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The Gypsy Nirvana - Simple/Stupid Way - to grow good Cannabis - for £1/$1.20 -


White Window
If you got a east roof window like me there is only 3 - 4h direct sunlight, but from morning on(that's important for a good yield) but it get's pretty bright again in the late afternoon/early evening for about 2 - 3 hours when the weather is sunny, neighbors houses and glass reflecting sunlight to my windows.

Just took this picture from one of my window ladies 60min. ago. 👾



Well-known member
Mine only had 6-7 hours of direct sunlight maximum on sunny days, I’d love to see them in full sun all day 😱
I have the same problem! It´s the only reason I ended up choosing autos but you know what? Autos with lots of light also do waaay better than mine do inddors by the window/balcony door. :( :(

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The Amnesia Kush Auto's are flowering up nicely now - even showing a little resin - under not alot of sunlight lately - since its been kinda dull and rainy in London these past coupla weeks - looking at the weather forecast - next Thursday will be the only day with full day-long sunshine - but there should be enough between the clouds on the other days to keep them maturing sufficiently well enough for me - haven't even had to water them - so they are truly 'automatics' at this time - nature is just doing its thing -
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Alot more flowers coming out - and the plants are really filling out to be much chunkier in appearance now - the litt'lun (runt) of the trio has such a lovely sweet smell - 3 weeks or so till the kids go back to school - and thats when I will harvest them all - been kinda wet/sunny days on and off - but I'm happy with the progress the plants are showing -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
So nice to sit here at dawn with these 3 Amnesia Kush auto's - one tall - one medium - and one shorty - I can feel their vibe - and they are happy - as I am too - plenty of resin showing now - a slug got onto the taller one and had a munch last week - must have gained access from the side-wall - but didn't do much damage - the slug has been enjoying them too - lol

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Here is all 3 of the Amnesia Kush Auto's this morning - which have really put on some bud weight - since the last photo's - and have about 2 weeks to go before I'll harvest them - The first two had their picture taken in one of my new balcony chairs - but the last one is too tall for that - and would risk being seen from my neighbours windows and balconies across the road - so I took her picture where she is growing over in the corner of my balcony - we have just had some really nice sunny days - but its now turned kinda wet and cloudy with intermittent sunshine - and the forecast is more of that sort of weather for the next week or two -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Very nice 👍
Nothing like a bit of sun grown bud in the fresh air
Yes mr.brunch - absolutely - some leaves are loosing their colour now - as the buds drain the goodness out of them - as they approach the end of their lives - and that kinda saddens me - to know that they won't be keeping me company out there on the balcony any more - once they have fully matured - and I have to take them down - and will have to be rolled up in rolling papers and toked - once dried and perhaps cured a bit - but still regardless - I will surely savour the high that they will give me - so it's not all sadness - lol


Well-known member
For sure Hasch - there is always next year to look forward to - now I wonder what variety will be resident on my balcony next year - Hmmmm - so many to choose from -
I have just won some Mac and crack autos from seedstockers via the vault, so I expect they’ll do for me next year
My 2 auto amnesia this year came down at the end of July, and now the 2 pink cherry pie have taken over the bed… only just starting to flower so fingers crossed

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I have just won some Mac and crack autos from seedstockers via the vault, so I expect they’ll do for me next year
My 2 auto amnesia this year came down at the end of July, and now the 2 pink cherry pie have taken over the bed… only just starting to flower so fingers crossed
Congratulations mr.brunch - let us know how they turn out -


Well-known member
For sure Hasch - there is always next year to look forward to - now I wonder what variety will be resident on my balcony next year - Hmmmm - so many to choose from -
have you tried northern lights auto, or any of these before ?: