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Sour Bubble



Man Bog, I just had the honor of tasting one of the tops off a Sour Bubble test grow and must say that is some real nice work.

Excellent buzz, smell, sticky as hell, and taste is unique. Grown very well by a member. Super crystals and that unique sour smell reminds me of the Sour Grapefruit I had in Hawaii this last round.

Good show, your really onto something with that strain

Keep up the excellent work.

I will grow this strain myself for sure based on this sample



I'm glad you enjoy the sour bubbles as much as I do.

I wish we could have saved the mother, but Oh well I'll just do another run of those test seeds soon.

Thanks BOG


Out of this world quality bud.

Of the Bog strains I have smoked(BMR, LSD, BB) this is head and shoulders above that.

I have some GP clones here that have promise but so far Sour B is the shit.

Shoots, he scores



Another week now in the jar for my sample and this is some friggin bad ass weed.

The Distinct Sour Smell and exhale with a killer buzz

That shit is badass SP, excellent job



Thank You Sir,

I'm a proud father for sure.

I'm excited to do another run with the 2nd backcross for BOG


Active member
Gimmi some, when they out??.... id like to do some SourBubble for my next grow...

im toking BogBubble at the moment, and that is some fine weed, so i can't wait to give your SB a taste!!



Bubblegum Specialist
Meduser, I sent you 5 calendars and now I am gonna send you a few sour bubble 2nd bx seeds. :)

In return I hope you will make some clones or f2's for your members. Any proceeds from the calendars should be saved toward the cost of testing the SB eventually.

Now available at 80 usd for 12 good 2nd bx SB seeds at Seedbay and this is a per pack deal. Not auction. This pre release is exclusively at www.seedbay.com for now.

The seeds have proven to germ and grow well so dont wait until the limited supplies run out and be sorry. I give them a month till gone and then another 2 months until i can restock.

Watch the results of our most trusted growers. So Quick has also agreed to do a grow for me. :) I am thrilled to be the creator of Sour Bubble and it isnt a cross.

When it wins a few cups I too will have the validation as a breeder RM just obtained. In reality SB's 4th place finish in the 420 cup was ahead of the second and third place sativa's in score and only 1 tenth of a point behind Soma's Winning Sativa Amnesia Haze. The buds were just a bit too compressed and a bit too dry after a month in the lost delivery. I had the package redirected finally but it took a month to get to the DAM.

Watch me next time, I plan to slam the show... ;) BOG


That is so VERY generous of you BOG my man!
I can't WAIT!

The calendars won't be sold! I will be keeping a couple for myself and the other three will be given away as prizes at my site! ( www.meduser.ca )
As I mentioned earlier to you, I am hoping we can work out a way for me to either purchase a few of these or get them printed myself. THOSE ones will be auctioned off at the site, to help cover costs.
As for the SB...man you MADE my day!
That and the GRAPE PUNCH are the only two of your (and GP's) strains I haven't been fortunate enough to obtain yet, and I am REALLY excited about them BOTH!
No worries about getting the testing done!
My lab works for meds.... so they will be happy to have some SB in exchange for the (HPLC) Chromatograph work when the time comes!
I hope to introduce you to these folks when you are around.
We will have to chat more when I speak with you next.
Maybe we should speak on the phone at some point soon, re; your upcoming family excursion to Vansterdam! (the promised land)
Let me know and I'll PM my number to you over at my site.
Again...THANKS BOG! You da MAN!


Bubblegum Specialist
I have the addy so I will get some of both out to you soon. My son is gonna take his wife to meet you in Vancouver so I will meet you later but he wants to meet you. BOG :)

So Quick

Aw man BOG...you spoiled it!! I wanted to hit people over the head wit my SB grow...sorta like a sneak attack

Anyways, I'm headed down yonder first thing tomorrow mornin, so I should be hittin you up tomorrow evening wit the thumbs up



Lol - i've got some Lifesaver seedlings happening right now - but now it seems they are old news..................
Still - it'll be news for me.........lol


Bubblegum Specialist
The truth is all my strains are quite worthy. All my seeds go up in price for the new year to the same level and this should overjoy my competitors. :)

In reality BOG Seeds is a very small company and little threat to anyone.

So Quick, You gotta tell me to keep shut or my mouth is known to be large. :D I am so proud you offerred to grow some I couldnt keep news like that secret. sorry... ;)

Nobodyknew, your lifesaver seeds are among my most popular. Much more tested by so many it has been rated my best. Sour Bubble is probably even stronger but it doesnt grow on much in flower. It takes awhile in veg too. Most people love growing Lifesaver, Bogglegum, Bogbubble, Sweet Cindy, Blue Moon Rocks, Grape Punch, Sour Bubble or medley. Lifestar and Super Bubblegum as well as Sour LSD will be coming soon. :) There will always be something new but nothing will ever replace any BOG Strain. As always Satisfaction is Guaranteed because how else would I want you to be... :wave: BOG


Bubblegum Specialist
Sour Bubble 2nd bx germ test of throw aways...

Sour Bubble 2nd bx germ test of throw aways...

I should have sent these out as testers but they looked crappy. BOG

If I wouldnt give them away imagine how I cull the ones I sell. :)


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