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The Gypsy Nirvana - Simple/Stupid Way - to grow good Cannabis - for £1/$1.20 -


Well-known member
There's so many ways to save on grow supplies. It took me years before I started buying containers. I'd use buckets, grocery stores often have a bunch they'll give you for free. From 1 gal to 5 gal. Just drill holes.

Back in the day my friends would peddle their bikes to Fred Myers at night, jump the fence, and they had all the organic Black Gold soil they could haul away. Growing with a 1000 watt light in their tiny apartments. I don't think they paid for anything back then besides the lights, still some of the best ganja I've smoked. From bag seed mostly. My other buddy, back in the 70s, would steal halides from the high school football stadium. It involved a lot of climbing.


Bag seed and ground dirt? You mean the stuff you vaccum off the carpet? Yuck!

Just kidding I'll never pay for another seed in my life after realizing how retarded everyone in the industry is. And soil? You had to be a fucking retard from day one to walk into a marijuana snake oil shop.


Active member
Very good idea. I've always felt the same. It's a WEED. Has grown for thousands, maybe millions of years. Always did indoor myself. Too paranoid for outdoor. People here call em ghetto grows. Little cab from wallyworld. Emergency blanketed walls. HPS spotlight torn up. Cheapo inline to cool. I grew fire for pennies. But like most fun hobbies, I got into it. Tent now, LEDs, a lot of additives like guano for instance. Still, HUGE fun. Very rewarding.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

Bag seed and ground dirt? You mean the stuff you vaccum off the carpet? Yuck!

Just kidding I'll never pay for another seed in my life after realizing how retarded everyone in the industry is. And soil? You had to be a fucking retard from day one to walk into a marijuana snake oil shop.

seed+pot+soil+water+sun+time - it is really that easy - isn't it Drewsif - no real need for all the fancy gee-gaws to grow this plant outdoors - although will need a few more things growing indoors - since its where the sun don't shine - usually.

There's so many ways to save on grow supplies. It took me years before I started buying containers. I'd use buckets, grocery stores often have a bunch they'll give you for free. From 1 gal to 5 gal. Just drill holes.

Back in the day my friends would peddle their bikes to Fred Myers at night, jump the fence, and they had all the organic Black Gold soil they could haul away. Growing with a 1000 watt light in their tiny apartments. I don't think they paid for anything back then besides the lights, still some of the best ganja I've smoked. From bag seed mostly. My other buddy, back in the 70s, would steal halides from the high school football stadium. It involved a lot of climbing.

There are many who start to grow because they are quite poor - so being resourceful and obtaining whatever kit you need for free - makes cannabis cultivation accessible to almost anyone - rich or poor - I even knew someone with downs syndrome who could grow a few plants outside once - they were his pride and joy

Very good idea. I've always felt the same. It's a WEED. Has grown for thousands, maybe millions of years. Always did indoor myself. Too paranoid for outdoor. People here call em ghetto grows. Little cab from wallyworld. Emergency blanketed walls. HPS spotlight torn up. Cheapo inline to cool. I grew fire for pennies. But like most fun hobbies, I got into it. Tent now, LEDs, a lot of additives like guano for instance. Still, HUGE fun. Very rewarding.

We all have to start somewhere - and the simplest and cheapest way is always the best on start-up.


Active member
Plants look good Gypsy, I like the low cost input focus, along with the centralized location difficulty level.
Cannabis looks a lot like c99, I know you said it was an auto though.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
My best buddies were growing in the Catskill mountains by the mid 70's. Of course it was all bagseed back then...

The secret was to only keep seeds from the good bags!
One time he found a teenie tiny seed in a Thai stick and grew it around 1975. It got 12 feet tall!

I paid attention to what they showed me..

I threw seeds around in those days, but didn't tend them and got tiny plants as a result.

I finally got serious in 1986 in the Everglades of south Florida...

I dug holes in the dirty sand and planted my seedlings...
I added nothing to those holes except love.
Didn't have to water because summer in S. Fla. it thunderstorms for a hour every afternoon...

So I added no fertilizers, but checked my girls 4 days a week....

I wish i had pictures but in those days you had to get film developed.
I didn't want the dude at Fotomat seeing the gorgeous 8 foot tall "Christmas trees" I was growing....

For the first time I was getting pounds of really good pot and all it cost me was my time and attention!
Thanks for sharing, Gipsy. Plants look great. Also a free alternative to perlite is earthworms. Wouldn't they actually feed on things like apples as they decompose? Maybe they're part of the natural combination that enriched that great soil you have.


Well-known member
Premium user
As you can see - I haven't managed to get most of these photo's at the right angle - that's the stupid bit of this thread - so I hope that you will still bear with me - lol

There is all sorts of detritus in the soil - bits of twigs and a very few stones - and it has a nice dark brown colour - particularly when wet.

View Image

This is the place I got my soil from - and I filled the pot 4/5th's full of it.

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Great thread GN!

Hope you are doing well!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ah yes - there are plenty of big fat earthworms in that soil out there - and maybe some in the flowerpot too - Hmmm - that's a thought -

Well its been a month since I posted about the mystery auto-plant that I have managed to grow on the balcony - and I still didn't chop it yet - since some kind soul popped by to replenish my dwindling supply of 'erb - there was no need to.

- During the past month the plant has weathered some very stormy weather - and so has been into the metal bin plant storm protector a couple of times - but did get bashed around a bit - so gradually I removed all the damaged fan leaves - and now - just before I harvest it - only the very mature bud-sites remain - with nice chunky buds showing enough resin to get me salivating.

*This pic is from maybe 2 weeks ago -


Thanks for sharing, Gipsy. Plants look great. Also a free alternative to perlite is earthworms. Wouldn't they actually feed on things like apples as they decompose? Maybe they're part of the natural combination that enriched that great soil you have.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Out in the apple tree the escaped flock of green parakeets have been gorging on the apples - and depositing their guano (shit) - as a form of payment - to the soil under the apple tree.

I had no bug problems - or mould yet - so I had better get to harvesting my plant - before anything untoward occurs - its overdue already some might say - but that plant has kept me company for the past 3 months - and I have grown rather fond of it - its not easy to kill your companion.



Active member
Great thread idea, keep it real.
I've grown guerilla in the woods on a zero budget for years (apart from gas for the ride), collecting soil from good patches in the forest around, scrapping plaster panels for gypsum, layerin rotten figs on topsoil and feeding with urine if needed, my main problem at the time was to find a place big enough for drying and curing all that stuff.


Excellent thread,
Looks to be some excellent buds too, much better than my outdoor auto this year and I used fancy soil and fancy nutrients.

Soil does indeed take care of its own pH from my experience. I fell for the "you need to pH soil" thing when I first started growing.
Plants suffered from ugly defects such as spots on leaves and rapid yellowing.
I dropped the pH pen a few years back and the spots disappeared.
I made many posts about what these spots on my old account. Went on for years, I thought my house had some pathogens that were making the plants sick. Turns out it was just the acidic pH adjustments I was using damaging the little guys in my soil that fed and took care of my plants roots (organic).

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
This has been the easiest and less stressful plant I have ever grown - over the past 45 years or so I have grown indoors and out in many different scenario's - and under many different laws - and always had to worry about if plod (coppers) would come a-knocking -

This time around - I just didn't care any more - and just for one plant - what could they do to me?

Here is the plant today - stripped of its bigger leaves - so as to show you what buddage is there -
