weren`t so open about the coke .

All took a turn a being the leader of the free world . l - o -l

Thanks for sharin

EB .

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Long winded hate is my favorite flavor.

Tell me again how the democrats created cancer.

Or how democrats are responsible for our exodus from Eden.

Or how ranting and bickering is an educational platform.

Or why KKK members aren't liberal.

Or why the majority of integrated African-Americans aren't members of the GOP.

Or how you're any better than a loop of AM talk radio....


The democrats are responsible from our exodus from having a President who didn't need an armed guard to stop one of you from murdering him.

They created the cancer of hatred of rule of law in America,

and they wrecked the educational platform of the country till one of you who 'graduates' from it do so, 30% behind home-schooled Ozark's Pentecostals teaching themselves to write on their front porch.

The reason the majority of African Americans aren't members of the GOP is the same reason anyone joins in with the very people who have been bitterly enslaving and persecuting them for decades: they've been brainwashed.

Tell me why with the Democrats' ''helping them,'' their nation is flooded with unvetted illegal immigrants robbing, raping, and murdering them at will.

Taking their kids' summer jobs,
Taking their kids and their own social services other Americans paid, to help them.

The reason I'm better than AM radio is you can tell your side, Democrat.

So tell us all what prompted you

to join the party of the Klan
and the party that tried to violently overthrow the American government in the 1860s,

and then founded the Ku Klux Klan,

and then made pot illegal,

and who had the entire country marching against it in the 1960s as it's rule of law and constitutional overthrow of American jurisprudence

caused the Military to be sent into the places your party ruled.

Tell us all why the people living in Democrat areas are always the ones who have to live with practically third-world conditions.

Detroit, Chicago, - why is it everywhere Democrats go, the entire region becomes a seething bed of criminality
and the highest ratios of poverty in all the land.

Most of the time when one of you tries to actually write it turns out to be such a humiliating shame you give up and revert to the cartoons again.

Good try learning to write a little bit. When you say something of substance that adds historical context to the discussion,

you won't have been reduced to whining you're mad it's true,

but that you have no corrections to make about it.

Good point about Democrats brainwashing blacks.

Incidentally one of the very most CENTRAL traits to being a sociopath

are also the identical traits, of being a Democrat.

Everyone go down this list and look at how many of these are the Democrat playbook, in action:


Let's go over them together because there are words not pictures and although it's evident you can
or have someone who can
print legibly for you,

most Democrats are so functionally illiterate

you can tell them magical gassiness
made more light come out of a rock it just
made less light go into,

and they'll believe it.

So here's the list.

Profile of the Sociopath
This website summarizes some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.

Glibness and Superficial Charm

Manipulative and Conning

They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.

Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right." (Like overthrowing elections when they want to be the boss over everyone and rule by decree)

Pathological Lying

Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests. (Democrat Hillary Clinton gloating in her wall street speech she tells your stupid #$% one thing, but everyone knows she's gonna be doing a complete other. Contantly referring to you as an ignorant tranch whose existence is a source of disgust to her.)

Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt (Hillary at the Benghazi hearings to see if she felt any remorse or shame. No she was blaming freedom of speech to disagree with Islam on YouTube as the source for those murders)

A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

Shallow Emotions (Bill, Hillary, Obama claiming his ring with the Shahada on it was a ''wedding ring.'' F*** his wife. His ring from when he joined Islam by uttering the Shahada means something to him. His wife gets to be his wife. His Shahada ring, remains where he put it in college before he met her. Islam is his wife and it's name is inscribed in Arabic on that Shahada ring.

All those people whose electrical and heating bills would go through the roof? F**k em we gotta git us summa that progress like FDR did when he got evurbody off that pot and on thim purgressive opioids.)

When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.

Incapacity for Love (The history of the Democrats. Hating everything, hating everyone, if the people want it - it must be bad)

Need for Stimulation (Hillary melting down shouting ''If that F**G B***tard wins we'll ALL hang from nooses!'' Hillary Clinton's legendary dragon rolls assaulting Bill Clinton, spitting epithets at her Secret Service protection because she couldn't live like a swinging, murderous, violent bisexual coke-head at will)

Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common. (Clinton's 24 rides on the Pedophile Express, serial rapist, Hillary Clinton doing her utmost to degrade and disenfranchise the women he raped)

Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.

Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature (Clinton and the entire swath of criminal trash in the FBI simply throwing the rule of law and the constitution overboard to try to GAMBLE to OVERTHROW the CONSTITUTION. No sense there may be a tomorrow.

Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others. (CLASSICAL Hillary Clinton)

Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.

Irresponsibility/Unreliability (Hillary Clinton was fired from the Watergate proceedings because she was an irresponsible and unreliable criminal.)

Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed. (Hillary, Obama, all democrats blithely touting ''fuck em'' to the American people and everyone they decide to destroy as part of their WAY of LIFE.

Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts. (Bill and the Pedophile Express Jet 24 runs to Pedophile Island, the ENORMOUS list of LIBERALS recently outed as nothing more than molesting rapists. CATHOLIC PRIESTS the ULTIMATE Democrats: known for their INSTITUTION of HOMOSEXUAL RAPE: forbidding women to even be PART of the Authorities in general)

Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle (Obama and Hillary and Bill and FDR deciding "F**K American's health and the greatest medical care system ever dreamed. They're gonna ''take it all and split it up between everybody.''

Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.

Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.

Long winded hate is my favorite flavor.

Tell me again how the democrats created cancer.

Or how democrats are responsible for our exodus from Eden.

Or how ranting and bickering is an educational platform.

Or why KKK members aren't liberal.

Or why the majority of integrated African-Americans aren't members of the GOP.

Or how you're any better than a loop of AM talk radio....

Look at the bottom of the page I linked, where it show's ''Profile of the Psychopath:

more description of The Demonic Rats
who destroyed peace and love for one's fellow man in America
after the Republicans fought a WAR to free those black people.

The Democrats manipulated and conned them into helping them flood the country with more of the cheap, almost slave labor Democrats are addicted to,

Started the Civil War over, and flooded these American blacks' and brown peoples' communities with criminal illegal immigrants so they can have.

Other Related Qualities:

(1)Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them

(2)Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them




(6)Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired

(7)Conventional appearance

(8)Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)

(9)Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life

(10)Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)

(11)Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim

(12)Incapable of real human attachment to another

(13)Unable to feel remorse or guilt

(14)Extreme narcissism and grandiose

(15)May state readily that their goal is to rule the world

Wow you joined the party that stands for all that.


Actually you trying to simply bark that out of existence because it humiliates you to the soles of your shoes,

is the stupidest thing you've seen said on the internet, because you knew it was a lie when you said so: It's just you, being you.

Glibly lying, because the truth and science and history aren't something Democrats can embrace. It's ALL gotta be wiped out,

lest people know

you're from the party of the Klan and of Antifa.

This statement of yours may literally be the stupidest thing I have ever seen on the internet. That's even including Flat Earth Theory.
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