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the newest revalation ive had on pot



so I was thinking many of us hold hits in for longer period to get the most thc out of the smoke but how long does it really take for your body to absorb the availible thc? I mean I know the longer i hold hits in the more of a head rush i get but where does thc end and loss of oxygen begin? also our lungs have a particular volume and there for surface area there has to be a perfect hit size because at one point at another the volume of ur lungs vs the volume of your lungs has to have a limit to the amount of smoke ur lungs can hold and an amount of thc that can possible.

so if anyone has got some science or ideas on the subject id like to know


Some friends and I were arguing about this one day. He seems to think that you get as high from a hit as soon as you inhale it, that there is no correlation between holding a hit in and getting even more stoned. He said this is because how your lungs filter air on the inhale. I actually don't know a thing about lungs so I couldn't argue with him. I look forward to this topic. Welcome to IC hope you have a productive time here.



I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
something like 95% of all thc is absorbed within the first 5 seconds of inhaling. so a quick pause when breathing in would be good but holding for a long time does nothing but irritate the lungs. it is however fun to do a ghost hit every now and then - burping up smoke 15 min after you put down the bong.


there was a scientific study either by MAPS or NORML that was specifically about this and it said not to hold in your hits


i figure it this way.... When you take a breath of air, you absorb all the oxygen instantly....so when you take a hit there is really no reason to hold it in more than a second or two


sunshine in a bag
Good point mangled.

I used to because I thought it actually did something, but now I know otherwise.


Thanks for all the replys. I too have heard that its between 2-3 second for thc to be absorb. I have also read that the most effiecent ways to smoke is out of bong or other water cooled pieces that the only thc lost is through what is exhaled. The next point to my study is going to be finding the golden ratio of lung size to hit size. now we know how long to hold it in how about how big of a rip to take is there there capicity our lungs have to absorb thc readily in to the blood.

Tommy G

:|Sweet Seeds®|:

I guess the best way is taking small hits while also inhaling some air, waiting untill the lungs get full with this mix, hold it for one second and then exhaling. Your health and high will only benefit from it and even if it makes you absorb only, lets say, 70% of the THC that you would absorb by holding it 3-5 seconds, that's the best procedure to chose and you'll be able to absorb the same quantity of THC by having 10 hits instead of 7 ;)

C'mon, if all thc or oxygen was consumed nearly immediately than all meditation and yoga based on pranayama would be ineffective.... and instead it is very effective.

I have been getting excellent hits by taking a half toke off the bong from the yogi sleeping position followed by a quick shot of nitrous oxide from an ISI cream whipper-- so half-smoke/half-NO2 ALL POWER YOGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obviously smoke it several different ways than find the way that is right for you, just like they show you on Sesame Street.

The Afficianado

D Rock

Yeah I read somewhere about this and I must try to simple hold in a little less than what im currently doing. I have been holding in my hits for a long time and maybe thats why my lungs have been hurting lately, DUHHHH. I agree less is best.


I read in UNDERSTANDING MARIJUANA: A NEW LOOK AT SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE BY MITCH EARLYWINE something about the receptors that absorb the cannabanoids close pretty fast when you take a hit. But alot has to do with how much thc etc they are recieving.
something like that

Storm Crow

Active member
When you breathe in, your body absorbs oxygen. Yet, all the oxygen is NOT absorbed- otherwise, giving mouth-to-mouth respiration would not work! There is still enough oxygen in your exhaled breath to sustain life.

Could it be the same with THC? Much is absorbed in the first second or two, but just sitting there in your lung, static, unmoving- only the molecules that are bouncing next to your lung tissue, have a chance of hitting lung tissue and being absorbed. The bigger the bronchi, the more chance that the THC has of not hitting the lung tissue.

Personally, I'm old school. I hold my hits for about a three count, then I do a small inhale again, "to stir things up". Then, almost immediately after the second inhaling, I exhale. It works for me. - Granny


When you breathe in, your body absorbs oxygen. Yet, all the oxygen is NOT absorbed- otherwise, giving mouth-to-mouth respiration would not work! There is still enough oxygen in your exhaled breath to sustain life.
storm crow

well yea that does make sense but sooner or later your lungs will run out of oxygen. granted it does take 30 or so seconds till u run out of oxygen. and on the stiring the smoke up point think of it this way the end point of the smoke is thousand of little avioli in ur lungs and if uve ever taken a bong rip you no that even after you cap the bong if u have smoke still left to clear you can see the smoke rolling back down. This is due to differnet densitys of the air and the smoke smoke is heaver so it falls and this cascading effect still goes out as the smoke is rolling through your lungs

Floro Joe

ExcelAtIt said:
The only one :jerkit: jerkin it is the guy who spent his money on floros.

Yeah I actually pull facts from reliable sources, instead of your youtube skinhead videos. You really make me look stupid there, joe...
Do a search on Google for 'non-racist skinheads' and see what you find,educate yourself bovver.
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Active member
i used to hold hits for longer but i realized a little while ago i got just as high only holding it for a few seconds.