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Southern Star Seeds Grow


Active member
@ Hard Rain, definitely sounds like the Haitian pheno, usually the more productive side of the genotype...

As for those looking for this cultivar I feel your pain!!

I'm not one for stories but Nanan Bouclou was my prized seeds. I've been buying packs off of SSS of just NB for the last I don't know since about 2013 I think. Had at least 15-20 packs in total. Due to life, I had to cut down plants due to changing plans and have lost many of those 20 or so packs.

Back in 2016 I did a small seed run with a Guava smelling Male and the female was identical to the male...same smell and structure just much shorter. That Little pollen Chuck gave me close to 150 seeds. Over time I started growing them for testing, but as usual...I was never in a stable situation so I lost them.

I had a remainder of 118 seeds left from my initial selection from 2016...I just learned as of a few days ago that they are MIA. I think somebody in my family threw out the seeds by mistake or they touched the vial and left it somewhere. Shit is fucking killing me.

I immediately emailed Southern telling him I had lost my Nanan Bouclou seeds but he said he was out of it.

Then I found the last pack I had ordered from him about 8 months ago, which I was planning on popping after my selected pollen Chuck seeds...

Due to losing my selected seeds I immediately started the germination process on my last pack.
So far out of 20 seeds 4 popped, two have survived and two died.

I'm really hoping I get more to pop or if I can find my vial containing my 2016 seeds I'd consider myself one lucky and grateful bastard.

If I can manage to save this cultivar pure...I'll gladly trade with others.

I know that Idiit still has seeds as well, but he's no longer with IC. I'll try to contact him see what happens.

Either way, if SSS brings back the NB...he'll make a killing with sales.
anyone tried this yet?

Escobar - Thai82 x Colombian Gold
The newest edition to the Sativa strains here.
Using the very well known Thai82 strain, the Escobar has a very unique smell, and from using a Colombian Gold father, also benefits from an increase in colour and overall crystal coverage. The smell is akin to a sour sweet odour. Very nice.
Grow Area : Definitely outside and at least subtropical.
Flowering Times : At least 10 weeks.

hmm thai82 huh?
hopefully these are actually green hornet sourced
the 82 has a green open structured expression and also a purple and somewhat more potent pheno, I do hope the purple is the schizz in this:)



Active member
I might be running some "Rhino Gold" soon...

Hopefully I find something close to Nanan. I'll post pics whenever I get them going


Well-known member
Has anyone run the SkunkStar? Ive always wondered if the oldschool Skunk terms everyone is looking for is hidden in this hybrid.
Have a full pack of the Nanan and sounds like there decent from the report in the thread, The Escobar also looks nice! Peace Kitcha


Active member

I was contemplating the Skunk Star too, I'm only going with Rhino Gold simply to pheno hunt plants similar to what I had from Nanan Bouclou seeds...

Would love to see a grow report of an auzzie's version of Skunk.

Also, hoping you crack some of your Nanan's and show us what you get.

His Lime Spider looks fire too


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Rhino Gold

Rhino Gold

Got some RG going, in hopes that I find something similar to the Nanan B's I had...

These have that guava aroma associated with the NB but I'm starting to think everything I grow has that smell for some reason...

Out of 10 seeds, 4 have some type of mutation...be it crinkly leaflets or two fingered leaf instead of the usual 1,3,5 fingered patterns.

This one seemed to kinda top itself just 2 weeks from breaking soil...




Active member
Looks like SSS has shut down, site is gone and email bounced.

Anyone have any info? Hope everything is alright.


Active member
Popped the only pack I had of Nice Chunk, I think 12 beans all up, 4 suffered under bad conditions with me getting the tent set up and went to compost. The only one to survive was this one.

Shouldn't have just left them sitting in the cupboard!



Active member
Any updates on that Nice Chunk? I recently flew back to Puerto Rico to get my seedstash...turns out I had some SSS freebies.

I found my Nanan Bouclou F2 seed stash i made back in 2016 I believe it was. It was the Guava smelling phenotype, so im ecstatic to pop those in a few months god willing.

Of the SSS freebies, I have a small amount of Nice Chunk. If I can get those to pop i'll send some out after a repro.


Active member
One turned into many! They're in the flip room. I'm running cuttings in different soil mixes to see what works best. Original seedling mother is in the back right next to the first cut.
I popped some of the Skunk Star too and got 3 plants, 2 different phenos. 2 are squat indica the other is stretching.


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Lesnah, great idea on the repo's.

I'll start popping the other beans I have and see what I can find, hopefully there are a few studs in the mix.