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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
We all gotta watch out for ourselves and each other best we can and ask questions then dig into the answers especially if they confirm our own bullshittery.
True, given our high average age and the wide range of medical conditions we have, had or been treated for, we should be able to be a pretty solid support group for older people with unresolved health issues.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Not sure they never told me or at least I wasn't paying attention. I think HempKat probably knows. By the way HempKat are you still taking the shots or do you even need them now.
The shots never had much of, if any effect on me, so all I get done these days is the RFA and for that they don't use any steroids just novocain to numb the area where they do the nerve burning. I've only had the spinal injections done twice and so unfortunately I'm not really sure what steroids they use. If I had to make a guess I would say it's either cortisone or something like it.


Well-known member
Awright!! While we are on the subject of:

"Does holding a drag in get you more goodness?

It is commonly agreed that the answer(s) will all be subjective, and non-measurable.


My previous visible exhale-counting per single toke put in a Volcano bag was done using a clamp-lamp. Any smoke in an exhale would show brightly in the cone of light.

So I used this technique with several iterations to weed out variables:

Take a single toke from a two-toke glass tubey thing. Follow Step 1, then Step 2.

1. Exhale immediately, breathing in and exhaling until no smoke shows in the lamplight.
2. Hold your breath as long as you can, then exhale into the lamplight.

Second Test: To ensure equal "first smoke" even in a two hitter, reverse the 1. 2. order with a new tubey thing.

The results (easily replicated by anyone) are conclusive: There is far less smoke exhaled from the breath-holder. It has to go somewhere, ergo, you now have it on board.

The result is unanimous with all of me. And at this very moment I am as high as an angel's titty.

We'd see it in every new arrival to Germany. "I'm not feeling high" "Hold the hit dummy" 5 seconds later they pass out and hit the floor.

Being a bunch of broke ass Army dudes (pay was $288 a month), you soon learned to extract every possible bit of goodness from every toke, and I still tend to work a toke of Hash much like I learned to do 50 odd years ago.

Take a medium toke, hold until uncomfortable, blow out half, inhale deep and hold again as long as comfortable, blow out half, repeat until no more smoke shows on the exhale.

Woke up at 05:00 with my guts on fire as my adhesions have woken up. Been 15 days with zero THC and that fits with all my past breaks. A couple of tokes of hash knocked down the blaze a bit and the capsule I let melt in my mouth will be one hell of a hit in about 45 minutes. I really should start back at a 1/2 but what fun would that be.

It'll be a near LSD grade ride with only the visual trails lacking. I'll get a shattered glass kaleidoscope effect on my peripheral vision instead. "Hold on boys it's going to be a bumpy ride".

Yes, I can feel the THC coursing through my veins. Damn third toke of hash and it's already WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
The shots never had much of, if any effect on me, so all I get done these days is the RFA and for that they don't use any steroids just novocain to numb the area where they do the nerve burning. I've only had the spinal injections done twice and so unfortunately I'm not really sure what steroids they use. If I had to make a guess I would say it's either cortisone or something like it.
How often do you get the nerves burnt?


Well-known member
:):cool: Welcome to the Ole Folks Routine! The Red Witch and himself do our "strenuous stuff" in the mornings.

Then, any time from about noon on, we will both decide to go in and take a nap. Every. Fargin. Day.

It is called:

"Your battery is working fine, but it does not take the charge it used to."

Just do all your shit in the morning. Take a nice nap -- guilt free -- every day.
I too take naps... it feels like regression... purty soon (20 years?) I'll be poopin my pants and being fed by some lady as I drift off into the ether....


Well-known member
Some flowers in my area…


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
this makes me sad man, another life lost to adiction
she looks so full of life

fly free little bird
Yeah the opioid crisis is especially tragic when it takes young people with their whole life ahead of them. I lost a neice to her addiction to pain pills about 7-8 years ago. She was in the prime of her youth, finished with college and a very attractive young woman. She had a very promising life ahead of her if it weren't for her addiction. I'm not sure if they tested her blood to see what chemicals/drugs might have killed her but it was from some street drugs and it happen in the early days of fentanyl showing up in street drugs. What was especially sad was she had been in an inpatient rehab for about a month so had that much sobriety but unfortunately the insurance ran out and her parents couldn't afford the out of pocket costs without the insurance. So she was forced to be relleaseed (because the rehab's gotta be paid). She begged and pleaded with her parents to find a way to keep her in the rehab because she knew she wasn't read to come home and be able to stay sober. Like I said though her parents couldn't afford it so there was nothing they could do. So she came home, stayed at the home of a trusted friend of her parents and two night's later after the friend had gone to bed, she caved into her addiction, called the person she usually scored from and had him drop off what she needed. The next morning when she didn't come to breakfast the friend went to check on her and found her dead with the needle still in her arm.


Cabana’s bitch
That's actually not too terrible if you were rested and recovered from the gym. Now if you got that score immediately after finishing your last exercise at the gym, then it would be a bit more concerning. I'm not sure if I fully understand the health issues you're facing. I feel like i became active in this thread after you explained more about what's going on. What I have picked up is that there are serious issues that even the doctors aren't sure of. So given that the most likely cause to your BP issues is connected to whatever else is going on with you. Do you have sleep apnea by any chance, of undiagnosed are you overweight and prone to snoring? I ask because sleep apnea could explain some of your complaints of waking up ired and or feeling sluggish when you shouldn't. The main reason I bring this up though is that there is a condition called Pulmonary Hypertension that is pretty difficult to diagnose. According to my heart doctor the only known test to conclusively diagnose it has to been done while doing a heart test known as an angiogram aka cardiac catherization test. Pulmonay Hypertension is closely linked perhaps even caused by sleep apnea and the way they usually treat it is to trest the sleep apnea. I'm wondering if Pulmonary hypertension could explain some of the issues you're having? It might be worth asking your doctor if he thinks that or sleep apnea fits your symptoms. If he does the most likely first step will be for him to order a sleep study. That will involve you visiting a sleep clinic and then they wire your head and body up with a bunch of EKG like sensors from which they take readings while you sleep. They usuallly have rooms furnished to feel more like a hotel room rather then a hospital room so that you can be as comfortable as possible. The only problem with it is the sensors they attach to the head. For that they use this sort of specialized glue that is water soluable so you can get rid of it with a shower. While it and the sensors are hooked to your head it hardens into these hard lump that make it a little uncomfortable for your head because you feel the lums on your head when you lay down, even when using a pillow or two. Might be worth exploring and if you have either sleep apnea and/or pulmonary hypertension the treatment is non surgical usually and just involves you using what's called a CPAP or a BiPAP while you sleep. Sometimes they also add oxygen. Do any of your self monitoring devices measure yous blood oxygen levels? If so it would be interesting to hear what those levels are for you. Normal is 95-99% if it is much lower then 95 that's a strong sign that you have sleep apnea and possibly pulmonary hypertension. Often that sluggish always tired or feeling weak feeling is a sign that not enough oxygen is getting spread thru your body by your blood.
I just checked my blood pressure and it is 123 over 68 right now. I go to see the infectious disease doctor on Thursday and he’s got all of my medical information and my CT scan so I’m hoping he will start me on some sort of regiment of antibiotics. I don’t believe I’ve got sleep apnea cause it’s never woken me up or I’ve never felt like I was choking, and as far as I know, I don’t snore… i’ve always had high blood pressure but now it’s starting to seem to stabilize. I’m told my kidneys are causing my blood pressure to be high and I know I have peripheral arterial disease, which is clogging my arteries. That’s 100% passed down from my mother side of the family… i’m hoping the infectious disease doctor will enlighten me to what the hell is going on in my lungs. I looked up the symptoms of my lung disease and I have every one of them, but they say there is a cure, but it takes two years… I’m not really enthused about having a sleep study done on me because I have to sleep in a strange place without my boys and I smoke a fair amount of dope from between I go to bed and wake up… just like yesterday afternoon when I tried to take a nap, once my pillow hit the bed my mind turned on again… Lord knows I miss the Quaaludes of yesterday year… Once I see the infectious disease doctor, I will bring all of that information over to my GP and see if we can put some sort of sense to all of this… if I can find the reason for my severe fatigue and do something about it, that would make my life completely different… I appreciate your interest in my situation, I am pretty much an open book so ask away on the questions…

On a different note, when I opened up the door to let the boys out this morning, a little bird came flying into the house. He’s been in every room and I’m not sure how I’m going to get him out of here without hurting him…


Well-known member


So simple to make and so wickedly strong. Truely "Talk to GOD" grade if you dive a bit too deep.

The power of the Lecithin compels you! It really is the driving part of Kat's recipe.
Decarb 240 F for 40 (115 C)
5-gram hash
1 tablespoon Coconut oil (15ml)
1 teaspoon Fearn liquid lecithin (5ml) any liquid will do.
Heat 220 F for 20 minutes
Freeze (optional)
Heat 220 F for 20 minutes
Fills 30 #0 capsules @ 65mg each.

Go into the light!


Cabana’s bitch
My interpreting this correctly, where you mix the Latin and coconut oil and the hash and then decarb that for 20 minutes, freeze it and then decarb it again? Do you have to strain this before putting it into a capsule? I’ve talked to God a few times too many in my past so I’m assuming if I break down your recipe and only use half as much as you use in a capsule that would get me to sleep but not bring God into the equation… I want to make something that helps me sleep very quickly, but I don’t want to feel drugged out in the morning


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I had no assumptions about anything whatsoever. Presuming that I did would be incorrect.
What I said was half in jest, half in disgust, that this apparently man made disaster occurred.
Unfortunately, there appears a high likelihood that we will never know what exactly happened.
And that those that know, or are in the know, never talk. I want this debacle to never happen again.
Or anything like it. :mad:
Sorry, I wasn't saying you definitely thought a particular way, just that it sounded like you did based on what you said. Sorry if I inadvertantly insulted you. As for the virus while it's looking more likely these days that it was man made, as far as i know there is no official proof yet. That being said doesn't rule out the possibility it was man made and unfortunately, this far after the fact I doubt we'll ever know for sure because as you say, the people who do know aren't talking. I am skeptical of the man made angle especially in China because China was hit at least as hard the US and if not harder and as we know the US lost almost one million people. China even went as far as using a fairly harsh zero tolerance policy where they locked people in their homes closing down entire cities for weeks at a time and still suffered significant losses. If it was man made i would say the virus got out in public by accident. Which only makes it less likely anyone will ever reveal the truth of what happened.

I too would like to think we learned our lessons and that such things never happen again although with the riddiculous ways countries behave towards one another in a never ending quest for power and money, I fear there will be even worse man made disasters in mankind's future. If we're lucky though, most of us in this thread will be gone before it happens.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yup - and I remember the last time I had a cold/flu - 1968 - was called Hong Kong Flu - and since then have never had the flu or a flu shot - had to have a coupla covid shots - or I wouldn't have been allowed to make some well planned international plane trips - but never got this covid thing either -
Pretty much the same for me. I only got the first two covid shots because I was in a high risk group becaus of my age and health issues. Still I went a long time just being careful when I was out and about but otherwise stayed mostly at home. Inever even came close to getting sick with anything back then or since. As for the added booster shots they've called for I haven't gotten any of those yet. Not so much because of any concern of the shots but more because my fairlt secluded life keeps me pretty safe.

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