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The International Church of Cannabis in Denver

I really don't need any additional reasons to be excited about cannabis but I just saw pictures of the interior of the new marijuana church in Denver and now I feel like I need to make my pilgrimage. I'd just love to get a photo standing inside of it because of all the amazing murals. Did anyone go when it had its opening service on 420?


Haven't gone but I plan to. Not big on cannabis type events, but the interior looked interesting enough to make me want to visit.


Dude I've driven by this place.....honestly don't make a pilgrimage.....if its the one on Logan.
Just because you drove by its no good?
Seriously, what's wrong with it?

Cmon man... i love mj but a cannabis Church is definitively an idiot thing...

something that could exist only in USA...

I'm european and i don't have to hide behind a fake Church to smoke a joint...

Do a pilgrimage to a real Church. That is something interesting and useful


Opinions are like assholes.
If you don't like how mine smells take your nose elsewhere.

If you need to smoke to see spaghetti monsters then have at it.

Have fun.
Opinions are like assholes.
If you don't like how mine smells take your nose elsewhere.

If you need to smoke to see spaghetti monsters then have at it.

Have fun.

I have no problem with your opinion. Just wanted a bit of an elaboration on why it's no good. Not saying it is good. Never heard anything about it before. Your post just didn't really have any info to it
Cmon man... i love mj but a cannabis Church is definitively an idiot thing...

something that could exist only in USA...

I'm european and i don't have to hide behind a fake Church to smoke a joint...

Do a pilgrimage to a real Church. That is something interesting and useful

"Real" church Sucks. Been there done that. Not for me. I've been smoking legal cannabis since 2000, in California, so yeah, not an excuse to get high. I am curious about this place as it sounds like an interesting idea to me. Cannabis has certainly made me feel more spiritual than church ever did. km glad you don't have to hide to smoke a joint, nobody should have to. Thanks for attacking me and the rest of country for no reason though. Not.


Well-known member
Cannabis is a blessing, used for spiritual and religious purposes for many centuries, by many peoples.

Honor and respect to those who hold these beliefs to be true.

Many have died and/or been imprisoned for their religious Cannabis beliefs and use. Very brave of the churches that are openly professing.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Like the church of Sunday football, that they used to deduct their beer, pizza, and cable tee vee expenses?


Well-known member
The churches that i know of want NOTHING to do with govt deductions. or govt involvement of any kind. Why give over religious freedom to govt?


The churches that i know of want NOTHING to do with govt deductions. or govt involvement of any kind. Why give over religious freedom to govt?

Are you affiliated with these folks and are they still around? I was pretty interested as I am always down to meet weed people, but in all fairness, some of the latest coverage (a bit old) hasn't inspired much confidence.


Well-known member
I've never been to the Denver church, but would love to stop in one day.

Well, the govt has beaten down many of the Cannabis church folk. Jail/prison of some of the membership has put a chilling affect on practices. Some of us that are still alive keep in touch, but not like we used to. I suppose that it didn't help that i moved clear across the country.